D.W. Bremer
D.P. Mason
R.S. Thames, Councilmen
G.L. Rosborough, Mayor
Frank Thompson, Town Attorney
J.D. Brotchie, Town Manager
Adele S. Graze, Town Clerk
The meeting was called to crder by the Vice-President, Mr. Bremer
in the absence of the President.
Minutes of the regular meeting of November 12th, 1951 were read and
upon motion of Mt. Mason, seconded by Mr. Thames were approved.
Mr. Bremer recognized visitors present and called for any business
from the floor.
Mr. W.A. Wallace , owner of the preperty at 29 Beach Ave. Atlantic
Beach, talked with the Council on the problem he is having keeping
his place rented due to conditions caused by the Copper Kettle (or
Sea Turtle) which is adjoining his property on the south. The undesirable
odors and fumes expelled thru the exhaust system against his house,
and the noise of the fans makes it impossible for him to keep tenents.
The present tenent, Mr. Ulmer, was also present and has given Mr.
Wallace notice after only 3 days occupancy that he desires to break his
lease, as it will be impossible to live there under the present conditions.
Mr. Wallace advises that he has contacted the managers of the property and
also written the Copper Kettle, Inc. requesting that something he done
about the condition, but so far nothing has been done. He asked the Town's
help in getting this nuisance condition corrected. Mr. Brotchie advised
that when the permit was given to the Copper Kettle for work it was for
only $300. , and as they continued to alter and make changes he contacted
the man in charge of the work, who promised to come down and get an
additional permit for the work they were doing as soon as he could
get a completed plan of what was to he done. This permit was never
gotten, and Mr. Coleman had told the Council some months ago that they
had spent approximately $60,000. on the place. The matter was referred to
the Police and Public Safety Committee who will meet with the Town Attorney
and Town Manager and take whatever action necessary to abate this condition.
Mr. "Scotty" Anderson of the Sunoco Station advised that he had understood
when he took over the station about a year and a half ago that he was to
receive one-half of the Town's business, and the Texaco Station the other
half. He had found that he was only receiving 1/2 of the gas and oil business.
Nr. Brotchie advised that the gas and oil business was divided between the
two stations, but that on parts tires, etc. he bought where he could get the
best price and service, whether in town or at the beach. Mr. Mason advised
that Slim's Station was also in the Town, and he didn't know whether he had
ever asked for or wanted the business. Mr. Brotchie was instructed to buy
where he could get the best prices when possible, using his discretion as to
material and service.
Mr. Keyser spoke on the good work that has been done by the State and County
on the highways, and complimented Mr. Brotchie and the Council on the improve-
ment and work that has been done in the Town, but that we still had our "slum"
section, referring the the debris in back of. the Lovett and Clarson buildings.
Mr. Brotchie advised that this was being cleared away as soon as possible.
Mr. Chas. Gaines advised that he understood the Council was gocng to consider
the improvement of atlantic Blvd. from Jacksonville to the Beach. It is under-
stood that Mr. Glover Taylor had advised that he hoped to get this work in
this year's budget, but had found recently that they might not be able, to due to
• the cost of re-surfacing an` the ,plan to widen the road 4 feet on each side.
It is estimated that this will cost approx. $750,000. If the State should
abandon this road, we would be dependent on the County for upkeep and repairs.
There was a discussion and Mr. Rosborough suggested that a Resolution be sent
to the County Commission, with copies to the State Rd. Dept., City
of Jacksonville Beach, and Town of Neptune Beach asking that they
use every effort to get this work included in the 1952 budget.
Upon motion of Mr. Mason, secondedeby Mr. Thames, in line with the
Mayor's suggestion the following Resolution was adopted:
WHEREAS Atlantic Beulevard is the main and most feasible route to
Atlantic Beach, Neptune Beach, and Mayport, and it is essential to
the continued growth and convenience of these several communities
that said Highway be maintained as a safe artery of travel;:and
WHEREAS in order for said Highway to properly serve the said Commu-
nities and the public requiring its use, it is necessary that the
same be widened and resurfaced;
The Board of County Commissioners of Duval County be and is hereby
urged to exert their best efforts and to de everything.in their power
to cause the matter of widening and resurfacing of said Highway to
be included in the 1952 budget and road improvement program of the
State Road Department, and that
A copy of this Resolution be sent to Mr. Glover Taylor, member of the .State
Road Department; a copy to Mr. Alfred A. McKethan, Chairman of the
State Road Department; a copy to the City of Jacksonville Beach, and
a copy to the Town of Neptune Peach.
Also in-this connection Mayor Rosborough that he would talk with Mr.
Jack Kavanaugh, Chairman of the Naval Affairs Committee of the Jackson-
ville Chamber of Commerce in regard to the Navy interest in this
road's being kept id condition.
On the latest Airport development, Mr. Brotchie advised that Mr. Wallace
Smith had written the Navy Engineer on aerenautics to see if there were
any objections to the proposed airport on the Bull site, and that they
had turned down the idea as they do not want an air base closer than 6 to
10 miles to their base due to the conflict of air patterns. However, it
is the plan to calltto their attention that this is already a licensed
airfield and that the plan is just to enlarge it.irito a municipal air-
port for the 3 Beaches. They are still working on it, and plan a con-
ference with Navy representatives.
Upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Thama3 appropriate funds are
to be transferred from Contingency to take care of Social Security
payments to the State on Town's share.
There was further discussion of request received from Felix White for
assistance in fixing play court at colored playground. Dr. Heywood '
Dowling, who was present, advised that he will present the matter to
the Youth Activity Committee of the Junior Chamber of Commerce and see
what they can do to help with this project.
Copies of the auditor's report was given to all Councilmen pr.-sent.
Upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Thames approval was given to exempt bal-
ance,ofthe 1941 Street Paving lieneagainst Lot lg, Block 1, Atlantic Beach
Parkway as same was church property during the period when due.
It was advised that the Zoning hearing covering re-zoning of certain lots
to Residence "I3" from Business "B", will be held on January 14, 1952.
Upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Thames the Town Clerk was directed
to make payment of next installment on Waterworks contract, plus' interest
when same becomes due December 31st.
Mr. Brotchie advised that the Town's share of5the work done to tie back the
Seawall at 16th St. by McCormick & Sons, is $333.33 1/3 . Upon motion of •
Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Thames approval was given for payment of this
Sec. 10th, 1951- Page#3
In reference to the paving of East Coast Drive from 10th to 12th Sts,
checks have been received from all property owners covering their share
of this paving but 2 - Mr. Libert & Mr. Young, and that the Town's share
of this paving cost would be approxinately $250. After discussion and
upon motion of Mr. Thames, seconded by Mr. Mason, approval was given to
payment of the Town's part of this paving.
Upon motion of Mr. Thames seconded by Mr. Mason, approval was given to
giving all employees Christmas Day off, and a remembrance of $510. for
all employees with Town one year or more, those under one year to receive
sealed amount according to months of service.
Mr. Brotchie asked Council's recommendation as to what disposition to make
of the jeep. It will take quite a bit to put in working condition, so should
he do that or sell for junk. After discussion, it was left to the Town
Manager to decide.
Approval was given for the Town to pay the Social Secur`ity in full when
due for the year 1951, and employees part to be repaid to Town over a
ppriod of 3 months by the employees.
Upon motion of Mr. Thames, seconded by Mr. Mason the Treasurer's report
was approved with the following balances:
General Fund 12-1-51 . $9,926.31
Seawall " " " n 2,846.01
Waterworks " " " " 5,527.68
Cigarette Tax " " " " . 3,772.03
SA. St. Paving " " " " 0
3.W. Emergency " " " " 0
Upon motion of Mr. Thames, seconded by Mr. Mason the following bills were
approved for payment :
General Waterworks Cigarette
Acheson Metal Works $ 2.94 - -
Arnold Ptg. & Label Co 42.70 - -
Art Concrete Works - - $ 28.20
Atl. Blvd. Ice & Fuel Co 24.97 - -
Quinn R. Barton Co 37.38 - -
Beach Transfer - - 6.78
Carmichael's Hardware 47.40 2.80 -
Cameron & Barkley Co 33w31 w, . 274.37
J.G. Christopher & Co. - 143.47 -
Consolidated Automitive 4.40 -
Fla. Equipment Co. 25.04 - -
Garrison-Younger-Sheftall Co 294.13 - -
Governmental Guide . . . 3.00 - -
Howard's Garage 5.d5 - -
J & W Motor Co 45.50 - -
Jacksonville Coca-Cola Bottling Co 13.25 - -
City of Jacksonville, Elec. Dept - 48.22 -
City of Jax. Beach(Dir. Sign) 3.12 - -
n It n tt (Loading Shell) . . . . .. 56.00 - -
" It II " (Radio) . 30.00 -
Mrs. Chas. Franks(Prisoner's Meals) 6.00 - -
Jax. Bch. Truck Lines, Inc 21.65 - -
II It It II It 2.64 - -
Harry E. James (Insurance) 17.06 - -
Martin Office Equipment Co 11.56 - -
Mason-Smith Co 87.17 - --
Pablo aft#414).'3 15.30 - -
Porter's Service Station 15.00 - -
Proctor's Hardware .90 -- -
Rosborough & Bros. Inc 20.25 - -
RCBS Corp. 40.00 - -
Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co.(police) . . . . 5.06 -
" " " " " " (Health Center). 9.4°
R.S. Thames (used brick) 75.46 -
The Texas Co 336.27 _ -
R.D. Wood Co 192.30 - _ -
1525.10 194.49 309.35
Upon motion of Mr. Thames, seconded by Mr. Mason the following Resolution
was adopted:
Warrant # 11735 wee payable to Jacksonville Dog Fanciers Association
be marked, void, and payment on same be stopped at Beach Bank, as same
is presumed to be lost, and that,
New warrant be issued to the Jacksonville Dog Fanciers Association
in amount of $15.00 to cover.
Mr. Bremer advised that there was a possibility of securing 2000 feet
of used 6" pipe (cast iton) with hydrants, valves, fittings, etc. at a
very good figure. He was advised to go ahead and see what he could do
about it.
Upon motion of Mr. Thames the meeting adjourned from day to day.
D. Wilmore Bremer, Vise-President
Adele S. ^rage, Toum Clerk .