12-08-58 v COMMISSIO:gMEEING CITY OF ATLANTIC DEAmli December 8, 1958 1. Call to Order. 2. Approval of Minutes of Meeting of Zovember 24, 1953. Approval of Minutes of Meetin.,7 of Lievember 25, 1958. Approval of Minutes of ;Meeting of December 1, 1958. 3 aecognition of Visitors. 4. Communications to Commission. 5. City Manager 1. Sanitary Sewer System. 2. Estimate 05, Wm. S. Smith Const.Co. 014, 540.40 3. Estimate ."3, Henry G. Dupree Co. 010,213.00 6. Ordinances: 1. 1959 Budget, Final Reading 2. Beverage License Locations, Final Readin 7. 01114.4.47-11-e- eptAA.4,4_ 9. Reports Coraraissioners. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEET.1NG OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA HELD AT THE CITY HALL ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 8TH, 1958 AT 8 P.M. Present: Wm. S. Howell Preben Johansen Chas. H. Moore Hugh Roberts, Commissioners and Frank Thompson, City Attorney J .F. Waggoner, Jr. ,, City Manager Adele S.; Grage, City Clerk absent : W. Laney Whitehurst. , Commissioner The meeting was called to order by the Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Howell. Minutes of the meeting of November 21+ths 1958 were approved as written upon motion of Mro Johansen. seconded by Mr0Moore. Minutes of the meeting of November 25th, 1958 were approved as written upon motion of Mr. Johansen, seconded by Mrd Moore.. Minutes of the meeting of December 1st, 1958 were approved as written upon motion of Mr. Moore, seconded by Mr. Johansen. Mr. Howell recognized visitors present and called for any business from the floor. T.W. Parsons, Jr. presented a blue print of a proposed layout for lots for a trailer court and requested permission to operate such a court on his acreage lying to the north of and off Levy Road. He advised that he would sell any pf the lots if anyone wanted to buy. The question of water, sewerage and street paving was discussed, and it was also noted that he would have to comply with State Board of Health regulations. Upon motion of. Mr, Roherts, seconded by Mr. Moore and carried the matter was referred to the Zoning Committee for recommendation and report at the next meeting. A letter was read from G.A0 Coon requesting permission to move a house presently owned by his brother, Dr. L.O. Coon from the Matport Area into Atlantic Beach. Mr. Waggoner had dented the permission due to the fact that the house does not meet our building code requirements. The matter was discussed and upon motion of Mr, Johansen, seconded by Mr. Mcofe and carried the request was denied. A letter was read from the Atlantic Beach Fire Association expressing their appreciation of the dinner given them by the City. Minutes 12-8-58, Page #2 Mr. Waggoner presented the following Estimates on sewerage contracts and advised that they had been approved by the Engineer and he recommended that they be paid: Estimate #5 - Wm. S. Smith Construction Co. $14, 540.40 Estimate #3 - : ersry G. Dupree Co. $10,213.00 Mr. Moore moved that these estimates be pad from the Sewer Fund, seconded by Mr. :Johansen and carried. A bill was presented from D.B. Watts covering additional premium on the Builders Risk policy carried on the Sewage Disposal Plant, in amount of $40.E Mr. Roberts moved that this bill be paid f?om the Sewer Fund, seconded by Mr. Moore and carried. Mr. Waggoner reported that Fred L. Ahern, Builder has completed the work on the storeroom as covered by his contract and he is approving for payment the bill for same in amount of #2387.48. Mr, Tom Ellis and Martin Williams, Jr. have requested a meeting with the Commir,sion to discuss a development in which they plan to build 25 .. + apartment houses on the Mayport Rd. just north of the Greig property, as regards sewers water, etc. It was decided to meat with them on Monday evening December 15th. A letter was presented from Mr. Walter J. Parks, Engineer esti- mating the cost of the gravity sewers complete with manholes to be equivalent to $3.30 per lineal front foot of property bene- fitted, enefitted, and the cost of curb sewers will be $50.00 each. The plans and specfications are on file in the City Clerk's office. The Clerk was directed to publish the Notice of Public Hearing to be held tit 8 P.M, on December 22md, 1958,.; on the Resolution desig- nating a sewer district. The Cor►mission next went into session for Public Hearings on two Orlinances in line with Notices as posted. . The first Ordinance considered was Ordinance #20-58-2 covering the +3udget for the year 1959 The Ordinance having been read in full and no one appeared either for or against, Mr. Roberts moved its adoption on second and final readinga, which motion was sec- onded by Mr. Moore. Said motion having been duly considered Vic, Mayor put the question thereon and the vote was: Aye: Johansen, Moore, Roberts, Howell Nay: None Absent: Whitehurst 'Thereupon the Mayor declared said motion carried and said Ordi nance #20-58-2 adopted on second and finalleading. . 4110. Minutes 12-8-58, Page #3 The next Ordinance considered was Ordinance #lO .58-4 cover- ing location of vendors of alcoholic beverages. The Ordinance having been read in full and no one appearing either for or against Mr. Moore moved its adoption on second and final reading, which motion was seconded by Niro Johansen. Said motion having been duly cobsidered the Mayor put the question thereon and the vote was : Aye: Moore, Roberts, Johansen Howell Nay: None Absent: Whitehurst Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion carried and said Ordinance #10-58-4 adopted on second and final reading. The Public Hearing and passage of Ordinances having been com- ar pleted the Commission tient back into business session„ A letter was presented from Henry M. .,arch, Vice-President of the Sandbar, Inco requestir;. permission to move the location of their beverage 1if;anse #176 from 171 Atlantic Blvd. , Atlantic Beach to a new locat'on known as 469 Atlantic Boulevard, Atlan- tic Beach and to change the name of the licensee from Sandbar,inc. to " The Beachcomber. Bar and Cocktail Lounge% The matter was discussed and upon motion of Mr. Moore, seconded by Mr. Johansen and carried, permission was given for the change in location and n jname as requested The Police Department had no report° Mr. Howell presented the report of the Fire Department for the month of November, 1958 which was received and filed. Mr. Moore brought up the question of the speed of ambulances and other emergency vehicles and what control we had over them. It was brought out that the Traffic Ordinance covers such speed. There being no further business the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned. i / , I Attest: W� . S. How: 1, Mayor- /; Commissioner Adele S. Grage, City C rk