AT 8 P.M,
Norman Minchew
Glover Weiss
Marvin Carr
Wino S. Howell
R.L. Wardrep, Counci ...mei
J.A. Reid, Mayor
Frank Thompson, Town Attorney
J.F. Waggoner, Jr. , Town M A NA 9-E R-
Adele S. Grage, Town Clerk
The meeting was called to order by the Fre :ident, Mr, Minchew.
Minutes of the regular meeting of nlanuary 28ths 195:' were ap-
proved as written upon motion of, Mr, Howell, seconded by Mr. Wardrep.
Mr. Minchew recognized visitors present and called for any business
from the floor. Mr. Walter. Freeman, chairman of the Committee on
the new charter presented the Council with copies of the proposed
new charter, as prepared by his committee, for the Council 's con.
sideration and study, Mr. Minchew thanked the committee for their
service in preparing this proposed charter. It was decided that
the Council would meet with the charter Committee on Thursday Night,
February 21st at 8 P.M. to go over axe charter with them in informs
mal session.
A pension plan for Town employees was next considered. Mr. C ,E.
Young of Aetna Life Insurance Co. advised that he would like a
little more time to get a suggested plan ready and expects to have
one ready to offer by the next Council meeting. Mr. Wm. "Bill°
Collings of Adon Smith Associates, presented 3 plans for the Coun-
ounFcil°s consideration on pension. He went over the plans briefly and
advised that his company act as consultants and advisors but do not
sell the insurance. The matter taken under consideration and studied.
Bids were received on new trucks as follows s
Bob Pratti,Chevr olet 2- dump truck.4 $2,711.32 each
1.- pickup t3°:i k 1,246.34
Lynch.Davidson Motors 2- dump trucks 2,896.00 each
Ford 1:, pick,,up truck 1,320,00
Quinn R. Barton Co. 2- damp trucks 2,780,00 each,
1nteb°national 1- pick-up tr 4ck 1,265.90
Duval Motor Coo 2- dump trucks 2,727,00 each
Ford pickup tracks 1,246,00
Riverside Chevrolet Co, 2.. dump trucks 2 882,24 each
p ck-up truck 1,362.75
Groff GMC Trucks, Inco 2- dv .p trucks 3,009,39 each
l, pick-up truck 1,409.52
Southern Truck tsales 2- dump trucks 2,747. 5 each
Dodge 1- pickup truck 1,269.85
Upon motion of Mr. Howells seconded by Mr. Weiss the bids were
received for tabulation and ref'mrred to the Finance Committee and
the Town Manager for study and awarding
Bids on new fire hose were received as follows :
111 2* Inch 1* inch
Holley Edwards Sales, Inc. $1.23 per ft, $.81 per- 't.;
Grage Texaco Service 1.086 t, 0787
Fire Fighters Equipment Co. 1.31 0° " .94
Eureka Fire Hose Div. 1.35 °" t` .95 s,,
�► Minutes of 2-11-57 Page #2
The bids for fire hose were studied and upon motion of Mro
Wardrep, seconded by Mr. Weiss the low bid for B.F. Goodrich
hose as submitted by Grage Texaco Service was accepted as the
lowest and best bid.
Mro Waggoner advised that he had received a report showing that
the Town was not among the successful applicants for assistance
by the Federal Government for grants on sewerage plants.
A letter was presented advising that the property at 307 Beach
Ave. belonging to Mrso M.C. Jennings of Columbus, Ga. should
not be listed as two units, as Mrs. Jennings will use the garage
apartment as servants quaFters and it will not be rented at any
time. it was therefore requested that the place be listed as
one unit for both water and garbage and that she be refunded the
$12.00 charged for the 2nd unit, There was a discussion in which
it was brought out that they were new owners living out pf town
and have made the request promptly on finding that they had paid
for 2 units, therefore it was moved by Mr. Weiss and seconded by
Mr. Wardrep that Mrs. Jennings be refunded $12.00 and that her place
be listed as one uni a Motion carried.
Upon motion of Mr. Wardrep, seconded by Mr. Carr approval was given
to accept the payment of 0.370 as our pro-rata share of taxes
received by County In Tax Sale on Lot 6, Block 177, Section "H"
Upon motion of Mr. Wardrep, seconded by Mr. Weiss approval was
given to pay invoice in amount of $7175 for services rendered
on new charter by Mrs. Iris Jones.
Upon motion of Mr. Carr, seconded by Mr. Weiss approval was given
for payment to Barnett National Bank of Jacksonville of $4,005.60
to cover interest coupons due March 1, 1957 on Waterworks Bonds.
Mr. Minchew presented Ordinance No. 199 being an Ordinance to Amend
Budget Ordinance No. 197 by adding ►Selve Marina Sewerage items, for
third and final reading. This Ordinance having been read Mr. Weiss
moved that said Ordinance be passed on third and final reading, which
motion was seconded by Mr9 Carr. Said motion having been duly con-
sidered the President put the question thereon and the vote was
unanimous "aye. Whereupon the President declared said motion
carried and said Ordinance #199 adopted on third and final reading.
The Treasurer' s report for the month of January, 1957 was presented
and upon motion of Mr. Weiss seconded by Mr.Wardrep was accepted
and filed.
The current bills were studied and upon motion of Mr. Weiss, seconded
by Mr. Carr were approved for payment in amount of $24.13.75,
The Town Manager's report was received and filed.
The Fire Chief's report was received and filed.
Upon motion of Mr. Weiss , seconddd by Mr. Carr insurance covering
Fire & Extended Voverage was given to Transurance .insurance Co.
of America,
It was decided to meet on Thursday night, February 28th, 1957 at
8 P.M. for a discussion with Mr. Allen swing as to the financing of
a sewerage project.
Upon motion of Mr. Wardrep the meeting adjourned from day to day.
LW r-
orman Minchew, President
Attest ;
Ctde- cg •
Adele S. Grage Town cf Ler' :