08-07-56 v MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TOWN COUNCIL HELD AT THE TOWN HALL ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 7TH, 1956 AT 8 P.M. Present: Norman Minchew Marvin Carr E. Gerry Adams Robt. L. Wardrep, Councilmen and J.A. Reid, Mayor Frank Thompson, Town Attorney J.F. Waggoner, Town Manager Adele S. Grage , Town Clerk The meeting was called to order by the President Mr. Minchew. Minutes of the regular meeting of July 10th, 1956 were read and upon motion of Mr. Carr, seconded by Mr. Wardrep were approved as read. Minutes of the adjourned meeting of July 24th, 1956 were read and upon motion of Mr. Carr, seconded by Mr. Wardrep were approved as read. • Mr. Minchew recognized Mr. Walter J. Parks, Jr. , the engineer making the Preliminary Sewerage study who gave a report on the progress be- ing made and the preliminary work being done incident to survey, etc. of possib e sewerage system. He is making the study street by street, where and how deep the pipe can be laid, profiling all streets with elevations. He hopes to have preliminary report ready by September 15th, 1956. A letter was read from Harcourt Bull, Jr. relative to the sewerage system being built in Selva Marina. On the extension and widening of Beach Ave. from First St. to Atlantic Blvd. , Mr. Hamilton is going ahead with the appraisal, but does not have ready yet. Mr. Waggoner presented final estimate on the 1955 Street Paving Contract of Duval Engineering Co. Upon motion of Mr. Uarr, seconded by Mr. Adams the Council accepted the final estimate as submitted and approved payment to Duval Engineering Co. of 1/3 now, 1/3 in 45 days and 1/3 in one year as poiecified in agreement. A letter was presented from the Barnett National Bank Bond Department advising that the interest coupons on our Utility Revenue Bonds were due September 1st, 1956 and that they would like to hage the money on same not later than August 20th. Upon motion of Mr. Adams, seconded by Mr. Carr approval was given for the Town Clerk to pend the Barnett National Bank 43,982. 50 for interest coupons plus 423.10 for handling charge. Mr. Waggoner advised that ate are entitled to 14 street lights at this time based on 1955 electric consumption, and he has made a study of the town and recommended the locations. The City of Jacksonville will have one of their men come down and go over the locations and give the Town an estimate of the cost of installation of these lights. A letter was read from I. Beverly Nalle, Inc. advising that they had the property of Louisa DeCottes , et al which is N. part of Lot 1, Block 20, for sale and have advised the owners that the Seawall Storm damage lien should be paid, and requesting the Council to make an adjustment on this lien if possible. There was discussion during which it was determined that the Wootton lien was settled for the principal plus interest to June, 1953. Upon motion of Mr. Adams , seconded by Mr. Wardrep approval was given to accept settlement of this lien for the principal plus interest to June, 1953. pl, Mr. Waggoner advised that several companies have advised that they have not received payment for work done for Southeastern Contracting eo. ( and their sub-contractor, Stonewall Construction Co. ) and the Town Attorney advised that they be referred to the Bonding Company. A letter from the Florida Inspection & Rating Bureau that we have been given a NB Grade 7 rating on fire insurance was read. This grade was give: subject to our complying with their recommendation that we have a sufficient full-time paid firemen to maintain one paid fireman on duty at all times , and that, until such a time as we could have such filremen. that the remaining fire defense facilities be fully maintained and additional improvements made to take care growth, expansion in popu- lation, etc. The Waterworks audit of June 30th, 1956 was next discussed. Upon motion of Mr. Barr, seconded by Ar. Wardrep the report was accepted and approval was given to pay the Tyson-and Meek bill covering accounting services in amount of $400.00. Consideration was next given to adjusting water allowances as covered by Section 21 of Ordinance 172. Mr. Carr presented an Ordinance by Title only said Ordinance being " An Ordinance to Amend Ordinance No. 172 Section 21 , etc" by increasing water allowance on Single Units to 104, 000 gallons per year with a minimum of 26,000 gallons in any one quarter, with excess over 26,000 gallons per quarter, and the last line under excess to read: all over 131,000 gallons per quarter, and under "Aultiple Units" on the 4th line to read 104,000 gallons per year, and moved that all rules be suspended and said Ordinance be passed on first reading by Title , said motion was seconded by Mr. Wardrep. Said motion be ing duly considered the President put the question thereon and the motion was unanim,usly carried. Whereupon the President declared said Ordinance adopted on first reading. Mr. Adams presented the Ordinance for second reading by Title only and moved that all ruled be suspended and that said Ordinance be passed on second reading, which motion was seconded by Mr. carr. said motion being duly considered the President out the question thereon and the motion was unanimously carried. Whereupon the President declared said motion adopted on second reading. Mr. Waggoner advised that all arrangements have been made for changing the Master Meter. Mr. Edward Hemphill is to make up an easment to the Town for drainage use along the north property line of the Presbyterian church by the School fence, and also to make up deed to the Town from the Lhurch of Lots 727 and E 50' of Lot 736 for street purposes. This is to take the place of that part of David Street that the Town abandoned to the Church for their use. •'Ir. Thompson is preparing an easment on some of the lots in Club Manor to take care of the water line that goes across the front of several of the Club manor lots. He will also prepare dedic4tion to the Town of that part of Beach Ave. from the Club Manor Plat to 7th St. Mr. Waggoner advised that he has received identical prices on a pick- up truck as follows : bob pratti, Inc. $1245100 (Chevrolet) Lynch Davidson-Ford 1245.00 There was a discussion and Ar. Adams advised that he was in favor of passing } s atter on to the incoming Council, however Mr. Minchew advis- ed that/the 8onditionsunder which we received the Class 7 Fire rating was that the Fire Chief have a car with radio at his d.sposal all te time and it is important that we keep our word on this. Whereupon Mr. Carr loved that we buy the Chevrolet pick2-up truck from the bob pratti, inc. , Jacksonville Beach for $1245. The motion was seconded by Mr. Ward- rep and the call vote was : Aye : Carr, Wardrep. Minchew Pass: Adams Absent : Feather Whereupon the President d eclared said motion carried. Upon motion of Mr. Wardrep, seconded by Mr. Adams approval was given for payment to the Southern Mill Creek Products Co. of $900.00 for the reconditioned Tifa fogging machine; and to bob pratti , Chrevolet, Inc, $880. 50 for the Police Chevrolet plus 233.63 to convert to 6 volt,etc. ; $31.35 to W.A. Pinkerton to transfer police radio; all of these to be paid from "Unallocated funds". Minutes 8-7-56 Page #3 The Treasurer 's report was presented and upon motion of Mr. earl', seconded by Ar. Adams was accepted, with balances as follows: General Fund $31,609.72 Utilities " 0 Water Revenue Acct. 10, 590.68 Water 0. M. & R." 1,699.02 Water Sys. R & R. Fund 3, 588.27 Utility Revenue Bond " 15,379.85 Waterworks Construction Acct 3, 563.13 The bills were next studied and upon motion of Mr. Adams, seconded by Mr. Carr the following were approved for payment: GENERAL WATERWORKS Apperson Chemicals, Inc $ - $ 42.75 Armco Drainage & Metal Products, Inc. 333.70 - Atlantic Blvd. Ice & Fuel 2.25 - Frank Broughton $.00 - The C.I. Capps Co. , Inc 48.00 - P.D. Carmichael' s Hdw 15.24 8.41 J.G. Christopher Co - 197.64 Consolidated Automotive Co. - 6.75 Davis Meter Repair & Supply Co. . • 838.55 H. &. W.B. Drew Co 46.90 - Dumis Fabric 8.90 - Duval Engineering Contracting Co. . 19$.00 - Finley' s Municipal Supply Co. , Inc. - 22.25 Firestone Beach Supply, Inc 10.16 - rr " " " 63.60 - Mrs. Chas. H. Franks (Prisoners' Meals) 13.00 - Carrison-Younger-Sheftall Co. . . . . 20.00 - General Electric Supply Co . - 1.62 Graham-Jones 11.76 - Horton Electrical Constr. Co. . . . 316.02 - Howard' s Garage 6.25 - City of Jacksonville Electric Dept. 21.24 112.68 City of Jax Beach (Radio) 75.00 - rr " " " (Landfill) 37.50 - ►1 rt n " (Sign) 3.12 - Lynch-Davidson Motors, Inc. 23 .21 - Martin Office Equipment Co. 18.78 - Patten Sales Co. of Jax. ,Inc. . . • 14.66 - Proctor' s Hardware 5.00 - Rockwell Manufacturing Co. . . . . . - 696.48 R.R. Rosborough & Bros. ,Inc 26.26 - Ed Smith Lumber Co . . . . 24.14 3.75 Southern Bell T&T Co. - Office . . . . 18.40 - " " " " Fire Station . . 12.60 - " " " " Signal . . . . . 3.20 - rr " " " Health Center . . 9.00 - rr " " " Police 6.61 - " " " " Waterworks . . • - 12.00 Surplus Goods Co . . 6.00 - Texas Co . 465.92 - Towers Hardware Co - 7.28 Wil-Tak Asphalt, Inc. 77.00 - $1,949042 $1,950216 Upon motion of Mr. Wardrep, seconded by Mr. Adams , approval was given for the Town clerk to make the checks for the election officials in the amount of $12.00 each, and for R.E. Phillips, mechanic from Mr. Bowde:i's office who serviced the machines, for $25.00. 41/ The Town Manager 's report was received and filed. The Fire uhief reported that the Florida State Fire School had been held at our fire station and that 20 men had graduated. He also reported that they answered 4 first aid calls and 1 call with the boat. The matter of an ad in the Fletcher yearbook known as"The Senator" was considered, and upon motion of Mr. Wardrep, seConded by Mr. earr approval was given for us to take a 430. ad to be paid for from the Mayor's Fund with his approval. Mayor Reid gave his approval on this. Upon motion of Mr. Adams the meeting adjourned to August 14th, 1956 at 8 P.M. C2-; 1 0416tti,_ k(4.4_ 14e _c---- Norman Minchew, President Attest: 0,60-62- .. 7' c , ibAt-d- '-_____- Adele S. Grage, Town sler