AT 8 P.M.
Norman Minchew
Marvin Carr
E. Gerry Adams
L.J. "Jack" Feather
R.S. Thames, Councilmen
J.A. Reid, Mayor
Frank Thompson, Town Attorney
J.D. Brotchie, Town Manager
Adele S. Grage
The meeting was called to order by the President, Mr. Minchew.
Minutes of the regular meeting of February 8th 1955 were read
and upon motion of Mr. Adams, seconded by Mr. Carr they were
Minutes of the adjourned meeting of February 15th, 1955 were
read and upon motion of Mr. Adais, seconded by Mr. Feather they
were approved.
Minutes of the adjourned meeting of March 1, 1955 were read
and upon motion of Mr. Adams, seconded by Mr. Thames were approved.
Mr. C.E. quick , 345 First St. presented a letter of petition
from a majority of the property owners on First St. to have that
portion of First Street between East Coast Drive and Sherry Drive
paved. Mr. Minchew advised him that the paving of this street
was in the plans for 1955, and that the preliminary work would
be started right away, now that we had received the request from
the property owners for this paving.
On the barricading the Streets and Highways committee met with
Mr. Joe Mallard who advised that the County had not agreed yet to
barricade the beach north of the Town, but that the citizens has
petitioned them to. If and when they do decide to, the County
will barricade. He also advised that there were no County Roads
in Atlantic Beach since the Legislative Act that took all County
Roads into the Town, and therefore he could not do anything about
the Plaza. There was a discussion of the Legislative Act, and it
is Mr. Thompson's opinion that he is right about the County Roads
as he interprets the Legislative Act.
The matter of the sidewalk on Sherry Drive was next discussed and
it was reported that Mr. Mallard advised that the County would
take care of the sidewalk being put in front of the school provided
it is on school property. Mr. Brotchie reported that the total cost
of the sidewalk as suggested would be netween $1450. and $1500.
A good part of this would be in front of the Presbyterian Church
and the school. Mr. Reid is to contact the Church, and Mr. Adams
will check with the County relative to moving the fence back or
perhaps building the sidewalk along the inside of the fence.
Mr. Brotchie advised that he had contacted Mr. Simons on the Zoning,
and he had advised that his previous offer was still good. It was
brought out that it would do no good until we get an active planning
board, and so, securing a planning board was put back on the agenda.
Upon motion of Mr . Adams , seconded by Mr. Thames the following were
selected as officers for the special election of March 21, 1955:
R.E. Carmody , Clerk - H.A. Sydenham, Alternate Clerk
Mrs. Robt. Lowder, Inspector
Mrs . Harcourt Bull, Jr. , Inspector
Mrs. Leon Van Zile, Alternate.
The fee to be the same as for previous General Election.
r ,
The Treasurer's report was presented and upon motion of Mr. Feather,
seconded by Mr. Carr was approved with the following balances :
General Fund 3-1-55 $21,802.84
Cigarette Tax Fund 3-1-55 13,151.73
The bills were studied and upon motion of Mr. Adams, seconded
by Mr. Feather the following were approved for payment:
Apperson Chemicals, Inc $81 00
Atlantic Blvd. Ice & Fuel 12 80
Beach Office Equipment Co 2 65
Cameron & Barkley Co. 4.95
P.D. Carmichael 's Hardware 26
W.6'. DtttLy & C 0. 47 4O
Beach Printing Co 11 25
Douglas Printing Co 65 70
Florida State Road Dept 70 00
Mrs. Chas . H. Franks 7.50
Governmental Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00
Graham-Jones Paper Co 8 48
Holley-Edwards Sales, Inc 398.68
Horton Elec. Construction Co. 157 30
Howard 's Garage 190 29
City of Jacksonville, Fla. (W.0.1. current) . . . 60.00
It It tt tt (plgr.) . . . . . . 1.00
City of Jacksonville Beach (Radio) 75.00
li II
II " (pro-rata on sign) 3.13
Jacksonville Fisherman's Supply Co. 50.4
Martin Office Equipment Co. 69.66
City of Neptune Beach, Fla. (3-fires) 300.00
Rubin Iron Works, Inc 28.37
J.L. Russell 21.00 Pd.
Ed. Smith Lumber Co 24.30
The Texas Co. (Surfacing Material) 74.62
Wallace & Tiernan 39.89
Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co. (Police) 6.22
It it It n ►t " (Office) 15.60
" " " " " " (Health Center) 10.18
Upon motion of Mr. Thames, seconded by Mr. Feather the final
payment in amount of $200. made to George Bull on the Vault
Contract was approved.
The Town Manager reportedthat he had a request for a shallow
well to be dug at 371- 8th St. Mr. Brotchie talked to the County
Health Dept. and they advised that they would not give permits
for shallow wells in septic tank saturdted areas such as Atlantic
Beach. There was considerable discussion of the well situation,
and it was decided that we need an Ordinance covering wells in
general and that we follow the State Health Dept. as regards
shallow wells. Upon motion of Mr. Feather, seconded by Mr. Carr
an Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance regulating the construction,
maintenance and use of all types of wells for the production of
water in the Town of Atlantic Beach; providing penalties for the
violation thereof; and repealing Ordinance #64" was passed by title
only on first reading. Upon motion of Mr. Adams, seconded by Mr.
Thames, it was passed on second reading.
Mr. Brotchie reported on the ceramic place on 2nd street which
he had been requested to investigate. He found they have only 1
kiln (small) , no electric wheel, have shelves of ceramic plates,
ash trays etc. which they have made. They do no advertising, and
have no sign out, but will sell anything they have made is anyone
wants to buy. It is a hobby for the entire family. It was concensus
of opiniod that it is a hobby and no action taken.
Mr. Minchew brought up question of Town Manager and future contracts,
and it wqs decided to hold an executive session March 15th at 8:30 P.M.
Upon motion of Mr. Thames the meeting adjourned_from day t day
at 9:25 P.M.
;/ AL
Attest: `
a.Ck-ei- j • Orman Minchew President.
Ariplp S. Grm a a Tnt.m C1