4 E. Gerry Adams
D.F. Mason
W.G. Kirby
R.S. Thames, Councilmen
G.L. Rosborough, Mayor
Frank Thompson, Town Attprney
J.D. Brotchie, Town Manager
Adele S. Grage, Town Clerk
The meeting was called to order by the President, Mr. Adams.
Minutes of the regular meeting of May 14th, 1951 were read
and upon motion of Mr. Thames, seconded by Mr. Kirby they
were approved.
Minutes of the adjourned meeting of June 4, 1951 were approved
as read upod motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by tr. Thames.
All Mr. Adams recognized visitors present and called for any business
from the floor.
Mr. George Bull presented plans for a new sub-division they plan
to develop. This is a triangular part of the Silva Marina Tract
bounded by 12th St., Seminole Rd., and East Coast Drive, He would
like for the Town to approve the project and if possible, when funds
are available, to participate in the paving of East Coast Drive.
The developers will pave the streets in the sub-division and have
already been conferring with Mr. Brotchie as to the type of pave-
ment, etc. There was a discussion and upon motion of Mr. Mason,
seconded by Mr. Thames the matter was referred to the Public Works
Committee for recommednations at next Council meeting.
Mr. Mason reported that in line with action taken at the last
Council meeting he had hired Mr. Edward Bullock as Deputy Marshall
for the months of June, July, and August, and thru Labor Day.
Mr. Mason reported on the Civilian Defense that they have a half-
promise of a radio. Mr. Russell offered the use of the one in his
office, if needed. Mr. Mason also advised that Mr. A.J. Craig
has been appointed to go to Washington on Civilian Defense matters.
Ordinance No. 139 was presented for 3rd and final reading. Upon
motion of Mr. Thames, seconded by Mr. Kirby this Ordinance covering
the paving of 2nd, 3rd, 7th, and 8th Streets and Sherry Drive was
passed on 3rd and final reading.
Mrs. Keith asked if the County was going to help with the paving
of Sherry Drive. There was a discussion and upon motion of Thames,
seconded by Mr. Kirby the matter was referred to the Public Works
Committee to confer with Mr. Brotchie and see the County Commission
immediately. Mr. Mason advised that he would not be able to serve
and Mr. Bremer was appointed to take his place on this matter.
Upon motion of Mr. Thames, seconded by Mr. Kirby the following Resolution
was adopted covering the paving of these certain streets:
Upon motion of Mr. Thames, seconded by Mr. Kirby the following
Resolution covering the "Call for Bids" was approved:
RESOLUTION of the Town Council of the Town of
Atlantic Beach, Florida, authorizing the call
for bids ,furnishing the materials, equipment
and labor required for the paving of certain
streets of said Town as provided for by Ordi-
nance Number 139 and Resolution of said Town
Council pursuant thereto.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Town Council of the
Town of Atlantic Beach, Florida:
That bids be called for by said Town for the furnish-
ing of all the materials , equipment and labor required by said
Town for the paving of those certain streets of said Town as
provided for in Ordinance Number 139 , heretofore adopted by
the Mayor and Town Council of said Town on June 11th, 1951 ,
and Resolution of said Council pursuant thereto, said work
and improvement to be done and constructed in accordance with
the plans and specifications attached to and made a part of
said Ordinance and on file in the Office of the Town Clerk of
said Town, such bids to be received by said Town up to and
until 5 o' clock P.1,1. of the )41th day of July , 1951.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Attorney be and 41,
he is hereby directed to prepare appropriate form of call for
bids and such other instruments and documents as may be appro-
priate to comply with the above requirements and deliver the
same to the Town Clerk,who shall give public notice of the
Town' s request for bids by publishing such call for bids one
time at least 15 days prior to duly YO5E /4{'i. , 1951 in a
newspaper of general circulation published in Duval County,
This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its
Passed by the Town Council and referred to the Mayor,
June 11, 1951. /
Attest: ad-e-ge--
June__11 , 1951 Town Clerk
Ma or
June 11th, 1951 - Page#3
Upon motion of Mr. Kirby, seconded by Mr. Mason approval was given
to the refund made by the Town Clerk to Mrs. Holly Deloach of $375.
as the State Beverage Department failed to approve her application
for liquor license.
Upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Thames the Treasurer's
report for May, 1951 was approved with the following balances:
General Fund $6,373.27
Seawall Fund 1,817.29
Waterworks Fund 5,454.55
Cigarette Tax Fund 1,458.13
Sp. Sw. Fm. Fund 370.26
Upon motion of Mr. Thames, seconded by Mr. Mason the following bills
were studied and approved for payment:
Atlantic Blvd. Ise & Fuel Co $ 5.52 $ - $ -
Beach Transfer - - 1.70
Concrete Products 1001.74 - -
Cameron & Barkley - - 74.38
P.D. Carmichael Hardware "27;42 - -
H. & W.B. Drew Co. 11.50 1 -
Fishermen's Supply Co. 21.80 - -
Howard's Garage 3.40 - -
Jacksonville Coca-Cola Bottling Co. . . 13.25 - -
City of Jacksonville Beach, Fla. . . 49.00 - -
Mrs. Chas. Franks(Prmsoner's meals) . . 1.50 - __
City of Jacksonville Beach ( radio) . . 30.00 - -
City of Jacksonville ( W.W. current). . - 174.25 -
Mason-Smit}i Co 111.33 - 1.74
Miller Signs 13.20 _ _
Payne-Garrison-Younger & Co. 16.57 - -
Porter's Service Station 14.58 - -
Matt C. Reeves & Co. . 34.40 _ _
Smith Steel Construction Co. 2.75 - -
Sanford-Hall Co. 7.65 - -
Southern Bell T. & T. Co.(Health Center 9.499 - -
It It n It It It (Office) . . . 2.5S - .-.
n n n n n n (Russell). 4.89 - -
Sun Oil Co. - Police(G&0) $22.10
Streets " 18,60
Garbage n 9.46 . . . 50.16 - -
Texas Co. Garbage (G&0) $35.49
n (R&R) 27.80
Streets (G&0) 92.65
" (R&R) 10.20
Police (G&0) 45.74
" (R&R) 10.00 . . . . 221.88 - -
White Star Chemical Corp. 14.38 - -
R.F. Wilkerson & Co 13.60 - -
Zaun Equipment Co 44.66 - -
1730.47 174 25 81.42
Mr. Mason presented the plan for a Beach Patrol with Qualified Life
Guards being worked up by Neptune Beach to serve the areas of Atlantic
Beach and Neptune Beach and equipment, to patrol all day every day.
They would like for the Town to contribute $200., and part of the bal-
ance of expense will be by public contributions. There was discussion,
, and the Mayor was asked to confer with Mr. Jarboe of Neptune Beach, '
and if he thinks necessary to call an adjourned meeting to decide on
the matter.
Letter was read from Dr. Harold Van Schaick expressing appreciation of
. settlement of his claim on the back-filling. Due to illness, he was de-
layed in making this acknowledgement.
Letter was read from the Atlantic-Neptune P.T.A. thanking the Town
for the use of the lights at the May Fete, also for hauling the bleachers
and putting them iap.
A letter was raad from Mr. Richard Hamilton in which he suggested that a
Planning Board be appointed by the Council to study matters of re-
Zoning, etc. and make suggestions to the Council. He also made some
suggestions as to signs for safety. There was a discussion and apprecia-
tion was expressed of his interest and suggestions.
Upon motion of Mr. Thames, seconded by Mr. Mason the Town Clerk was
authorized to transfer the monies in the Special Seawall Emergency
Fund to the General Fund, as partial repayment on the amount spent
from the General Fund to make final payment on the Seawall Emergency
Mr. Ganzel told of the enthusiasm and fine work being down by the
Midget League, and asked if it would be possible for the Town to
put a row of seats for the spectators, as they anticipate a nice
crowd at each of the games. There was a discussion in which it
was brought out that 2x8 planks could be used. Mr. Brotchie was
instructed to see what could be done, and get some- fixed.
Upon motion of Mr. Thames the meeting adjourned from day to day
at 9:30 P.M.
E. Gerry Adds, President
Adele S. Grage, Town Cl k
RESOLUTION of the Town Council of the Town
of Atlantic Beach, Florida, providing for
the paving and improvement of a portion of
certain streets of said Town, and providing
for the payment of a part of the costs thereof
by the Town from its general fund, and a part
of said costs by the levying and imposing of
special assessments against and upon all lots
and lands adjoining and contiguous to or bounding
and abutting upon said improvement.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town of Atlan-
tic Beach, Florida:
Section 1. It is hereby ascertained, determined and de-
clared that the public health, safety, order, convenience,
comfort , and general welfare of the Town of Atlantic Beach in
Duval County, Florida, require that the portion of those
certain streets of said Town hereinafter described and desig-
nated be paved and improved in accordance with the plans and
specifications trete 3t adopted and approved and attached to
Number 139;
and by reference made a part of trills. Ordinance, and said im-
provement is hereby ordered to be made.
Section 2. It is hereby ordered that all the parts or
portions of those certain streets of said Town of Atlantic
Beach, viz:
The Street known and designated as Second Street
from the Street '.cnown and designated as Sherry
Drive to the street known and designated as Ocean
Boulevard; the street known and designated as
Third Street from said Sherry Drive to the street
known and designated as East Coast Drive; the street
known and designated as Seventh Street from said
Sherry Drive to said East Coast Drive; the street
known and designated as Eighth Street from said Sherry
Drive to said East Coast Drive; said Sherry Drive from
said Third Street to the street known and designated
as The Plaza,
be paved and improved in accordance with said plans and speci-
Section 3 . The total estimated cost of constructing said
improvement and completing the said work contemplated hereunder
is the sum of 014,648.41, and the proportion of such total
estimated cost , which shall be borne and paid by the Town of
Atlantic Beach, is the sum of $4$$6.14, which shall be paid
in cash from the funds appropriatedi nd available for the pur-
pose from the Town' s general fund , and the balance of said
estimated total cost remaining in the sum of •;,9772.27 shall be
financed, paid and defrayed by the imposition and collection
of special assessments to be levied and assessed against and
upon all lots and lands adjoining, contiguous to or bounding
and abutting such improvement ( exclusive of public-owned
property) specially benefited by reason of the construction
of said improvement.
Section 4. It is hereby ascertained, determined and de-
clared that all lots and lands adjoining and contiguous to
or bounding and abutting upon said above described parts or
portions of said several streets will be specially benefited
by the improvement provided f? in said Ordinance to an extent
greatly in excess of the estimated amount of the special assess-
ments to be distributed and prorated among the said several lots
and lands to be assessed. To pay and defray such portion of
said cost of said improvement as will not be borne by said Town,
special assessments , in themanner hereinafter provided, shall
be imposed, levied and assessed against and upon all such lots
and lands ( exclusive of public-owned property) adjoining and
contiguous to or bounding and abutting upon aaid improvement to
be specially benefited by reason of the construction of said
improvement , in an amount which shall in no event exceed the
special benefit accruing to the property assessed , the unit or
basis for distributing the special assessment to be so imposed,
levied and assessed shall be according to the front footage of
such property fronting or abutting upon said improvement in the
proportion that the particular lot or parcel of land to be as-
sessed bears to the total front footage of all such property
fronting or abutting upon said improvement. The estimated
amount of cost per front foot as special assessment to be levied
and assessed against and upon such lots or parcels of land front-
ing or abutting upon said improvement is as fol7.ows:
The sum of : .75 per front foot for each foot of
property abutting on said improvement to be made
on said Second, Third, Seventh and Eighth Streets,
and 01.00 per front foot for each foot of property
abutting on said improvement to be made on said
Sherry Drive.
The Town shall have and assert a lien superior to all
other claims except taxes against and upon the aforesaid property
for the amounts of such special assessment, together with in-
terest and all costs of collection.
Section 5. The plans and specifications for the estimated
cost of the said proposed improvement are on file with the Town
Clerk of said Town, and are open to the inspection of the pub-
lic at the Town Hall of said Hall.
Section 6. The Town Clerk, as soon as practical hereafter,
shall make a special assessment roll and in the preparation of
said roll said costs shall be determined and prorated among all
the lots and lands aforesaid specially benefited by said improve-
ment, according to the method and upon the basis prescribed in
said Section 4 hereof.
3 .
Section 7. Said several special assessments against the said
several lots and lands shall become payable to the Town immedi-
ately urn the adoption and final approval of said special
assessment roll and may be paid in two equal installments, the
first of which said installments shall be due and payable thirty
days after said special assessment roll shall have been approved
and confirmed , and the second of said installments one year
thereafter. Said installments shall bear interest at the rate
of eight per cent. per annum from the date payment thereof,
respectively, becomes due until paid.
Section $. The Town Clerk is hereby directed to cause this
Resolution to be published once a week for a period of two
weeks in a newspaper of general circulation published in Duval
County, Florida, the Town Council having ascertained and de-
termined that there is no newspaper of general circulation
published in said Town.
Section 9. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon
its Passage.
Passed and adopted by the Town Council and referred
to the Mayor, this June 11, 1951.
Town Clerk
Approved this June 11, 1951
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