8 P.M.
Norman Minchew
Marvin Carr
L.J. "Jack" Feather, Councilmen
J.A. Reid , Mayor
Frank Thompson, Town Attorney
J.F. Waggoner, Jr. , Town Manager
Adele S. Grage, Town Clerk
The meeting was called to order by the President, Mr. Minchew.
Minutes of the Regular meeting of October 11, 1955 were read
and upon motion of Ar. Carr, seconded by Mr. Feather were approved.
Minutes of the adjourned meeting of October 20, 1955 were read
and upon motion of Mr. Feather, seconded by l.r. Catr were approved.
Minutes of the adjourned meeting of October 25, 1955 were read and
upon motion of Mr. Carr icsecagdedvbSr Mr.-Feather were approved.
Minutes of the adjourned meeting of October 26th, 1955 were read
and upon motion of Mr. Carr, seconded by Mr. Deather were approved.
Periodic Estimate #2 on Part "B" of Water System Improvements contract
with Whitmire Tank Co. was presented and studied. Upon motion
of Mr. Feather, seconded by Mr. Carr , it was approved for payment
from the Waterworks Construction Aceoount in the amount of $8,458.20.
Periodic Estimate #3 on Part "A" of Water System Improvements
contract with Southeastern Contracting Co. was presented and studied.
Upon motion of Mr. Carriqeconded by Mr. Feather it was approved for
payment from the Waterworks Construction Account i4 amount of
Mr. Pete Cox of the Southeastern Contracting Company was present and
discussed with the Council their final estimate on Part"C" of the
Water System Improvements contract. It was brought out that the es-
timate has not been submitted to, nor reviewed by the Engineers, and
we cannot make payment on same until it is approved by the Engineers .
Mr. Cox requested the Council to approve the payment of a set amount
to be upon approval of the estimate by the Engineers . There was
further discussion and upon motion of Mr. Carr, seconded by Mr. Feather
approval was given for the Town Clerk to pay this estimate less 10%
when certified approval of same is given by the Engineers .
A letter which had been written by Mr. Cox of Southeastern Contracting
Company to the Council relative to a time extension on the contract
was discussed. The engineer advised that he felt this was a matter
for legal decision rather than engineer. There was no action taken.
Mr. Wm. S . Howell presented the Council with letter to the Council
with the resignation of thirteen firemen from the Atlantic Beach
Fire Department as a result of letter written by Mr. Minchew to
Jacksonville Beach Police Department notifyimg them that in case
a fire in a building is reported to them they will notify the
Neptune Beach Fire Department to immediately proceed with their
equipment to the fire , and if additional assistance is needed they
will radio for additional equipment. The Atlantic Beach Fire Depart-
ment will be notified first in case of grass or woods fire within
the Town limits. The letter specified that should the Council modify
their policy so as to place the prime notification of and responsibil-
ity for fighting fires within the Town limits with the Atlantic
Beach Fire Department, the resignation would be withdrawn. lair. Feather
stated that he felt the letter should not have been written without
consulting with the Council and it was slight to our firemen who have
done a fine job of organizing and training. Mr. iviinchew stated that
he simply stated the policy which was decided by the Couaail at the time
the fire engine was purchased and the department organized. He meant
no slight to our firemen, but there had been no change in that policy
to his knowledge and the Council had not been notified if the firemen
were now in a position to answer building fires. Mr. Carr stated
that his understanding was the same as Mr. Minchew 's in this matter.
After a lengthy and heated discussion Mr. Feather moved that the letter
as written by Mr. Minchew and dated October 31, 1955, remain in effect
until Council could meet again next Tuesda4 ,November 15, 1955 to
decide ,after due consideration of the matter, what our policy will
be and that the members of the Fire Department be asked to hold their
resignation in abeyance until that time. The motion was seconded by
Mr. Carr and carried.
Mr. George Pritchard next presented to the Coumcil a petition signed
by approximately 300 residents of the community requesting the Council
to pass an Ordinance forbidding the sale of alcoholic beverages be-
tween the hours of midnight and seven A.M. on week days and between
the hours of midnight on Saturdays and seven A.M. on Mondays . George
Bull, Dr. Heywood Dowling and Col. Harold Sydenham spoke on behalf
of the Council taking some definite action on the matter. Mr. Feather
moved that the petition be received for consideration and turned over to
the Laws and Rules Committee for action at a later meeting. The
motion was seconded by Mr. Carr and uarried.
Mr. Koerber, Recreational Director reported that he had been in confer-
ence with Mr. Waggoner and has some plans ready to start on after Thanks-
giving. He requested that a subsctiption be sent in for a Recreational
Magazine, and Mr. Waggoner advised that he was getting it for him.
The Audit Report of September 30, 1955 as presented by Tyson and
Meeks was received. Upon motion of Mr. Carr, seconded by Mr. Feather
the report was accepted and approval was given for payment of the
Auditor ' s bill of $400.00.
A letter was read from the AtlAntic/P .T.L.A. thsnkig Council for the
$50. donation to their Welfare Dund.
The bills were studied and upon motion of is'Ir. Carr, Seconded by Mr.
Feather the following were approved for payment :
Apperson Chemicals, Inc $ $ 42.00
Arnold Printing & Label Co. 45.29 -
Atlantic Blvd. Ice & Fuel 16.9$ _
Beach Garage, Inc 60.70 -
Crane Co - 2.$8
Carmichael' s Hardware 23.74 3 .90
W.S. barley & Co 26.6$ -
Davis Neter Repair & Supply Co. - 41.35
Diesel Shipbuilding Co . . . . 4.$3 -
Douglas Printing CO 10$.00 -
H& W.B . Drew Co 5.7$ -
Fire Fighter' s Equipment Co 27.26 -
Mrs. Chas. H. Franks 15.00 -
Horton Electrical Construction Co - 4.00
Howard' s Garage . . . . 11.55 -
City Treasurer ( Jacksonville) . . . . . . - 92.66
TI TT " 16.25
City of Jacksonville Beach (Sign) 3.13
T' " " TT (Police Radio) . 75.00 -
W. J. Jones 15.00 -
Martin Office Equipment Co. 7,90 -
Mason Lumber Co 4.35 -
Miller Fog Co 32,50 -
Porter' s Service Station - 12.94
Rulien' s Beach Office Supply Co 2.60 -
Ed Smith Lumber Co 71.10 -
Southern Bell Tel.& Tel Co . . . . 23 .12 -
1t TT TT " " (Health Center) . . 9.90 - e
The Texas Co . . 507.96 -
Wilkie' s Airplane Service 2.50 -
R.L. Wilkerson & Co $.00 -
1,10$.$7 215.9$
Minutes 11-8-55 - Page #3
The following bills were approved for payment from the Waterworks
Construction Fund upon motion of Mr. Carr, seconded by Mr. Feather :
Cameron & Barkley Co $125.25
Davis Meter Repair & S upply Co. , 661.99
Jacksonville Beach Truck Lines 1. 50
Smith & Gillespie , Engineers , 301.30
Wallace & Tierhan, Inc 2 .16
Mr. Koerber advised that the magazine he wanted was included in
Mational Recreational Membership of $5.00. Mr. Waggoner was directed
to send in for the membership including the magazine.
Upon motion of Mr. Carr, seconded by Mr. Feather the Treasurer ' s
report was approved with balances as follows :
General Fund
Utilities "
Cigarette Tax " 14, 568.87
Water Revenue Account 113.13
Utility Rev. Bond Fund 6,051.60
Waterworks Const.Acct. 116,610.54
The Town Manager 's report was received and filed .
Mr. Waggoner reported that he hadrrequested the East Duval County
Mosquito Control Board for Atlantic Beach to be included in the
landfill program. The request was favorably received and the
details will have to be worked out with the City of Jacksonville
Mr. Waggonet advised that they are down to 1000 feet with the
well, and are now taking tests. According to the present method
of registering they are getting 2100 gpm of water. There will
be further checks made to-morrow.
Upon motion of Mr. Feather the meeting adjourned from day to day
to meet on Tuesday, November 15th, 1955 at 8 P.M.
Norman Minchew,4,,„t44,t,Att,-
/ ›S)
Adele S. Grage, Town O! erk