11-12-57 v el ;Ise
Present :
Norman Minchew
Marvin Carr
Wm. S. Howell
Robt. L. Wardrep, Councilmen
Reid, Mayor
Qi 9F.. Waggoner.; Jr. , Town Manager
Adele S. Grage;; Town Clerk
The meeting was called to order by the President.,. Mr, Minchew.,
Mro Minchew recognized visitors present.. Among the visitors were
Commissioners Chas. Moore Hugh Roberts.: and Preben Johansen
Mr. Frank Kerber advised that the Volunteer Firemen had decided
they would like to have a barbecue at the Fire Station. They
estimate it will cost $150,00 or less. There was a discussion
following whici Mr. . Wardrep moved that up to $150. be approved
for a barbecue for the volunteer firemen, auxiliary policemen
and wives. The motion was seconded by Mr. Carr and carried.
Mr.. Kerber advised that the councilmen and commissioners were
Mr. Waggoner presented a list. of 1pts,lying next to improved
property,; teat can be mowed. Resolution #57-15 covering cleaning
off of these lots was presented by Mr. Carr who moved its adoption
Said motioi was seconded by Mr. Wardrep and being duly considered
the President put the question thereon and the motion was unani-
mously carried. Whereupon the President declared said motion
.arrled and said Resolution #57-15 duly adopted. Copy of said
Besoluteon # 57=15 is attached to these minutes and made a part
Mr. Carr advised that he has studied the Model Traffic Ordinance
and leelieves it will be a good ordinance for the Town to have.
There are some parts that are not applicable to a small places,
but some day we might need them and it did not hurt for them to
re:nai_n in the ordinance. After discussion and upon motion of
Fr. Carr , seconded by Mr. Wardrep an Ordinance to Adopt. the Model
Traffic Ordinance as approved by the Legislature was adopted on
first reading by Title Only. Upon motion of Mr. Carr, seconded
by Mr. Wardrep it was adopted on second reading by Tetle Only,
The Town Manager, committes and Police Chief to work out, the
speed limits to be filled in.
Mr. Waggoner advised that the City of Jacksonville have quoted
an approximate cost of $1,278090 to cover the installation of the
16 street eights at places as designated. Upon motion of Mr. Carr
seconded by Mr. Wardrep approval was given for the installation
of these 16 lights as quoted.
It was reported by the Town Manager that the Bond Attorneys think
it would be better for the Ordinance to be passed by the new C.m=
mission so the bonds would be in the name of the City of Atlantic
Beach, rather than by the present Council which would make them
read Town of Atlantic Beach. It was therefore decided to defer any
action on the Sewerage Ordina;roes, etc. until the new Commission
takes office. Mr. Waggoner advised that he believes if we have
all our preliminary woek done and erre ready to start work by July
1st, 1958 thatrould get the grant next year.
Mr. Waggoner requested approval to have the electric wiring done
and get doors for the new truck shed. Upon motion of. Mt. Howell ,
seconded by Mr. Carr, the Town Manager was authorized to get the
410 garage doors and have the wiring done.
The Treasurer's reports were presented and upon motion of Mr. Howell
seconded by Mr. Wardrep were approved.
liry - .. * + .
lAnutes 11-12-57 meeting -
Page #2
Current bi.i.ls were studied and upon motion of Mr., Carr9 seconded
by Mr., Wardrep were approved for payment in the amount of *31922,187
from the General Fund and $178.28 from the Utilities Fund0
The Town Managers monthly report was received and filed..
A verbal report was made by the Police Chief.
The Fire Chief ' s s report was received amd filed
A letter from Mr,, Justin Co Montgomery Mayor of Jacksonville
Beach was presented. Mr. Montgomery sugges sed the forming of
a tri.-city. advisory planning commission composed of representa-
tives from the governing bodes of each of the three beaches
to consider vartou . problems affecting the three communities
and to study these problems and make recommendations. This
letter was referred to the !incoming oornmisslon as they will be
the ones to work with such a group.
Uponmotion cf Mr 6 Howell the meeting adjourned from day to day
at 9s10 P.M.
/ <
Norman Minchew President
Adele S. Gage, T;- Clerk
1 -► ,
WHEREAS, the co-mingled and concerted growth of weeks,
grasses and underbrush upon the following lots, in the
Town of Atlantic Beach, to wit:
Block 1 Block 23 Block 53
Lot 7, Ei of 9 Lot 3 Lot 7
Lot 5 Lot $
Block $ Lot 6 Lot 12
Lot 9 Block 25 Lot 13
Lot 14
Block 9 Lot 3 Block 59
Lot 4
Lot $ Lot 5 Lot 1
Lot 9 Lot 3
Lot 13 Block 29
Lot 17 Block 60
Lot 3
Block 10 Lot 5
Block 34
Lot 9 Block 63
Lot 13 Lot 7
Lot 15 Lot $ Lot 14
Lot 9
Block 11 A. B . Terrace
Block 36
Lot $ Lot 10
Lot 12 Lot 9-10-11 Lot 11
Lot 1$ Lot 40
Block 41 Lot 41
Block 12
:J.Ft.Lot 9 & 10 Park Terrace
Ni Lots 1 & 3
Lot 7 Block 43 Lot $
Lot 9
W.Pt .Lot 1 & 2 A. B. Parkway
Block 17 Lot 3
Lot 4 Lot 3 , Blk. 1
Lot 1 W.Pt .7 & $,E.Pt.l & 2 Lot 4, Blk. 1
Lot 2 Lot 9
Block 50 S.W.Corner 10th & Ocean
Lot 12 Lot 6,Blk 2,Selva
Marina ; 1
W - . 4 ti
amounts to and constitutes a nuisance endangering the
general health, safety and welfare of the community
at large,
COUNCIL OF THE SAID TOWN, that it hereby declare the
condition on said lots a nuisance endangering the
general health, safety and welfare of the community
at large and directs the Town Clerk to forthwith
notify the owner of the premises upon which said
nuisance exists to abate such nuisance within 30 days
from date of notice.
r ---
Passed by the Town Council on November 12, 1957.
4 .e2.121212.-
Adele 3. Grage, Town C erk