AT 8 P.M.
Present :
Norman Minchew
Marvin Carr
R.L . Wardrep, Councilmen
J.A. Reid, Mayor
J.F. Waggoner, Jr. , Town Manager
Adele S. Grage, Town Clerk
E. Gerry Adams
L.J. Feather , Councilmen
Frank Thompson, Attorney
The meeting was called to order by the President, Mr. Minchew.
The minutes of the Tegular monthly meeting of May 8th, 1956
were read and upon motion of Mr. Wardrep, seconded by Mr. Carr
were approved.
Minutes of the adjourned meeting of May 10th, 1956 were read and
upon motion of Mr. Wiardrep, seconded by Mr. arr were approved.
Mr. Minchew recognized visitors present and called for any
btsiness from the floor. Mr. Jimmy Costello of Joe' s Plumbing
and Appliance Co. presented to the Council the fact that the
Town needs a new and adequate plumbing Ordinance. Other plumbing
contractors present were Mr. Oliver Patten and Mr. Herbert Patten.
They are all willing and desirous of helping in any way they can
in getting up such an Ordinance and helping administer it. Mr.
Waggoner advised that he had talked to these men previously and felt
that in line with bringing our building codes, etc. up to date that
we should have an Ordinance covering both plumbing and electrical
work in the Town. He feels that perhaps a Council committee should
work with the contractors to get up suck needed Ordinances. There
was a discussion and it wascteided for the Town Manager to work
with the contractors,with Mr. Thompson's help,and prepare the
ordinance covering codes, etc. Upon motion of Mr. Carr seconded
by Mr. Wardrep an Ordinance entitled " An Ordinance Regulating
and Governing plumbing construction and the sale, installation,
use, maintenance and repair of plumbing fixtures, apparatus and
equipment in the Town of Atlantic Beach Florida, and creating and
designating the Board of Examiners of plumbers and defining the
powers and duties of said Board and creating the office of Plumb-
ing Inspector and defining the powers and duties of said Officer
and prescribing penalties for the violation of such ordinance and
establishing permit and inspection fees" was passed on first reading
by Title only. Upon motion of Mr. Wardrep, seconded by Mr. Carr it
was passed by Title only on seconth'reading.
Upon motion of Mr. Carr, seconded by Mr. Wardrep, an Ordinance
entitled " An Ordinance governing electrical construction and
the sale, installation, use, maintenance and repairs of electrical
wiring, apparatus or equipment for light,heat and power, in the
Town of Atlantic Beach, Florida, and establishing permit and inspec-
tion fees and inspection procedure" was passed by Title Only on
first reading. Upon motion of Mr. Wardrep, seconded by Mr. Carr it
was passed on second reading by Title only.
Mr. Hamilton does not have the appraisal on Beach Ave. ready. It was
reported that the Ramos owners are getting their own appraisal.
Ordinance No. 187, being"an 'ordinance providing for that the Town
Marshall may capture ,seize, take command of, impound, etc. motor
vehicles, etc." was presented for 3rd and final reaing . Under
• Section 3 (a) $5.00 per mile is to be filled in on the first line
and $15.00 on the sixth line; and under Section 3 (b) $1.00 per 24
hours, etc. is to be filled in. Following the reading in its entire-
ty and upon motion of Mr. Carr, seconded by Mr. Wardrep Ordinance
No. 187 was passed on third and final reading.
Resolution 41 56-8 covering registration and qualifications for
the election of August 14th, 1956 was presented and upon motion
of Mr. Carr, seconded by Mr. Wardrep was adopted as follows :
The Registration Books for the August 14th, 1956 municipal
election be opened from July 2nd, 1956 through August 9th,
1956 for registration of electors, same to be open during the
hours of 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. Monday through Friday, and 9 A.M.
to 12 Noon on Saturdays, except legal holidays , and that
Candidates be qualified between July 2nd? 1956 and 12 noon
of July 21st, 1956, and shall pay a qualification fee of $5.00.
The matter of getting voting machines for the election on August
14th, 1956 has been discussed with the office of Mr. Bowden,
Supervisor of Registration for Duval County, and they advise
that the machines are available and that we will have to pay
the cost of transportation and for printing of the candidates
names for the machine. They also requested that our election
officials be chosen from those who have already worked with
the machines previously. The matter was discussed and upon
motion of Mr. Wardrep, seconded by Mr. CarrLzapproval was given
to get the voting machines and for making arrangements for
hauling. The appointment of election officials will be
made at next meeting.
Upon motion of Mr. Carr, seconded by Mr. Wardrep approval was
given for a straw ballofor the election - to be separate and
apart from the regular voting machine - concerning the closing
on Sunday of liquor places, ' yes" or "no" only.
The Town Manager ' s report was received and filed.
Mr. Waggoner reported that he has ordered the work done on the
Master Meter and that the company advised that they have scheduled
the work to be done by their Representative when he is in Florida.
Mr. Waggoner advised that he would like to know the Council 's
wishes iniegard to getting carthodic protection for the inside of
the water tank to protect it from rust. He has talked to the
City of Jacksonville and they are using it successfully in their
tanks. There was a discussion and Mr. Waggoner is to get further
Wm. Anderson has advised that he has gotten the state ' s approval
for a beer license at the Anchor Inn subject to the Town's approval.
The Town does not contemplate taking any action on this license
until the 90 day suspension period for the Anchor Inn is up.
An Ordinance to prohibit drive-in window sale of alcoholic beverages
was presented by Title and discussed. Upon motion of Mr. Carr sec-
onded by Mr. Wardrep an Ordinance entitled " AN Ordinance Prohibiting
the sale, serving, dispensing or delivery of alcoholic beverages at
any place outside of the building or structure occupied by the vendor
of such beverages as his place of business" was adopted bybTitle only
on first reading. Upon motion of Mr. Carr, seconded by Ar. Wardrep
it was adopted by Title only on second reading.
The Southeastern Underwriters have been notified that we are ready
for an inspection and they advise that they will make the inspection
when their man is in this vicinity.
Mr. Waggoner advised that the Fogging machine had been ordered but to •
date has not been received.
Page #3-June 12th, 1956
The matter of a new police car was next discussed and the Town
Manager is to check with Jacksonville Beach to see what they are
doing about the radio and to get bids on cars.
Upon motion of Mr. Wardrep, seconded by sir. Carr the Town Manager
was authorized to buy 25 meters.
The matter of repealing Ordinance No. 147 requiring $50.00 liabil-
ity damage deposit from contractors and enlarging Ordinance #136
requiring contractors to carry liability insurance to cover all
persons doing work in the Town of such a scope and nature that
could cause damage to persons or property. The matter was discussed
and upon motion of Mr. Carr , seconded by Mr. Wardrep an Ordinance
entitled " An Ordinance repealing Ordinance No 147, etc." was adopted
on first reading by Title only. Upon motion of Mr. Carr , seconded
by Mr. Wardrep it was adopted on second reading by Title only.
Upon motion of Mr. Carr, seconded by Mr. Wardrep an Ordinance
entitled " An Ordinance providing and requiring that all persons ,
firms and corporations doing construction work, including repair
work, in the Town of Atlantic Beach Florida shall have and main-
tain insurance against public Liability and property damage, and
repealing Ordinance No. 136 of said Town" was adopted on first read-
ing by Title only. Upon motion of Mr. Carr, seconded by Mr. Wardrep
it was adopted on 2nd reading by Title only.
Mr. Minchew presented letters and petitions he had received relative
to water rates and it was brought out in the discussion that they
cannot be changed according to the Bond Ordinance , unl ss all pay-
ments required to be made into any funds created by the provisions
of this Ordinance, including any deficiencies for prior payments ,
have been made in full. Mr. Waggoner was directed to answer the
letters and petitions, giving the information.
The matter of Sewerage was next discussed and it was brought out that
the concensus of opinion is that the people want sewerage. Mr. Walter
J. Parks , Jr. 's letter proposal covering engineering services re
Sanitary Sewerage Facilities for the Town was studied, as well as
letters of recommendation for Mr. Parks. Mr. Carr presented the
following Resolution and moved its adoption. The motion was seconded
by Mr. Wardrep and carried as follows :
Resolution No. 56-9
The letter proposal as submitted by the Engineer, Walter J. Parks , Jr.
covering the Town of Atlantic Beach Sanitary Sewerage Project, be and
the same is hereby approved, and that
The Mayor and Town Clerk are hereby authorized to execute same on
behalf of the Town.
The Fire Chief made his report. He advised that the mire Department
now has its own resuscitator which is being paid for by donations.
The Treasurer's report was presented and upon motion of Mr. Carr,
seconded by Mr. Wardrep was approved with balances as of May 31st,
1956 as follows:
General Fund 28,484.93
Utilities " 3,123.79
• Water Revenue Acct. 6,103.66
W.O. M. & R. Acct 1,450.07
W.S. R. & R. Fuhd 3,868.78
Utility Rev. Bond Fund 13,376.07
Waterworks Const. Fund 3, 563 .13
The bills were next studied and upon motion of Mr. Carr, seconded
by Mr. Wardrep the following were approved for payment:
American City Magazine $ 2.50 $ -
American LaFrance Corp. 1.97 - ,
Apperson Chemicals, Inc - 21.3$
Beach Bike Shop . . . . 2.10 -
Carmichael' s Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . 79.55 29.43
Consolidated Automotive Co. - 3.95
Culligan Soft Water Service 9.45 -
Davis Meter Repair & Supply Co. - 66.00
Douglas Printing Co. , Inc 55.60 -
Dowling Douglas Duplicating Machine Co. . 204.45 -
H. & W.B. Drew Co 20.29 -
Dunn' s Decorators & Fabrics 4.45 -
Farquhar Machinery Co - 15.57
The Financial News & Daily Record 1$.00 -
Fire Fighter' s Equipment Co 14.50 -
Florida Motor Service, Inc. 10.40 -
Chas. H. Franks (Prisoner' s seals) 40.00 -
Howard' s Garage 104.$9 -
Jacksonville City Electric Dept 16.2$ 146.44
City of Jacksonville Beach - Police Radio. 75.00 -
tt it 't " Sanitary Land Fill 75.00 -
" " " " Directional Sign . 3.12 -
Joe Blake Company . 6.97 -
Martin Office Equipment Co 10.95 -
McCue Brothers $0.00 -
M.D. Moody & Sons, Inc. - 2.34
National Cash Register Co 95.70 -
Patten Plumbing & Heating Co. $7.05 -
Quality Auto Glass 26.00 -
Rulien's 5.55 -
Ed Smith Lumber Co. 173 .30 5.$5
Southern Bldg.Code Congress 35.50 -
Southern Bell T&T Co. - Health Center . . 9.00 -
tt rt " " Office 15.22 -
" tt " " Police 6.22 -
It " " " Fire Dept 12.60 -
tt It " " Water Dept. . . . - 12.00
tt ft " " Fire Dept.Siren . 1$.00 -
Southern Supply Distributors, Inc 20.35 -
State Road Dept 35.00 -
Surplus Goods Co. 21.$0 -
Texas Company - April Gas & Oil 221.50 -
April R & M . . . . . . 224.66 -
May Gas & Oil 253 .41 $.$4
May R & M . . 209.35 7.27
Worthington-Gammon Meter Division - 179.94
$2,305.9$ $499.01
Final payment on the estimate of C.E. Merritt, Flagler Paving Co.
on contract for street paving in 1954 is due on June 15th. Mr.
Merritt has assigned the payment to the Palmer Machinery Co. of
Jacksonville. Upon motion of Mr. Carr, seconded by Mr. Wardrep
approval was given to make final payment in amount of $1,292.66
to C.E. Merritt, Flagler Paving Co. and Palmer Machinery jointly.
There was a discussion as to the condition of Town trucks, but no
action taken.
Upon motion of Mr. Wardrep the meeting adjourned from day to day
/ - Al
- orman Minchew, President
't: -
Adele S. Grage , Town C erk