1952 AT 8 P.M.
E. Gerry Adams
Glover Weiss
N.A. Minchew
R.S. Thames, Councilmen
J.A. Reid, Mayor
Frank Thompson, Town Attorney
J.D. Brotchie, Town Manager
Adele S. Grage, Town clerk
The meeting was called to order by the President, Mr. Adams,
and went immediately into session as an Equalization Board
to hear complaints or reuests for changes in Tax Roll. No
complaints or requests were ,received , so the meeting was
adjourned into regular session.
The minutes of the regular meeting of September 9, 1952 were
read and upon motion of Mr. Thames, seconded by Mr. Weiss were
The minutes of the adjourned meeting of September 29, 1952
were read, and upon motion of Mr. Minchew, seconded by Mr.
Thames were approved.
The President recognized visitors present, and called for
any business from the floor. Mr. Bowers of the Jacksonville
Humane Society spoke on behalf of that organization. He wanted
to work out with the Town some method whereby they could pick
up stray dogs and cats and sick animals. The Council expressed
sympathy with the work of the organization, and the fact that
the service is a good thing, but no action was taken on the
matter at this time.
Mr. Harcourt Bull, Jr. presented the plans Oft a new colored
sub-division on the Peterson tract to be developed by Mr. Ed.
Smith. The Public Works Committee has met with Mr. Bull and
Mr. Smith and have made some study of the plan, but are not
ready at this time to make a definite recommendation. They
would like a little more definite information a s to the cpst
to the Town including the securing of right-of-way for approach
road to the sub-division. The Council directed Mr. Brotchie
to work with Mr. Bull and Mr. Smith in their negotiating with
the owner of the right-of-way land .
Miss Jean Holmes requested that she beallowed to remodel her
house on Lot 10, Block 43 to have two separate living units,
one upstairs and one down. Mr. Brotchie recommended that she
be allowed to make the change with or without amending the Zon-
ing Ordinance, whichever way was necessary. He advised that
at present there are several houses in that location which are
two family in construction and use. There was further discussion
of the matter and the Town Attorney advised that the Zoning Law
would have to be amended before she could be allowed to proceed.
Mr. Brotchie is to advise her that she will have to present peti-
tion for change and Public Hearing, at which time the Council
can decided on whether the change can be made or not.
Ken Musseau owner of the Kennel, advised that he was selling
his liquor license to Mrs. Thelma Jackson and M.W. McCook, and
requested Council' s approval of the transfer of the license.
• Mr. McCook and Mrs. Jackson, who were prese=nt, were asked to
furnish r eferences and recommendations to Mr. Brotchie who will
investigate and study with the Laws and Rules Committee and
report their recommendations to the Council as soon as possible.
Certificate of Publication covering Notice of the Preliminary
TaX Roll for 1952 and the Equalization Board meeting is attached
hereto and is made a part of these minutes.
The matter of a donation to the Armed Forces Service Club
was again discussed, and it was the opinion th-t this dona-
tion could be made from the Mayor ' s Fund with _his consent.
The Mayor directed the Town Clerk to give $50. to Mr. Young
for the use of the above Club in furnishing entertainment
for the service men on Saturday nights at the Community
The Town Clerk reported that Seawall Bond ;146 with Coupons
#38,39 and 40 attached has been redeemed and cancelled.
Upon motion of Mr. Minchew, seconded by Mr. Weiss the Town
Clerk was directed to destroy this bond with the coupons by
Ordinance No. 151 being An Ordinance to Approve and Adopt
the 1952 Tax Assessment Roll was presented and read , and
upon motion of Mr. Minchew, seconded by Mr. Weiss was
approved on third and finareading. Upon motion of Mr.
Thames, seconded by Mr. Weiss the millage to fixed in the
Ordinance is 11.35 mills.
The Treasurer ' s Report was presented by the Town Clerk
and upon motion of Mr. Minchew, seconded by Mr. Thames was
The matter of appointing a new Treasurer was discussed, and
action deferred to a later meeting.
A letter was read from Mr. Townsend Hawkes relative to
condition caused by the old sewerage system manhole on
8th St. The Town Manager reported that condition has
ale.dy been remidied, and he was instructed to answer
Mr. Hawkes ' letter.
Aetters 'were read from Mr. A.L.W. Stockton relative to
cleaning off lots and street corners, and the Town Manager
was directed to answer giving Mr. Stockton information
on the work being done by the Town and expressing apprecia-
tion of his interest.
The Bills were studied and upon motion of Mr. Thames, seconded
by Mr. Minchew the following were approved for payment:
General Waterworks Cigarette
E.G. Adams $ 32.E
Atlantic Blvd. Ice. & Fuel $ 3.50 - _
Arnold Printing & Label Co. 42.27(Pd. ) - _
Quinn R. Barton Co. 60.22 - -
Beach Garage 9.55 - -
P.i). Carmichael's Hdwe. 5.85 14.00 -
Florida Times Union 27.00 - -
Howard ' s Garage 22.48 - _
City of Jax. ( Elec. Dept ) 1.00 78.10 -
City of Jacksonville Beach, (sign) . . 3.12 -
" " " " (Shell) . .
2 .00 _ -
"1 " " (radio) . . 30.00
Firs. C.H. Franks(Prisoner ' s meals) . . 6.50 - -
Jax. Bch. Truck Lines 1.00 - -
Martin Office Equip. Co 13.25 - -
Mason-Smith Co. . . . . 28.3 - -
Sherman Concrete Pipe Co. 413.41(Pd) - -
Sun Oil Co 391.59 (2 mo. ) -
Zaun Equipment -1,7 _ -� _,
1,138.96 92.10 0
The Town Manager reported that Mrs. Bullock is doing .
sewing and slip covering at her home on Saltair Blvd. , and
he recommended that she be allowed to continue this home
industry. It was the con-census of opinion that Mrs. Bullock
be allowed to do sewing and slip covers.
Resolution on the death of Mr. Chas. L. Gaines is attached hereto
and made a part of these minutes.
Mr. Richard Hamilton, Town Tax Assessor presented again
his suggestion that the Town have a Planning Board to
which Zoning changes, building permits covering remodeling
or changes invtiving any sizable amount would be referred
for recommendation to the Council. He also thinks that all
permits for building changes should be substantiated by
complete plans. Plans are required at this time, but not
as complete in construction detail as the Assessor needs.
The matter was discussed and referred to the Laws and Rules
Committee for recommendation.
Mr. Minchew brought up the question of installing a gas tank
to service the trucks and police car, and the matter was discussed
and it was the concensus of opinion hat there was not enough
saving on the present gallonage to warrant, and no action was
Mr. Brotchie advised that there would be a.:conference in
Gainesville on October 23rd and 24th of State Road personnel
and he would like to attend this meeting, as any new devel-
opments in road paving, etc. would be discussed. Upon motion
of Mr. Weiss, seconded by Mr. Thames approval was given for
$30. expense money for Mr. Brotchie for this trip.
Upon motion of Mr. Thames the meeting adjourned from day to
day at 10 P.M. Motion was seconded by Mr. Weiss,
251 "
E. Gerry Adams, President
(}:_dtg,_ 4, ,z _ ., , .
Adele S. Grage, Town Iierk
Following motion to adjourn there was an informal discussion
on consolidation.
Published Daily
Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida
iefore the undersigned authority personally appeared__
W. B. Goodloe _, who on oath says that he is
Advertising Manager of The Florida Times-Union, a daily newspaper —
Notice of completion of Preliminary Tax
Assessment roll of the Town of Atlantic
p. 'shed at Jacksonville in Duval County, Florida; that the attached copy of ad- Beach, Flordia, for the year 1952:
"To Whom It May Concern: You are
hereby notified that the Preliminary Tax
le notice Assessment Roll for the Town of Atlantic
vertisement, being a g Beach, Florida, for the year 1952, has been
completed and submitted to and approved
by the Town Council. All persons desiring
tin the matter of_ Notice of completion of Prelhave corrections made thereof, whette
imi nary Tax X33 ess lnpnt RA11 a or
in listing, valuation of property
otherwise, are required on or before
the 14th day of October, A.D., 1952, at
8 P.M., to file with the Town Tax Assessor
nP Ib., fr........ ..i` A11��11.- T__ _1_ tre__1A_ r___ .1. — _. —_ . ... .. _ . .. . .
WIII Ri,AS, God in His wisdom has seen fit to take from our
midst a good friend and hon :red citizen, ,Ir. Charles L.
Gaines, long-time resident of the Town of Atlantic Beach,
Florida, and
WlEiCEAS, the Town Officials of Atli. retic Beach feel that
we have lost a friend who was truly interested in the good
of Atlantic Beach, '
That it is hereby made a matter of public record that the
Town expresses its sincerest regret at the passing of
our friend, "Charlie" Gaines and extends deepest sympathy
to his loved ones in their hour of sorrow,
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That a copy of this Resolution
be given to Mrs. Gaines, and a copy furnished the press.
L. Gerry A s, President
Town Council
* * * * * * * * * : * * * * * * * *
This is to certify that the above and foregoing is
a true copy of Resolution written at the direction
of the Mayor and Town Council of the Town of Atlantic
Beach, Florida,
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and
affixed the official seal of the Town of Atlantic
Beach, Duval County, Florida this 8th day . October,1952.
)_ __ . , . .
Adele S. Grage, Town i erk
a24.�eZ ;e epuoId Jo awls
'ailgnd iSie2oN