12-06-57 v 44;
DECEMBER 6TH, 1957 AT 8 P.M.
Wm. S. Howell
Preben Johansen
Marion Marvin
Chas. H. Moore
Hugh Roberts, Commissioners
J.F. Waggoner, J1?. , City Manager
Adele S. Grage, City Clerk
The meeting was ^ailed to order by the Mayor7Commissioner,
Mr. Howell,
Minutes of the meeting of December 3rd, 1957 were approved as
written upon motion of Mr. Johansensecended by M °. Moore
Mr. Howell recognized visitors present and called for any business
from the floor. Mr. H.L. Morris of the Morris Transit bervice
requested permission of the Commission to run a larger bus on
his route. He advised that he has received a temporary 90 day
permit from Jacksonville Beach to pick up passengers there, so
he would like to increase his schedule to 12 runs (approximately)
a day leaving Atlantic Blvd. and going rorth on Sherry Drive and
Seminole Road to 15th St. then south on East Coast Drive to
Atlantic Blvd. then reverse the route going back to Mayport.
He is at present only making 2 runs a day with the smaller busses
as he hasn't been allowed to pick up in Jacksonville Beach. There
was a discussion in which Mr. Mervin objected to granting the per-
mit due to the .tact that he believes it will only cost the City
money using the big bus on the streets and we will get nothing
out of it. There was further discussion in which it was brought
out that since Jacksonville Beach has issued a temporary permit
we could go along with that and at the end of 90 days we will
know whether 1.t is satisfactory or not. Therefore upon motion of
Mr. Moore, seconded by Mr. Roberts permission was given to issue
a 90 day permit to Morris Transit Service beginning December 7th,
1957 to see if his schedule, which is to be posted with the City
Manager, will work. The vote was:
Ayes Johansen, Moore, Roberts, Howell,
Nays Marvin
It was brought out in the discussion that license fees on busses
and taxicabs are the .came, and it was decided that the entire
License Ordinance needs studying.
Mr. Waggoner reported that the City Attorney and the Biscal
Agent have been in conference on the Sewerage Project and he would
like for the Commission to take some action to get things moving.
There was a discussion of polling the freeholders, but it was
agreed that we need some definite facts out information to give the
people first. We need a report from the Fiscal Agent which we
should have in January.
i ' Minutes 12. 6. 57 M Page#2
A. bill was received from Ross Construction Co, in amount of
43,999.99 covering the erecting and completion of the truck
shed. The City Manager advised that the work is completed and
has been accepted by him? Mr. Roberts moved that the bill be *
approved for payment, seconded by Mr. Marvin and carried.
A letter was presented from Mr. Justin Montgomery, Mayor of
Jacksonville Beach suggesting the forming of a Tri -City Plan-
ning Commission t:a consider mutual problems of the three beaches
and suggest solutions and plans. It was agreed that this should
be a good plan ani upon motion of Mr. Johansen, seconded by Mr.
Marvin approval was given to the plan as set forth in the latter
and our willingness to co-operate, with the Mayor-Commissioner
and City Manager named to represent Atlantic Beach,
Upon motion of Mr. Marvin, seconded by Mr. Moore, Mr. Preben
Johansen was elected as Mayor Pro -tem bT the Commission.
There was a discussion of depositing the $20000.00 surplus in
General Fund In Federal Savings & Loan Associations. Whereupon
Mr. Moore presented Resolution #57-19C approving the depositing
of $l0,0000 in the Beach Federal Savings & Loan Association,and
$10,000. in the eirst Federal Savings & Loan Association in Jack-
sonville and moved its adoption. Said motio4 was seconded by
Mrs. Marvin and being duly considered the Mayor put the question
thereon and the v: t,e was
Ay.3: Johansen, Marvin, Moore, Roberts, Howell.
Nay: None
Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion carried and said Resolu-
tion # 57-19C duly adopted. Copy of said Resolution is attached
hereto and made a part hereof.
The City Manager requested that we get an opinion as to whether
we can do anything with the monies in the Utility Revenue Bdnnd
Fund. It was brought out that we would have to get the approval
of the Bond holders before the Ordinance could be changed, and
Mr. Harcourt Bull suggested that we secure a list of the Bond
Holders from the Paying Agent the next time the interest payment
is made.
Upon motion of Mr, Moore, seconded by Mr. Johansen the CPA
firm of Tyson & Meek were designated as auditors for the city°
Mr. Moore prevented Resolution #57-180 covering the appointment
of the officers of the City and moved its adoption° Said motion
was seconded by Mr. Roberts and being duly considered the Mayor
put the question thereon and the vote was
Aye: Iohansen, Marvin, Moore, Roberts, Howell
Nay: None
Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion carried and said Resolu-
tion #57-18C duly adopted. Copy of said Resolution is attached
hereto and made a part hereof.
Minutes 12.~.6-57, Page 03
Mr, Johansen introduced an Ordinance in writing said Ordinance
being entitled " An Ordinance Prescribing the ICegular Meeting
Time of the City CGrmia:icy: of the City of Atlantic Beach,.
Duval County, Florida ; Providing for the Calling of Specie.
Meetings; and Establishing Rules for the Procedure and Conduct
of Meetings of the City Commission" and moved its adoption on
first reading. Said motion was seconded by Hr. Marvin and having
been duly considered, the Mayor put the question thereon and the
vote was
Ayes Johansen, Marvin, Moore, Roberts, Howell
Nay; /Tone
Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion carried and said Ordi-
nance adopted on first reading,
Mr. Marvin introduced in writing an Ordinance entitled i° An
Ordinance to stably sh Rules and Regulations for the Contracje.-p
ing for, and Purchasing of Suppiles, Material and Equipment for
any Department of the City of Atlantic Beach, Duval County,
Florida, to Eetabli.sh Regulations for Bidding and for the Pay-
ment of Indebtednes& and moved its adoption on first reading°
Said motion was seconded by Mr, Moore and having been duly con-
sidered, the Mayor put the question thereon and the vote was
Ayes Johansen, Marvin, Moore, Roberts, Howell
Nays None
Whereupon the Mayor declared said motion carried and said Ordinance
adopted on first reading. This Ordinance is to be examined by
the -. uditors and City Attorney before its final passage°
Mr. aohansen presented in writing an Ordinance entitled "An
Ordinance Designating the Mayor-Commissioner as the Director of
public Safety" and moved its adoption on first reading° Said
motion was seconded by Mr. Roberts and having been duly considered
the Mayor put the question thereon and the vote was
Ayes Johansen. Marvin, Moore, Roberts, Howell
Nay; None
Whereupon the Mayor declared said motio4 carried and said Ordinance
adopted on first reading°
The City Clerk was directed to post notices of December 13th, 1957
as date of Public Hearing on the above Ordinances°
Upon motion of Mr° Moore, the meeting adjourned at 9x2O P.M. t
meet on December 13th, 1957 at 8 ?.M°
Attests 4, . � zY._�..
/ Wm° S. Howell, Mayor
vele S., Grage, City x
Section 10 The following named persons be and they are
hereby appointed to the following offices or positions to
hold the same at the pleasure of the City Commission and
for the compensation as follows, respectively:
City Manager, J. F. Waggoner, Jr. $6000.00 per year
City Clerk )
City Comptroller) Adele S. Grage x".4200.00 per year
City Treasurer )
Chief of Polices J. L. Russell $4$00.00 per year
City Tax Assessor, Norman Minchew $ 300000 per year
Municipal Judge, A. H. Dunlop w 300.00 per year
City Attorney, Frank Thompson $ 600.00 per year
Section 20 This resolution become effective immediately
upon its passage.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Passed by the City Commission on December lv s 1957
/ , A -
City Clerk /
1!!: TOWN OF . . .
MaKtio D&a4 -Uoida
Section 1:
The surplus monies in the City's General Fund in the amount
of $20,000.00 be deposited as follows:
$10,000.00 in the Beach Federal Savings & Loan Asso-
ciation, Jacksonville Beach, Florida, and
410,000.00 in the First Federal Savings & Loan Asso-
ciation, Jacksonville, Fla.
and that,
Section 2:
The above Funds of the City be subject to withdrawal only
upon check signed on behalf of the City by the City Treasurer
and countersigned by either the Mayor-Commissioner or the
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Passed by the City Commission on December 6th, 1957.
Attest: 2
aci9-,-&- ji) - 611---
Adele S. Grage, City erk