06-11-57 v MINUTES OF THE REGULAR.R MEETL:JG OF IsTE ATLANTIC MACH TOWN COUNCIL HELD AT THE TOWN HALL ON T%a teSDAY, JUNE 11, 1957 AT 8 P.m. Present : Norman Minchew, Wm. S. Howell R.L. Wardrep, Councilmen and J.A. Reid, Mayor J.F. Waggoner, Jr. ,, Town Manager Adele So Grage, Town Clerk The meeting was called to order by the President, Mr, Minchewo Minutes of the regular meeting of May 27th, 1957 were approved as written upon motion of Mr. Howell, seconded by Mr. Wardrep, Mr. Minchew recognized visitors present and called for any busi- ness from the floor, Mr. Harry Lo Morris, Sr. who -operates the bus between N.A.S= , Mayport and Atlantic Beach requested permis- sion to change his route in Atlantic Beach to turn off Atlantic Blvd. at East Coast Drive and proceed north to 15th St. thence east to Ocean Blvd. and south to Atlantic Blvd. On the return trip he would reverse the route. After discussion, and upon motion of Mr. Howell, seconded by Mxo Wardrep approval was given for this change in route. The following Resolution covering the opening of Registration Books for the Special Referendum Election on the new Charter was adopted upon motion of Mr, Howell, seconded by Mr. Wardrep: Resolution # 57-8 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, That The Registration Books for the July 23rd, 1957 Special Charter Election be open from June 17th, 1957 through July 17th, 1957 for registration of electors, same to be open during the hours of 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. Monday thru Friday, and 9 A.M. to 12 Noon on Saturdays, except Legal Holidays., Mr. Harcourt Bull advised that he has no further report on the Church Street right-of-way and that Louise Geprge advises that she will let him know when she is ready and there is nothing further he can do until she decides. Mr. Waggoner advised that he had called for bids on police car to be in by June 2+th meeting. Mr. Waggoner presented a bill from the East Duval County Mosquito Control for Landfill Services thru June 30th .. which is the close of their fiscal year - and upon motion of Mr. Wardrep, seconded by Mr. Howell it was approved for payment in the amount of $229.17. A letter was read from St. Paul s-By.The Sea Episcopal Church relative to the sale and publication of questionable literature and other material. It was brought out in the discussion that there is no place in the Town where such material or literature is sold, and the Town Manager was directed to answer the letter so advising them. The Town Manager advised that the Slade Gas Co. (Sellers) were selling gas in the Town without a license or collecting Utility Tax. Mr. Waggoner wanted to know how far back the Council wanted 410 us to go on collecting the tax as the driver said he had been deliveripp in the Town for 3 years. The Council directed Mr. Waggoner/Igo back as far as they have been delivering gas for the tax. Minutes 6//1/57 - Page #2 A letter was read from the Poinsetta Garden Circle relative to Atlantic Beach being a bird sanctuary and requesting per- mission to place signs with appropriate information in Atlan- tic Beach° The Town Manager was directed to find out if Atlantic Beach is a bird sanctuary and to ascertain what size signs are to be used. A letter was read from the Florida Board of Health advising that our Water Plant was given "Honorable Mention" in the category of plants serving under 10009 population, and they feel with continued efforts we will likely attain first place award in another year() The Treasurer's report for the month of May, 1957 was presented and upon motion of Mro Howell, seconded by Mro Wardrep it was approved. The current bills were studied and upon motion of Mro Wardrep, seconded by Mro Howell were approved for payment in the amount of General Fund $1,402.46, Waterworks $573. 60 The Town Manager's report was received and filed° The Fire Chief made an oral report of no fires for the month oo Mayo The matter of chairs was discussed and upon motion of Mro Howell seconded by Mro Wardrep approval was given for the Town Manager to purchase 6 captain's chairs (like one on loan) from Martin 0f. Lice Equipment Coo at approximately $28.00 each. There was a discussion as to when Mro Mallard will have work start- ed on the playground at the Elementary School. Mro Waggoner will contact Mr. Mallard about this. A letter was read from Senator Fletcher Morgan advising that House Bill #2070 covering Neptune Beach jurisdiction on Atlantic Blvd. had been recalled from engrossing room and was being sent back to the House for withdrawal from further consideration of the Legislature° Mrs Waggoner asked for advice on hiring a life guard who is 18 years old, but recommended by the Life Saving Corps. It was brought out that most of our life guards have only been about 18 years old when hired, and if he is recommended by the Corps it would be OK° Upon motion of Mr. Wardrep the meeting adjourned from day to day at 9;10 P.M, C . AiL/_ Norman Minchewa President Attest: Adele S. Grage, Town C k 41/ h. I