06-24-57 v t . MINU , T3 PDF :'] rr •(rf r ! T� '1 Tf t t
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8 P.M.
Norman Minchew
Glover Weiss
Marvin Carr
R.L. Wardrep
Wm. S. Howell, Councilmen
J.A. Reid, Mayor
Frank Thompson, Town Attorney
J.F. Waggoner, Jr. , Town Manager
Adele S. Grage, Town Clerk
The meeting was called to order by the President, Mr. Minchew.
Minutes of the regular meeting of June llth. 1957 were approved
as written upon motion of Mr. Wardrep seconded by Mr. Weiss
Sealed bids were received on 2 police cars ill line with the
"Invitation to Bid" issued by the Town Manage:. The bids were
tabulated as follows :
Lynch-Davidson Co. m Ford
2 regulars $1440.08
2 Intercepters 1471.78
Brooks Plymouth, Inc.
2 regulars 2390.00
2-police specials 3120.18
Bob Pratti Chev°olet
2 regulars 1689,32
Duval Motor Co. Ford
2 regulars 1598.00
2 Intercepters 1660„00
There was a discussion of the bids and the cars and it was brought
out that the bids covered 2 door cars, and Mr. Russell would like
for his to be 4 doom Mr, Russell also requested that the cars
be black with white tops, Upon motion of Mr. Howell, seconded by
Mr. Weiss the Lynch Davidson Motors, Inc., bid for the 2 intercep-
tor 1957 police cars weig accepted be
one car to be 2 door
and one 4 door and both cars to be painted black with white top
the additional cost to be as economical as possible
There was a discussion of the radios to be used in the new cars,
and the matter was referred to Mr. Waggoner and Mrn Weiss to get
further information.
Mrs. Minchew recognized visitors present and called for any business
from the floor. Art Hicks requested the Council to grant him a
permit to put up a metal shed for his fuits, vegetables, etc. on
the west side of the property he is now leasing on Atlantic Blvd.
It was brought out that this type of structure would not meet the
building code of the Fire District in which it is located. There
was further discussion and the matter was referred to the Laws and
Rules Committee.
Mrs. Ernest Butt and Mrs. H.M. Corse appealed to the Council to do
something about Lot Cleaning in the Town. There was a discussion
and the matter was referred to the Public Safety, Health and Sani-
tation Committee for study and recommendations
Mr. Car' reported that they expect to have some definite informa®
411 tion on hospitalization by the next meeting.
A letter received from Slade Gas Co. , Starke, Fla. relative to the
Utility Tax was referred to Mr. Frank Thompson, Town Attorney to
e inutes 6-24-57 - Page #2
Upon motion of Mr. Wardrep seconded by Mr. ( arr approval was
given to reinvest the $20$000. in Treasury Bills as provided
in Resolution 57.5.
A contract was presented from the Bast Duval County Mosquito
Control District to cover Landfill. This is in lieu of the
present contract the only change being to change the effec-
tive date to ccl#ncide with their fiscal year of July 1, 1951
through June 30, 1958o Upon motion of Mr. Carr, seconded by
Mr. Wardrep approval was given for the acceptance of this
contract with the Mayor and Town Manager to sign for the Town.
. letter was received from the Ocean Park Baptist Church rela-
tive to the sale and publication of questionable literature and
other material. The Town Manager was directed to answer in line
with previous communications.
The Town Manager presented a list of places on which he asked
the Council's direction as to garbage collection fee due to some
condition or situation that exists. The matter was discussed
and upon motion of .Mr. Wardrep, seconded by Mr. Carr it was re-
ferred to the Laws and Rules Committee to confer with Mr. Waggo-
ner with power to act.
A bill from the City of Neptune Beach covering sewage service
from :January 1, 1957 through June 30, 1957 in amount of $110.00
was presented. Upon motion of Mr. Wardrep, seconded by Mr. Weiss
this bill was approved for payment.
Mr. Weiss advised that he felt there should be more publicity on
the Charter Election and suggested that additional notices be post-
ed in the business section. Various ether means of advertisng
and publicity were suggested,,
Upon motion of Mr. Wardrep the meeting adjourned from day to day
at 9:25 P.M.
Norman Minchewr President
Adele So Grageq Town ' irk