D.W. Bremer
D.P. Mason
W.G. Kirby
R.S. Thames, Councilmen
G.L. Ro sb o ro u r-h, Mayor
Frank Thompson, Town Attorney
J.D. Brotchie, Town Manager
Adele S. Grage, Town Clerk
The meeting was called to order by the Vice-President, Mr. Bremer.
Minutes of the regular meeting of January 8th, 1951 were read and
upon motion of Mr. Kirby, seconded by Mr. Thames were approved.
Minutes of the adjourned meeting of February 6th, 1951 were read
and upon motion of Mr. Mason,, seconded by Mr. Kirby were approved.
Mr. Bremer recognized visitors present, and called for any business
from the floor. Mr. Lebrun spoke for the Liquor Dealers present,
requesting that they be allowed to keep open until 4 A.M. in line
with the policy being followed by Jacksonville Beach and Neptune
Beach. There was a discussion, and upon motion of Mr. Mason,
seconded by Mr. Thames, an Ordinance amending Ordinance on liquor
store closing hours to allow to remain open until 4 A.M. was passed
on 1st reading, upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Thames
it was passed on 2nd reading. It was brought out that we could not
ask the Town Marshall to stay up until 4 A.M. every night to give
police protection, and they advised that they understood this point.
It was advised that the U.S. Engineers got the contract for the
dredging at the Mayport Base, and the Town Manager was directed to
write the District Engineer relative to dumping of the spoils on
north side of jetties.
Mr. Brotchie reported that contract for the Atlantic WO, Ramp will
be let on February 14th.
A letter was read from the Texas Company relative to deeding part of
their property for alley purposes. They do not wish at this time to
dispose of any of their land, but should the Town any time in the future
desire to install on the extreme rear of the lots underground water
or other lines, that will not interfere with the use of the property,
that they will at all times co-operate to the fullest extent.
Mr. Brotchie advised that names Clow & Co. had accepted our order
for 6" pipe and advised shipping date in June.
Mr. Thompson will draw up Ordinance requirimg contractors to carry
Liability Insurance.
The property owners on the Ocean Front between 13th and 15th Sts. are
considering having an apron built adjoining the seawall, and since the
Town will have 14th St. and a small portion at 15th St. included, they
would like to know if the Town will go along with them. There was a
discussion and upon motion of Mr. Thames, seconded by Mr. Kirby approval
was given for not over $500. for this project, to cpver the Town's part.
A request was made by the Frye's that they be allowed to observe 5 foot
sideline restrictions in building their house on Lots 11 and Ei of 13,
Block 3. Upon motion of Mr. Kirby, seconded by Mr. Thames, the Town
Manager was directed to conform to the Zoning Ordinance in the matter.
A letter was read from Dr. D.G. Scott relative to the problem of 14 year
olds being allowed to drive without adults in the car with them. There was
a discussion am the Town Clerk was directed to write Dr. Scott that the
Town Marshall has been directed to watch out for these 14 and 16 year old
Upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Thames approval was given
to pay employees for their time in lieu of vacations where not taken.
Mr. Mason brought up the matter of Social Security for the Town
employees, and what steps would he necessary to secure same. Mr.
Rosborough advised that he would contact Mr. Donaldson and get informa-
tion as to what needs to be done, and advise Mr. Brotchie or Mrs. Grage.
Upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by MrKirby the Treasurer's report
was approved with the following balances;
General Fund $10,503.52
Seawall Fund 666.66
Waterworks Fund 1,611.14
Cigarette Tax Fund 988.98
S.A. Street " 0
The Bills were next studied and upon motion of Mr. Kirby, seconded by
Mr. Thames, the following were approved for payment:
General Waterworks Cigarette
Amica-Burnett Chemical & Supply Co $ - $ 23.00 $ -
Arnold Printing & Label Uo 61.55 - -
Art Concrete Works - - 28.20
Atlantic Blvd. Ice & Fuel 45.99 - -
Black Laboratories - 250.00 -
Beach Transfer - 1.70 -
The Cameron & Barkley Co 136.90 - 100.75
P.D. Carmichael's Hardware 5.50 11.83 -
Howard's Garage 12.50 - -
Jacksonville Coca-Cola Bottling Co 13.25 - -
City of Jacksonville - Elec. Dept. - 40.70 -
City of Jax. Bch. (Prisoner's meals) 1.50 - -
ik " " " " (Loading Shell) 14.00 - _
Jax. Beach Truck Line, Inc. . .85 - -
J & W. Motor Co. 6.25 1.50 -
Langston Seaside Pharmacy 18.46 - -
Mason-Smith Co 14.10 1.95 -
B.B. McCormick & Sons 101.50 105.00 -
McDerment Pharmacy - 2.75 _
Town of Neptune Beach , 240.00 - -
Perdue's Repair Shop 7.00 - -
O.K. Radiator Service, .Inc 121.00 - -
R.R. Rosborough & Bro., Inc. 4.84 - -
Rubin Iron Works, Inc. - 111.94 -
Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co.(office) 6.00 - -
" " " " " " (Russell) 4.89 - -
11 " " " " " (Health Center). 9.49 - -
Standard Oil Co. 31.01 - -
Sun Oil Co. Police $24.26
Streets 21.85
Garbage 20.37 66.48 - -
The Texas Co. Police $ 30.53
Streets 13.01
Garbage 7.75 51.29 -
R.E. Wilkerson & Co. 21.90 - -
*City of Jacksonville Beach (radio) 30.00 - -
1026.25 550.37 128.95
Upon motion of Mr. Kirby, seconded by Mr. Thames Sppro9ral was given for payment
to Mennen & Bullock of $88.15 balance owing them on work on trucks, and paid
by Insurance Company on Rec. #6518.
A welcome was extended to Mr. Chas. W. Strudel, new editor of the Ocean
Beaches Reporter, who was present.
Upon motion of Mr. Thames the meeting adjourned from day to day.
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CICe-ae Q-
D.W. Bremer, Vice-President
Adele S. Grage, Tom Cl k