04-09-51 v MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TOWN COUNCIL HELD AT THE TOWN HALL ON MONDAY, APRIL 9TH, 1951 at 8 P.M. PRESEN T: E. Gerry Adams W.D. Bremer D.P. Mason R.S. Thames, Councilmen and G.L. Rosborough, Mayor Frank Thompson, Town Attorney Adele S. Brage, Town Clerk The meeting was called to order by the President, Mr. Adams, and went immediately into Public Hearing on re*zoninp of Lots 40 and 41, Atlantic Beach Terrace from Residence "A" to Residence "B". Proof of Publication covering notice of this hearing is attached hereto and made a part of these minutes. George Bull presented Mr. & Mrs. Hall, who are the prospective purchasers of these lots. He also outlined their request for this change and presented the plans for the duplex they wish to build. The Mayor advised that he had been advised by some of the property owners that they opposed the change as they had put considerable monies in their property because it was in the Residence "A" Zone. Mr. Minchew advised that he was not against': this particular duplex, but that he was opposed to spot zoning of this kind. Mr. Adams advised that he likes duplexes, as they furnish more revenue for the Town, and that he feels the type of buildings is the important factor. There was further discussion during which it was brought out that there were a total of 34 lots in the radius contacted, and of this number the owners of 7 lots were against the re- zoning, 23 were not opposed to the re-zoning and 4 did not reply. Upon motion of Thames., seconded by Mr. Mason, an Ordinance Amending Zoning Ordinance #50 by Re-zoning Lots 40 and 41 to Residence "B" was passed on first reading. Upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Thames it was passed on second reading. The president next called for the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting of March 12, 1951. Upon motion of Mr. Thames, seconded by Mr. Bremer the minutes were approved as read. Mr. Adams recognized visitors present and called for any business from the floor. Miss Doris Averitt presented her plans for a house to be build on W 50 ft. of Lot 1, Block 23. Mr. Brotchie advised that in his opinion the plans are for a 2 family residence, and this location is in the Residence "A" single family zone, and according to the attorney it would be illegal to build it in this area. There was discussion from the floor and by CoUAcil, and upon motion of Mr. Thames, seconded by Mr. Bremer the issueing of a building permit was left to the discretion of the Town Manager. The call vote was Thames, Bremer, Ad "aye" Mason "nay" . the plans be accepted subject to s tisfactory Mr. Mason moved that/specifications and elevation beeTurnished on the Averitt plans, but there was no second to this motion as it was brought out that this information would have to be furnished the Building Inspec- tor before building permit could be issued. Mr. Robert Chambers spoke on behalf of the midget baseball league for the Beaches. He advised that they wish to organize all beaches as a whole with Zones, so that all the good players will not be concentrated on one team. It will be for boys too young for High School baseball, who will not have become 14 as of the 1st of April. There was favdrable discussion as to need of such a project for the younger boys. Mr. Chambers requested $50. donation from Atlantic Beach to help buy the equipment for the league. Upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Bremer $200. advertising Fund was allotted to the Mayor for use at his discretion. Mr. Rosborough directed the Town Clerk to send a Town Warrant for $50. for the Midget baseball league when they advise they are ready. Applications for liquor l cerses were received from Mr. Andrew Greig to be used at his restaurant, and from Mrs. Holly DeLoach for a place at 325 Atlantic Boulevard. There was a discussion on granting these licenses, and the Town Attorney advised that the Town had no Ordinance governing the number of liquor licenses in the Town, but that the State law allows only 1 license to every 2500 people. There was further discussion and upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Thames approval was given for the issueing of liquor licenses to both applicants, these subject to approval by the State Beverage Commission. There was a discussion of the lights for the colored playground and Mr. Leroy Johnson advised that the maximum cost of installation would be $25. Upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Bremer approval was given for Mr. Johnson to go ahead with the installation and getting the lights in operation. There was a discussion of the opening of a way for the school children to go thru from Saltair to the school, and upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Bremer the matter was referred to a committee to be appointed by the chair, and it would be left to their judgement as to what should he done. Mr. Adams and Mr. Thames will act as committee on this. Mr. Brotchie reported that he had contacted Mr. Geotge Simons relative to re-zoning and a letter from Mr. Simon's was read. His letter read "Considering the status of maps and information and such assistance as you could give to the work it would be possible to make the restudy, revise the map and prepare necessary amendments to the Oridnance for $550.00.". There was a discussion and upon motion of Mr. Mason seconded by Mr. Bremer the matter was referred to the Laws ard Rules Committee for further consideration and recommendation. As regards the stringer lights at the school for the May Fete and also for Christmas lighting in the Town, Mr. Dillon Kennedy, Commissioner of Public Utilities in Jacksonville, advised that we are to continue using as usual. Mr. Bremer reported on his meeting with Mr. Moore relative to bus service. Mr. Rosborough and Mr. Bremer will meet with Mr. Moore on Friday morning, April 13th to discuss possobilities of bus service for Atlantic Beach. Mr. Brotchie reported that the Water Tank Maintenance Co. advising that they would furnish the labor, clean and paint the outside of the water tank again with any cost to the Town, except the Town to furnish the paint used. Mr. Brotchie recommended that this offer be accepted, and it was unanimously agreed that it be done. Mr. Johnson reported that the City of Jacksonville had advised that the 6 new street lights would cost approximately $375. installed. Upon motion of Mr. Bremer, seconded by Mr. Thames approval was gi,ren for the installa- tion of these 6 lights. It was reported that the property owners on the ocean front between 13th and 14th Sts would like to continue the concrete slab in front of their places back of the seawall, if Council will approve the Town's continueing it thru 13th St. There was a discussion and it was estimated that it would cost approximately $400. Upon motion of Mr. Bremer seconded by Mr. Thames approval was given for expenditure of approximately $400. for the concrete slab back of seawall at 13th St., if the property owners between 14th and 13th have theirs done. Mr. Brotchie reported that we are making arrangements to take over the Neptune water customers in Atlantic Beach as soon as possible, as Neptune Beach's collection year is May 1st, and we would like to take over by then. That is all but the Copper Kettle and Sandbar which we will transfer to our lines as soon as our line capacity will permit. Neptune Beach line comes to south side of 4th St. on Ocean Blvd. and our line goes to 2nd St. on Ocean Blvd. Mr. Brotchie reported that this change is agreeable to Neptune Beach, and the Council gave their unanimous approval. There was a discussion of purchasing chairs for the Town Hall, and Mr. 111 Adams advised that he would be glad to loan the Town 25 folding chairs. His offer was accepted. Mr. Rosborough recommended that Mr. Brotchie be sent to Gainesville to attend the Short Course for City Managers with expenses paid. Motion was made by Mr. Sason, seconded by Mr. Bremer that the Mayor's recommendation be approved. Motion was made by Mr. Thames, seconded by Mr. Bremer that Mr. Brotchie be re-imbursed for his expensee incurred while attending the meeting in Gainesville on chemical warfare, and water and sewerage problems. Motion carried. Floyd & Camp tentative plans for subdividing the unplated strip on Sherry Drive lying west of Block 3 were approved on motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Thames , this subject to presentation of final plans to Council for certification and acceptance. Upon motion of Mr. Thames, seconded by Mr. Mason the followinc Resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, Lot 357 Saltair was taken over by the County for Tax Sale in the year 1946, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Town of Atlantic Beach Tax Rolls for the years 1946 thru 1949 show the said Lot 357, Saltair as "County Land" and therefore tax exempt for those years. A letter was read from the Hibiscus Garden Circle relative to mosquito control, and asked that the Town again begin a fogging program, as mosquitoes are already evident in some parts of the Town. There was nc action taken, how- ever the Town Manager advised that he already started spreading oil in ditches, etc. Upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Bremer the Treasurer's Report was approved with the following balances: General Fund $9,906.00 Seawall Fund 8l8.24 Waterworks Fund 5,833.69 Cigarette Tax Fund 418.70 Saltair St. Fund 0.00 The Bills were next studied and upon motion of Mr. Thames, seconded by Mr. Mason the following were approved for payment: General Waterworks Cigarette Olt Atlantic Boulevard Ice & Fuel Co $ 13.93 - - Quinn R. Barton Co 11.15 - Beach Elec, Ap Co 1.62 - - Beach Lumb,,r & Sup. Co 8.75 - - Beach Transfer - • X85 - Burroughs (Pd. by Brotchie) 2.14 .. - Cameron & Barkley Co - 10.12 57.60 P.D. Carmichael's Hardware 3.16 17.15 - H & W.B. Drew Co 12.64 --The Fishermen's Supply Co. 17.19 - - Florida-Georgia Tractor Co 20.23 - - Graham-Jones Paper Co. 9.67 .. - Howard's Garage 67.75 - - & W. Motor Co. 3.50 City of Jacksonville(Elec. Cutrent) - 84.05 - City of Jacksonville Beach ( Radio Service) . . 30.00 - - Mrs. C.H. Franks (Prisoner's meals) 1.00 - - Jacksonville Coca-Cola Bottling Co 13.25 - - Jacksonville Flag & Decor. Co. 29.30 - .. Joe's Plbg, & Appl. Co, i - 3.70 - Mason-Smith Company 12.85Jmeicsami-i-1-140-1kgarnisa. 7;0* - -- - Mennen & Bullock , 3.00 - Sargent Seat Cover Co. 8.00 - - Sanford-Hall 2.90 - - Southern Bell T. & T. Co. (Town Hall) 1.80 - - n " " n " " (Russell) 4.89 - .. Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co.(Health Center). . 9.49 - - Sun Oil Co. Police 37.88 (G&0) Garbage 21.47 " Streets 48.59 " " .70 (R&R) 107.84 - - :SMOuo; Our T .Tuawast;aanpe aoo/pue uo;eognd `aogoapisstomtit PuB umoy p?T ; o. a ; ;o a�ep ag2u? aoaad pot' .ea/f auo uoz ao; ue?d an0uai Sduu au: paq?aosap anoge ;o uo;eoignd ;sat; eao;;o uosLutazasd;o3u0seoaoueupz0 Io 'pmui `Aluno7 renna ainnuos>laer ;o AI) agK ' 1 � Bills (Continued) The Texas Company ( asphalt) 32.40 The Texas Company Police $ 33.00 (G&0) 22.30 (R&R) Garbage 11 2846 (R&R) Streets 46.73 (G&O) 196.12 (R&R) 352.81 —R.E. Wilkerson & Co. 5.75 – Zaun Equipgent Co. . . . . . . . F . . o . . . 5.20 — --= V 792.21 115.87 57.60 Upon motion of Mr. Thames, seconded by Mr. Bremer the following Resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, Interest Coupons # 35 from Seawall Bonds 142 thru 150 inclusive beaame due April 1, 1951, and were therefore paid by the Town Clerk, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, That Approval be given to the payment made in amount of 0.80.0O to cover these interest coupons, and that, The Town Clerk be instructed to destroy these said coupons by fire. Upon motion of Mr. Thames the meeting adjourned at 10:40 P.M. from day to day. Attest: E. Gerry Adams, President Adele S. Grage, Town Clerk p STATE OF FLORIDA ss: County of Duval Personally appeared before me, a Notary Public for the State of Florida At Large, Z._--C.--.,sc:aasr_xer who deposes and says that he is Actv_exlising_lilaw,ger of The Jacksonville Journal, a daily newspaper printed in the English language and of general circulation, published in the City of Jacksonville, in said County and State; and that the attached order, notice, publication and/or advertisement of NQ#a.ce - was published in said newspaper Une-_Time for a period of Qua_lae.k ccamtibexix, Rorc;nnina karch 20 and ending -ill rrh_-2Q • • Attest: E. Gerry Adams, President ele S. Grage, Town Clerk STATE OF FLORIDA ss: County of Duval Personally appeared before me, a Notary Public for the State of Florida At Large, Scherzos-------- who deposes and says that he is Adier.tiaing_lianagar of The Jacksonville Journal, a daily newspaper printed in the English language and of general circulation, published in the City of Jacksonville, in said County and State; and that the attached order, notice, publication and/or advertisement of Notice was published in said newspaper _-.C?�e-_T�mp for a period of QST-_eek- --- aaanandixedi, Beginning Maz i__2Q and ending Jdar.ch--24 said publication being made on the following dates: March 20_,__1951 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that on the 9th day of April, 1951, at 8 o'clock P.M. in the Town Hall of the Town of Atlantic Beach, Florida, the Mayor and Town Council of said Town will hold a PublicAnd deponent further says that The Jacksonville Journal has been continuously aHearing', pub- relative to a proposed amendment lished as a daily newspaper, and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post- of Ordinance No. 50 of said Townhe City of period of more than a comprehensive saidhOrdinanceve lanfor thens to onfecyear at t next preceding the date of the first n publication ofc the forabodescribed order, a comprehensive plan zon- ing of said Town and which said, publication amendment is as follows: notice, and/oOr advertisement. That the territory of said town described as Lots 40 and 41, At- lantic Beach Terrace, according to plat recorded in Plat Book 15, Subscribed and sworn to before me this P-gs-34 of the current public rec- ords of Duval County, Florida, be , described as Residence "B" Dis- trict within the meaning and sub- __2.Q day ou aT Ch D. __--- ject to the general provisions of Residence B" districts as pro- • vided by the aforesaid Ordinance �rjl No. 50 of said town. All persons interested are notified' to be present at said time and place Notary Public, State of Florida at large and they shall be heard. Dated at Atlantic Beach, Florida. My commission expires August 25, 1954. 1951. this 19thday �ROSBOROUGH, Mayor. No 108Q2 E. GERRY ADAMS, President Town Council. Attest: ADELE S. GRAGE, • Town Clerk.Adv. 10802)