1952 AT 8 P.M.
E. Gerry Adams
Glover Weiss
D.W. Bremer
N.A. Minchew, Councilmen
J.A. Reid, Mayor
Frank Thompson, Town Attorney
J.J. Brotchie , Town Manager
Adele S. Grage , Town Clerk
The meeting was called to order by the President, Mr. Adams.
The first order of business was the Public Hearing on the
re-Zoning of Lot 10, Block 43 from Residence "A" to Residence "B" .
Proof of Publication of the notice for this Public Hearing is
attached hereto and made a part of these minutes. No one
appeared to protest against this application. Mr. Minchew
advised that he again wanted to state his position that he
is against spot zoning, and therefore did not approve of this
re-zoning. There was a further discussion of the matter by
Council, and upon motion of Mr. Bremer, seconded by Mr. Weiss
Ordinance x#153 re-zoning said Lot 10, Block 43 to Residence "B"
was passed on third and final reading. The call vote was Bremer,
Weiss , Adams , "yes" , Minchew "no" .
Minutes of the regular meeting of November 11th, 1952 were
read, and upon motion of Mr. Bremer, seconded by Mr. Weiss were
Mr. George Mozo, Jr. told of the work that has been done by the
Mosquito District on the drainage ditch, and rquested the Town' s
help in getting the State Road Department to lower their culvert
at the Mayport Road to permit the proper fall of water from the
east side to the west side of the road. Mr. Harcourt Bull sug-
gested that the County Engineer be requested to complete the
survey which they started sometime ago of a drainage ditch from
the Plaza to the new ditch and Mayport Road, and on to tideland ,
and also get the proper location of the 80 foot easement needed
to complete this project. Mr. Brotchie is to look after both of
these matters.
Some of the unsanitary conditions in the Donner ' s Sub-division
were discussed and Mr. Brotchie was directed- to contact the
County Health Officer about this matter.
The request from the Beaches Youth Center for donation to their
work was discussed and referred to the Mayor to investigate and
give as he thinks advisable from his fund, up to c$l50.
The Town Clerk reported that letter had been sent to the Ocean
Front property owners requesting am expression from them as to
placing rip-rap in front of the seawall. Of the 66 letters mailed
out, 27 have replied as follows: 12 "for" , 13 "against" , and 2 "for
or against" according to certain conditions. there was a discussion
of the matter and the data was turned over to Mr. Weiss for further
Mr. Brotchie reported that the Duval Engineering and Contracting
Co. have completed their contracts in the Town. The 1951 contract
has been satisfactorily completed and the Town Clerk was directed
to pay the balance on this contract in amount of 08,367.30 which
was previously approved but held up until work was satisfactory.
The 1952 Contract work is now completed except for the measuring,
etc. to be done.
Mr. Brotchie reported on the street work finished and to be
done, advising that we have re-surfaced in front of the post-
office and Ramos Bldg. He suggested that we fill in the spaces
and driyeways along Atlantic Blvd. between the State Road and
property line. He also reported that the cleaning of the
resevoir has been completed as well as other jobs around the
present Waterworks site.
Estimate of costs for the installation of 4 street lights
was received from the City of Jacksonville in amount of
$407.00, and upon motion of Mr. Bremer, seconded by Mr.
Minchew approval was given for the installation of these
lights as quoted at the following locations:
3rd Street- midway between East Coast Dr. & Sherry Dr.
Corner 12th St. and East Coast Drive.
Belvedere St. between Park Ave. & Seaspray Ave.
Ocean Blvd. between 7th & 10th Sts ( Approx. at Plaza)
Upon motion of Mr. Bremer, seconded by Hr. Weiss approval
was given for Christmas Bonus to employes(in amount of
$10. for laborers and $20.00 for administrative and police.)
The Financial report as subilitted by the Town Clerk was
approved upon motion of Mr. Bremer, seconded by Mr. Minchew.
Upon motion of Mr. Bremer, seconded by Mr. Minchew the
following bills were approved for payment:
General Waterworks
Atlantic Boulevard Ice & Fuel $ 17.99 $ -
Quinn R. Barton Co 4.82 -
Beach Printing Co. 13.10 -
George Bull - 18.00 (Cig)
Beach Transfer 6.96 (Cig)
Cameron & Barkley - 122.01 "
11 II 11 - 596.81 "
P.D. Carmichael's Hdwe 22.26 -
Florida Equipment Co 126.51
Florida Valve & Fitting Co - 19.81 "
The Florida Times Union (Holmes ad) 6.75 -
Howard' s Garage 7.75 -
J & W Motor Co 10.30 -
City of Jax. Elec. Dept. 1.23 65.40
City of Jacksonville Beach, Fla. (Radio) . . 30.00 -
t' " it it " (Sign Maint) 3.12 -
Mrs. Chas. Franks (Prisoners meals) 5.50 -
Frank Keinath - 8.25
Martin Office Equip. Co. 11.83 -
Mason-Smith Co 1.50 44.90
McCue Bros 28.50 -
Vol. Fire Dept. , Neptune Beach 60.00 -
R.R. Rosbmrough & Bro. (Safe Burglary) . . . 20.25 -
Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co. (Police) . . . 5.18 -
" II " " " " (Health Unit) . 10.35 -
II 11 I1 " It " (Office) . . . 3.88 -
Sun Oil Co. Bence G&0 x¢41.08
Streets G&0 24.53
Garbage G&0 19.26 84.87 -
The Texas Co. (November 1st Statement)
Police G&0 $ 86.25
R&R 4.50
Streets G&0 83.72
R&R 44.66
Garbage G&0 43.56OW
R&R 34.30
Drainage 27.82
Waterworks 2.00 324.81 2.00
R.E. Wilkerson & Co 8.00 -
808.50 884.14
Dec . 9th,1952
Page 3
The Town Clerk presented a group of delinquent tax statements
for Council!3s consideration. It was decided that the Town Clerk
write a letter as outlined by the Town Attorney, then if not
paid, turn over to the Attorney for collection.
The matter of a Town Treasurer was discussed, and upon
motion of Mr. Bremer, seconded by Mr . Weiss, Adele S. Grage
was elected as Town Treasurer.
There was no report on the new sub-division planned by
Mr. Ed. Smith on the Peterson tract.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned from
day to day upon motion of Mr. Bremer.
L. Gerry A ams, President
CLOg.‘3,0& ),c),
Adele S. Grage, Town lerk
Published Daily
Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida
rim If Tr /1r VT r\ TT1 H )
• Published Daily
Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida
Before the undersigned authority personally appeared
W. B. Goodloe , who on oath says that he is
Advertising_Manager of The Florida Times-Union, a dailynewspaper
Notice la hereby Bive❑ thatlei the 9th
q�dday of December 1952, at 8:00 p.m. to the
+,i'OWN HALL of the Town of Atlantic
published atJacksonville in Duval County, Florida; that the attached copyof ad- RR each, Florida, the Mayor & Tawn Coun-
cilY of said town will hold a public }}��eeactag
relative to a proposed amend�t'it of
Ordinance No. 50 of said town v3 ich„ d
Ordinance pertains to a com ensfve
vertisement, being a_legal notice plan for the zoning of said town let which
said proposed amendment, is as follow'
That the territory of said tdin de-
in the matter of_notice of aublic hearingof the Mayor and Town scribed as Lot 10, Block 43, Atlantic
pJ Beach as recorded in plat boot 6, page 1.
of the current public
drecoibedof Duval
I County, Florida,
Award]. f the Town of_Atlantic Beach, Florida, relative to a _ and "B" districtohwithin the meanings
�'i i1 O� and subject to the General Provisions
I of
by Residence
as aforesaid d OrdinanceNo. 50d of
proposed amendment of Ordinance No. 50 of said townsaid town.
All persons 'interested are notified to
be present at said time and place and
shall be heard. Dated at AtlantiecB h,
Florida, this 12th day of November 52.
In the — Court, was pub- E. Gerry Adams,
President Town Council.
Attest: Aden Cle OS. rage 't
lished in said newspaper in the issue/of_ November 3k•, 1952
Affiant further says that the said Florida Times-Union is a newspaper published at Jackson-
ville, in said Duval County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been contin-
uously published in said Duval County, Florida,each day and has been entered as second class
mail matter at the postoffice in Jacksonville, in said Duval County, Florida, for a period of one
year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further
$s that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate,
'fission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said
n paper.
Sworn to and subscribed before me
this _ 11th day of mb- D. 19
A/e, e
r, !