11-10-58 v COMMISSION METING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH NOVEMBER 10,1958 I. Call to Order. 2. Approval of Minutes of Meeting of October 27 1958. 3, Communications to Commission. _ r I, . , / cm, 4. Recogni' ion of Visitors. 5 Bids on Storeroom. 6. City Manager. a. Sewer Project Iqspaction. b. Wm. S. Smith Const.Co, Estmate #4 - S12,763.80 c. Joe Reinertson of Jan. EstSmate 04 - 5( 000.00 d. henry G. Durree Co. Estimate #2 9,788.00 e. Bids on Gravity Sewers. 7, Ordinances: a. Door to door selling. b. Zoning Ordinance, 8. Reports a, Direotor of Public Safety. 9, Commissioners. MINUTES OF THE REGULARMEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD aT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10TH� 11958 at 8P.M. Presents Wm. S. Howell Preben Johansen Chas. R. Moore Hugh Roberts, Commissioners and J.F. Waggoner, Jr. , City Manager Adele S . Grate, City Clerk The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Howell 0 Minutes of the meeting of October 27th, 1958 were approved as written upon motion of Mr.. Roberts, seconded by Mr. Moore. A letter was read from l ommissioner Marvin submitting his resignation as a Commissioner due to personal and business reasons and asking that same be effective as of November 10th, 1958. Mr. Moore moved that this resignation be accepted with regrets. The motion was seconded by Mr. Roberts and carried. The appointment of a Commissioner to fill Mr. Marvin°s unexpired term was next considered. Mr. Moore moved that Dr., W. Laney Whitehurst be appointed to fill. Mr. Mar vin°s unexpired term as Commissioner. The motion was seconded by Mr. Roberts and carried. Whereupon Dr. Whitehurst was sworn in as Commissioner by the City Clerk and joined the Commissioners at the table for the remainder of the meeting. Mr. Howell recognized visitors present and called for any business from the floor. There was none An invitation to bid was given to all licensed contractors in Atlantic Beach and these bids were received at this time. The following bids were opened and tabulated. Fred L. Ahern, Builder, Inc. $2,387..48 Ross Construction Co. 2,750.00 F.O. & W.M. Sandberg 2,442„00 Tharp.Stapp Lumber Co. .Inc. 2.489.00 These were the only bids received. Following study and discussion Mr. Moore moved that the low bid of Fred L. Ahern, Builder, Inc. be accepted. Motion was seconded by Mr. Roberts and carried. Mr. Waggoner advised that the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare will make a project inspection on the sewer work on Novem- ber 12th with view of making a payment on the Federal Grant on this 1 Minutes 11-10-58, Page #2 project, Mre Waggoner presented the following Estimates from contractors on the Sewer Project as of October 31. 1958 and recommended that they be paid a Wm. So Smith Coo , Estimate #4 $12,763.80 Henry G. Dupree Co. , Estimate #2 9,78 ,00 Joe Reinertson of Jax . ,Estimate #4 5,000.00 Upon motion of Mr. Moore, seconded by Br, Whitehurst and carried, approval was given for payment of above estimates as listed, Mto Johansen moved that the City Attorney be requested to write the last part of the Zoning Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Mr. Roberts and carried, The Fire Department report for the month of October, 1958 was received and filed, There being no further business Mr. Howell declared the meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M, </-7 // ,/ 40/ Wm S. Howell, Mayor- Commissioner Attest Adele S Grage, City Gley