Borman Minchew
Glover Weiss
Marvin Carr
Robt. L. Wardrep, Councilmen
J.A. Reid, Mayor
Frank Thompson, Town Attorney
J.F. Waggoner, Jr. , Town Manager
Adele S. Grage, Town Clerk
The meeting was called to order by the President, Mr. Minchew.
Minutes of the regular meeting of June 24th, 1957 were approved
as written upon motion of Mr. Weiss, seconded by Mr. Carr.
Mr. Minchew recognized visitors present, Among those speaking
for a group of citizens in protest to the relieving of E.G.
Bullock of his duties as Deputy Marshall were : Mr. and Mrs.
Robt. Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Lincoln Fox Mr. & Mrs, W.H. .Adams Jr.,
Dr. W.L. Whitehurst, and Mr. Frank Massone. They requested a
written list of the charges against Mr. Bullock and also copies
of written orders, if any, which were given him. It was also
suggested that the police be given their orders in writing to
avoid any question. The matter of "hot pursuit" was asked about
and Mr. Thompson advised that when ah e 'itnanoe of the Town is
violated in the presence of the Officer or where ha holds a
warrant for an offender "hot pursuit" is permitted. Mr. Hobt.
DeBell asked if it was not true that Mr. Bullock was present at
the Council meeting of May 7th, 1957 when the Council directed
that the Town Marshall not go outside the Town of Atlantic Beach
except on Town badness when on duty. Capt. H.A. Sailor asked
how long Mr. Bullock had been with the Town as Town Marshall and
advised that he thought that was long enough time to know his
duties and the Town Limits. Captain Sailor also requested that
something be done about the blind corner at 3rd St. and East
Coast Drive.
Letter of June 28th, 1957 was read from Mayor Reid asking formal
approval of the Council to his action of that date in relieving
E.G. Bullock of his position on the Police Force. It was recom-
mended that Mr. Bullock be given twa weeks vacation pay and 2 weeks
severance pay. Upon motion of Mr. Weis'.r ty Mr. Carr
approval was given to the Mayor°s action of Jun.c= 8th relieving
Mr. Bullock of his duties as Deputy Marshall with 30 days pay to
Mr. Bullock for the time as specified.
Letter of June 28th, 1957 and received at 9 A.M. of June 29th, 1957
was read from Mr. Bullock resigning as of 12 noon Saturday, June
29th, 1957 as Fire Chief. Upon motion of Mr. Carr, seconded by
Mr. Weiss the resignation of Mr. Bullock was acceped .
Mr. Minchew advised that a letter of resignation had been received
from Mr. Wm. S. Howell on June 29th, 1957 as Councilman, However a
letter of July 5th, 1957 from Mr. Howell withdrew the parts of his
letter relating to his resigning from Council., if, at its next
regular meeting the Council votes as to whether or not the Mayor's
action in removing the Deputy Marshall is ratified and confirmed.
Mr. Minchew advised that since the Council has taken such action
Mr. Howell 's resignation need, no action. He advised that Mr.
Howell is out of the city on vacation, and that the letters are on
file with the Town Clerk for any interested parties to read.
A letter was presented from Mr. Bruce Cox, President of the Atlantic
Beach Firemans Association advising that they unanimously recommend-
ed for Acting Fire Chief, Mr. Wm. S. Howell who is presently Assis-
tant Fire Chief ABFD, to serve until a permanent chief can be se-
cured. Upon motion of Mr. Weiss, seconded by Mr. Wardrep the recom-
mendation of the ABFA was accepted and Mr. Wm. S. Howell was ap-
pointed Acting Fire Chief.
There was no report on Lot Clearing or Hospitalization.
Mr. Thompson advised that he had written Slade Gas Co. relative
to unpaid Utility Tax
'i nutes of July 80.957 Page 2
Mr. Courtright of Hunn•j cult, & Associates was present and asked
the Council at what level they wished the assessments to be made.
The average level is 75 to 80%. although some go lower and some
higher, There was a discussion in which Mr. Courtright answered
questions in regard to the assessments and advised that they plan
to have their books open here at the Town Hall on August 1st and
2nd, for discussion with all interested property owners to come
and check their assessment. Upon motion of Mr. Weiss, seconded
by Mro Wardrep 80% was set as the level for assessments.
A letter dated June 28th, 1957 was presented from the City of
Neptune Beach's Attorneys relative to the Sewer Service Agreement
covering service to several properties in Atlantic Beach. It was
brought out that the agreement specifies a beginning date of
January 1,, l957T while we have already been billed for and paid
service charge under old schedule through June 30, 1957. There was
a discussion and upon motion of Mr. Wardrep, seconded by Mr. Carr
the Town Manager was directed to return the contract to the Nep-
tune Beach Attorneys advising them of the differences and request-
ing that it be brought up-to-date in line with terms as previously
agreed upon.
Mr. Waggoner presented several requests for garbage adjustments on
which the Council advised him
Mr. Weiss presented 2 bids covering radios for the new police cars
They were as follows :
General Electric m V495,00 each. plus $25.00 each
for installation
D'elivery:30 days
RCA r $368000 each plus 525.00 each for installation
Delivery: 15 days.
Mr. Weiss recommended the purchase of the RCA radios as the lowest
and best bid. Upon motion of Mr. Carr seconded by Mr. Wardrep
approval was given fop the purchase of two RCA radios for the new
police cars for $36840 each plus 4525.00 each for Installation.
The Treasurer°s reports for June w 1957 was presented and upon motion
of Mr. Wardrep, seconded by M.rr0 Carr was approved
The current bills were studied and upon motion of Mr. Wardrep, sec-
onded by Mr. Weiss were approved for payment in the amount of
General Fund $1,368037, and Waterworks Funds $521.97
The Town Manager's report was received and file o
Fire Department report presented from Wm, 6%, Howell, Assistant
Chief was received and filed.
The Special Charter Referendum of July 23, 1957 was emphasized
and all were urged to register before the deadline of 5 P.M.
July 17th, 19570
Mr, Weiss suggested that the Town give some kind of party, dance
orsomething in entertainment line for the Volunteer Firemen and
Auxiliary Police and their wives or families in appreciation of
the splendid job they are doing for the Town as unpaid volunteers.
It was suggested that a committee be appointed to determine the
kind of party they would like to have and bring recommendations
back to the Council. Mr. Minchew will appoint the committee.
It was brought out in the discussion when appointing an acting
Fire Chief that Mr. Howell and several other members of the ABFA
were qualified to act as Fire Chief and that the Fire Insurance
rates should not be affected.
Upon motion of Mr. Wardrep the meeting ad ourned from day to day.
Attest: n Qy,e.44.✓
d Norman N Lnchew, 'residen f
Adele S. Grage, To Clerk