03-12-51 v MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TOWN COUNCIL HELD AT THE TOWN HALL ON MONDAY, MARCH 12th, 1951 AT 8 P.M. Present: D.W. Bremer D.P. Mason W.G. Kirby R.S. Thames, Councilman and G.L. Rosborough, Mayor Frank Thompson, Town Attorney J.D. Brotchie, Town Manager Adele S. Grape; Town Clerk The meeting was callod to order by the Vice-president, Mr. Bremer in the absence of Mr. Adams, who was ill. The minutes of the February 13th, 1951 meeting were read and upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Kirby they were approved. Mr. Bremer recognized visitors present, and called for business from the floor. Mrs. N.H. Frazer spoke on behalf of a delegation from the Saltair section regarding the water supply in that section, and request- ing that they be included in the present water system that serves the east section of the Town. They are at present supplied by an artesian well without areation. Mr. Brotchie advised that it would take approxi- mately 3000 ft. of 6" pipe to serve them, and that the pipe that we now have on hand and that which is on order for shipment to us in June is to be used in remodeling the present system in order to give adequate pressure to the present users. The extension of the present system to Saltair is in the overall future plans for the waterworks expansion, but it is not known when that will be. There was considerable discussion and Council assured the delegation that they were sympathetic with their request, and that they would be included in the futtre plans if and when money and pipe are available, but could not say any definite date. Mrs. George Pritchard advised that she represented the Federation of Garden Circles and the Atlantic Beach Garden Circle, who are working on a clean-up campaign for the Beaches. They would like tonhave the a' leyway back of the stores, and those places around the business section, which are the entrances to the Town cleaned up. There was a discussion and upon motion of Mr, Mason, seconded by Mr. Thames the Town Marshall was directed to see the tenents and see that the alleys, etc. are kept clean. Mrs. Chas. Moore also spoke od* behalf of the Garden Circles, requesting that lots ,especially along the main streets, be clearedhoff. Mr. Brotchie advised that he plans to burn off some of the lots when the windy weather is over. Mr. Jack Hunphries told of the baseball equipment the Rotary Club has furnished for the colored playground. Felix White presented a request to the Council for help in getting lights for their playground end also in the building of their recreation center which they are trying to build in connection with the playground. There was a discussion, and Mr. Mason moved that the Town buy lights and Mr. Johnson install same for us, and the Town be responsible for the light bills. This was seconded by Mr. Thames who offered an amendment to the motion that estimate costs be secured first and that the installing , etf. be left to the discretion of the Public Works Committee. The amendment was accepted by Mr. Mason and made a part of the motion. The motion as amended was carried. Mr. Mason moved that sibce the Rotary Club has furnished the baseball equipment, that the Town use the grader to fix the field, and that the coloeed citizens would help out with the labor needed. This was seconded by Mr. Thames and carried. Mrs. N.H. Frazer requested that a road be graded thru from Saltair to the school for the convenience of the children, and that speed signs • be put up on Saltair Blvd. This was referred to the Town Manager to report on a road, and to put up some signs. A letter was read from the U.S. Engineers advising that in using hopper dredges they could not operate id close proximity to the beach in safety, however that the dump area will be as close to the beach as is considered safe. It was reported that the Atlantic Blvd. Ramp award went to the B.B. Mc- Cormick & Sons to-gether with the Mundy Drive Ramp at Jacksonville Beach, and the two are to be completed in 75 working days. It was not speci- fied which was to be done first, but the contractor can build whichever he chooses first, and it is understood that it will be the Mundy Drive Ramp. Mr. Taylor advises that he plans to keep a close check on the work. Regarding social security for municipal employees, Mr. Burnis T. Coleman General Counsel fornthe Florida Industrial Commission, who advised that they were working in co-operating with the Attorney General's office in preparation of bills which have been suggested by the federal authorities. He advised that we contact our delegation in legislature and apprise them of our interest in the matter. A letter was read from the City of Jacksonville Beach advising that the contaact for maintenance cost on the neon sign at the Intersection of Kings Rd. and Atlantic Boulevard is based on a three year contract of $150. per year, or $12.50 per month. They suggest that it be divided 25% for Atlantic Beach, 25% for Neptune Beach and 50% for Jacksonville Beach. This would make Atlantic Beach's share $37.50 for the year or $3.12 per month. It was unanimously agreed that this division seems equitable. A request from Mr. Young of the Fletcher Band Parents Association for advertising in their program was discussed and upon potion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Thames ft15.00 was approved for this. Mr. Brotchie presented plan of Miss Doris Averitt to build on the W 50 feet of Lots 1 and 2, Block 22, which she has secured from Mr. Chas. Hess. There was a question as to whether this could be considered as a lot and what the set-backs would be. There was a discussion, and upon motion of Mr. Thames, seconded by Mr. Kirby, the matter was referred to Mr. Thompson for an opinion. Mr. Thompso1 advised that he would have to slrudy the Ordinance #50 with amendments, and would advise them of his opinion. Mr. George Bull presented a request Sor a public hearing on the re-zoning of Lots 40 and 41, Atlantic Beach Terrace from Residence A to Residence "B". Letters have been received from owners of 19 lots out of 36, advising that they have no objections to the re-zoning, and from the ownera of 7 lots objecting. Upon motion t9f Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Thames a Public Hearing on this matter was set for the next regular meeting on April 9th, 1951 at 8 P.M. and the Town Clerk was directed to follow usual procedure of advertising and notices. Upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Kirby Ordinance # 137 amending Ordinance # 134 by changing closing hours for liquor places to 4 A.M. was passed on third and final reading. Upon motion of Mr. Kirby, seconded by Mr. Mason, Ordinance # 136 requiring persons, firms and corporations doing construction work in the Town to carry insurance against public liability and property damage, was passed on 3rd and final reading. Mr. Thames suggested that study be made of the Zoning Ordinance with thought for revision of same. It was suggested that Mr. Brotchie contact Mr. Simons and discuss the matter with him. The question was raised as to whether stringer lights were going to be available for the May Carnival at the school, and upon motion of Mr. Kirby, seconded by Mr. Mason, it was directed that a letter be written; to the Chairman of the City Commission of Jacksonville, over the mayor's signature, asking that they clarify with a ruling as to the use of stringer lights at the school as has been the custom in the past, and as to whether we are to continue • to use in the future, The Town Clerk was directed to acknowledge letter from Col.A.G. Mathews, Chief Engineer, State Board of Conservation expressing appreciation of his interest in the matter of Beach Erosion. The Treasurer's report was presented and upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Kirby it was approved with the following balances: General Fund $7,760.29 Seawall Fund 678.37 Waterworks Fund 4,093.18 Cigarette Tax Fund 274.36 Saltair St. Fund 0.00 The Bills were next studied and upon motion of Mr. Thames, seconded by Mr. Mason the following were approved for payment: General Waterworks Cigarette Atlantic Blvd. Ice & Fuel Co $ 23.67 $ - Frank E. Brunson .50 - - Beach Transfer . - 5.94 - Cameron & Barkley Co - 38.95 354.94 P.D. Carmichael's Hardware 17.68 - - Chao Hardware Co 6.00 -J.G. Christopher Co. - - 174.93 Florida-Georgia Tractor Co 2.36 - - Howard's Garage 15.75 -J. & W. Motor Co 39.00 - - Jacksonville Coca-Cola Bottling Co. . . 13.25 - - City of Jacksonville, Electric Sept. . - 67.90 - City of Jacksonville Beach (Radio). . . 30.00 - - City of Jax. Bah.(Mrs. Frank-prisoner meals) 2.00 - - City of Jacksonville Beach ( Shell) . . . 28.00 - - Joe's Plbg. & Appliance Co ; . 33.91 - - Mason--Smith Co 9.31 - - Massey Motors, Inc 10.88 - - Mock Welding & Mach. Works c 96.50 - - Town of Neptune Bch.(Fire) 60.00 - - Porter's Service Station 10.44 - - R-C-B-S Corp 20.00 - - Southern Bell T. & T. Co. (Health Center) 9.49 - - " " " " " " (Office). . . . 6.44 - - " " " " " " (Russell-Police) 4.89 - Standard Oil Co. 7.40 -The Texas Co. (Jan.) Police $ 67.31 (G&O) 24.65 (R&R) Garbage 43.55 (G&O) " 1.81 (R&R) Streets 49.68 (G&O) 6.05 (R&R) 193.05 -The Texas Co.( Feb.) Police $42.09 (G&O) 1.50 (R&R) Garbage 30.69 (G&0) " 44.70 (FM) Streets 50.34 (G&O) " 58. 5 R&R) 227.67 - - Zaun Equipment Co 7.74 875.93 112.77 529.87 Upon motion of Mr. Thames the meeting adjourned from day to day. • Bremer, Vice-President Attest: utee. , //,e-v/ Adele S. Grage, Town ' erk