Norman Minchew
Glover Weiss
Marvin Carr
Wm. S. Howell
R.L. Wardrep, Councilmen
Frank Thompson, Town Attorney
J.F. Waggoner, Jr" Town Manager
Adele S. Grage, Town Clerk
The meeting was called to order by the President, Mr. Minchew.
Minutes of the regular meeting cf April 8th, 1957 were approved
as written upon motion of Mr. Howell, seconed by Mr. Weiss.
The President recognized visitors present and called for any
business from the floor. Mr. Waldo Stockton spoke on behalf of
a delegation present representing Ocean Front property owners
in the north section of the Tarn. They together with property
owners north of the. Town Limits have secured the County Commission's
approval by Resolution to close the beach one mile north of the
Town limits for the same period and times as provided by our present
Ordinance #2010 This leave-s the strip from 15th St. to 16th St.
open, and they would like to request the Council to close this
block. They would also request the co-operation of the Town in
maintaining the physical barrier on the north end for the County9
and suggested that someone be app44nted to get with the County
and try to work out a solution to the problems involved. There
was considerable discussion as to patrolling barricading, etc.
The matter was referred to Mr. Waggoner and Mr. Thompson to see
what can be worked out.
As to extending the area of beach to be closed in the Town, Mr.
Howell presented an Ordinance by Title only amending Ordinance
#201 to close the 15th Street ramp during the specified hours
and change the north limit for roping to the north line of 16th
Street and moved its adoption by Title Only on first reading.
Said motion was seconded by Mr. Weiss and having been duly con-
sidered, the President put the question thereon and the vote was
Aye : Carr, Howell, Wardrep, Weiss, Minchew
Nay: alone
Whereupon the President declared said motion carried and said
Ordinance adopted on first reading.
Upon motion of Mr. Carr seconded by Mr. Howell the Ordinance
was presented for adoption by Title Only on second reading.
Said motion having been duly considered the President put the
question thereon and the vote was:
Aye: Carr, Howell, Wardrep, Weiss, Minchew
Nay: None
Whereupon the President declared said motion carried and said
Ordinance adopted on second reading
Bids were received for the appraisal of all taxable real property
within the corporate limits of the Town in line with specifications,
as follows :
Hunnicutt & Associates $5,800.
R.H. Hamilton 6,000.
Cole-Layer-Trumble Co. 5,580.
• Upon motion of Mr. Carr, seconded by Mr. Wardrep the bids were
received for tabulation and referred to the Finance and Taxation
Committee for study and recommendation.
Mr. W. Alexander Johnson of Cole-Layer-Tremble Co. was present and
answered questions on the proposed appraisals.
, \
L .
Mi.n to s 4-22-57 s Wage #2
Mr. Waggoner advised that the final draft of the new charter had
been completed and the required copies were given to Senator
Fletcher Morgan on Sunday, May 21st.
Mr. Waggoner presented a bill from Mrs. Iris Jones covering
services rendered in preparation of final draft of new charter
in the amount of $105.00 for approval of payment, and requested
that this bill and the previous ones covering services rendered
on typing the charter be paid from "unallocated funds". Upon
motion of Mr. Howell, seconded by Mr. Carr approval was given for
payment of this bill in amount of $105.00 and that all the bills
covering services rendered on the new charter be charged to "un-
allocated funds".
Mr. Harcourt Bull advised that he had contacted some of the pro-
perty owners on Church St. but has no definite report at this time.
The Saltair Lots invilved in the proposed park site were discussed
and Mr. Minchew advised that he thought that as a beginning point
we need a firm price on the lots owned by Mr. Bull and associates.
Mr. Howell suggested that a committee be appointed to work out
details of boundary and prices with Mro Bulla Mrd Minchew ap-
pointed Mr. Howell, Mr. Weiss and Mr. Wardrep as a committee to
work on this matter and report back to the Council.
Mr. Waggoner requested approval for the purchase of 30 Tropical
meters which are the type being used by the Town at present.
Upon motion of sero Carr, seconded by Mr. Howell approval was
given for the purchase of these meters at competitive price*
Mr. Waggoner suggested that a committee study the present License
Ordinance with a view to any needed changes or listings as licenses
will be due July 1st. He also recommended that consideration be
given to zone the present unzoned area in the west section of the
Town. Mr. Bull re, jested that Selva Marina Unit #2 and that area
lying west of Sherry Drive from the Plaza north for a depth of say
300 feet be considered for zoning at the same time. Mr. Minchew
referred these matters to the Laws and Rules Committee.
Upon motion of Mr. Wardrep the meeting adjourned from day to day
at 9:35 P.M.
/ (AG
Norman inchew, resident
Adele S. Grage, To.. /Clerk