02-13-50 v MINUTES OF THF RUGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TOWN COUNCIL HELD AT THE TOWN HALL ON MONDAY , FEBRUARY 13TH, 1950 AT $ P.M. PRESENT: F.P. Ganzel D.P. Mason W.G. Kirby D.W. Brener, Councilmen and G.L. Rosborough, Mayor Frank Thompson, Town Attorney • J .D. Brotchie, Town Manager • Adele S. Grage , Town Clerk The meeting was called to order by the president, Mr. Ganzel, who called for the reading of minutes. Upon motion of Mr. Kirby, seconded by Mr. Mason the • minutes of the regular meeting of January 9th, 195C were approved as read. The President recognized visitors, present, and called for any business from the floor. Mr. - Jack Humphties Solicited a part of the '1''4'FlttKasoline and oil business. Mr. Humphries is connected with the Beach Yellow Cab Co. , and is Royal Arrow Gasoline Dealer located at Jacksonville Beach. He made the request due to the fact that he lives in the town, pays taxes, and a license for operating his cabs. The matter was referred to the Public Works Committee. Ordinance #131 covering the holding of a Referendum Election to approve the three Legislativdp Acts # 25676, 25677, and 2567$, as covered by House Bills #933 ,934, and 935, was passed on third and final reading upon motion of Mr. Kirby, seconded by Mr. • Mason. Tuesday , March 21st, 1950 was set as the date for the • election. The registration books are to be open from February 15th, 1950 thru March 16th, 1950, inclusive . Offifials selected for the election are Mrs. Harcourt Bull, Jr. and Mrs . Robt. Lowder, Inspectors, and Mr. Ernest Keyser, Clerk. The fee for the officials was approved for $10.00 each. The memorandum Treasurer's Report was presented and approved. Upon motion of Mr. Kirby, seconded by Mr. Mason approval was given for payment of the present balance in the Saltair Street Improvement Fund to Duval Engineering & Contrasting Co. and Bull- Terry Homes . An error was made in figuring the interest on the Seawall Emer- gency assessment , and on the Seawall Construction Account penalty on Lot 7, Block 36, Estate of Holmes, and the final payment made, therefore, upon motion of Mr. Ganzel, seconded by Mr. Mason ap- proval was given to accept the interest and penalty as paid on Receipts # 4384 and 4385. It has been determined that the building on Block 2.C$, Sec . "H" had been torn down before January 1, 1949 , therefore upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Kirby the Town Clerk and Tax Collector was authorized to eliminate the "improvement" on the 1949 Tax Roll on Block 20$, Section "H" . A letter was read from the Atlantic Beach Garden Circle express- ing appreciation for the co-operation given in securing the boulder for the park, and especially the help given by Mr . Brotchie. • A let :er was read from Mrs . A.C. Newman protesting the Lot Clean- ing Assessment made against her Lots 6 & 9, Block 60, and request - ing that it be reduced. It was brought out that these assessments were made in line with actual labor costs and could not be changed. Upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Kirby the following bills were approved for payment : General Seawall Anderson's Garage & Wrecker Sery $ ,4•50 $ - Atlantic National Bank 65.1$ - Art Concrete Works (meter boxes) -- 36.30 Beach Bank (grader payment) . . . . 217.83 - P.D. Carmichael Hdwe . 19.11 - Chao Hdwe. Co. (st. ends ) 9.$7 - A.R. Cogswell (Engr. Sup ) 19.95. - Eppinger & Russell (posts ) 72.60. - Florida Equip. Co. (R&R Grader ) 10.29 - W.L. Golden & Co. ( Oil-Town Hall) 10.7$_ . - Horton Elec. Co. (Town Hall) 10.67 - City of Jacksonville(E1. Cur ) - 107.2$ rt tt ttft ft - 5.00 • • . . . . • • City of Jacksonville Beach (Radio Jan. & Feb. ) 60.00 - Jax. Beach Tryck .$5 - JoePlbg. & Ap. Co. (W.. parts) - 14.81 Hal Lynch Motors (R&R Garb ) 6,15 - Town of Neptune Beach (2-fires ) 120.00 - E.H. McClure (paint flag pole) 6.00 - Mason-Smith Co. (misc . ) 123 .33 9.00 Porter's Service Sta , • • 33 .84 - R.C .B.S . Corp. (sand ) 35.00 - Sherman Concrete Pipe Co. (pipe) 24 .01 - Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. , Co. (off ice) . . . 8.91 - tt n " " " " (Health Unit ) . 5.60 - Standard Oil Co. (grader oil) 22 .00 - Sun Oil Co. Police $17.65 Streets 7.45 Garbage 4.13 29.23 - The Texas Co. Police $44.93 Streets 69.64 Garbs ge 31.27 145.84 - R.E . Wilkerson & Co. (Office) 2.14 - Zaun Eouipment Co. (R&R Parks ) 7.90 - Cameron & Barkley Co ' 3$.20 2 .6$ 1144.99 175.07 Upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr . Kirby the following Resolution was adopted: "Whereas the two Seawall Bonds # 137 and 13$ with coupons 33 to 3$ inclusive attached to each, have been redeemed, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ,AYOR AIJD TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, That The Town Clerk be authorized to destroy same by fire." A letter was read from Mr. Claude Gaynon protesting the usage being made of the Clarson property, Lots 5 & 6 Block 35, and the condition of same . It appears that Mr. Clarson is raising hundreds of baby chicks there. There was a discussion in which it was brought out that it was not in line with the Zoning Ordinance. His license was issued for a "miscellaneous Store" . Upon motion of Mr. Kirby, seconded by Mr. Mason the Town Manager was directed to see that the place of business be brought in line with Ordinance or revoke the license. A . letter from Mr. & Mrs. Baer, owners of "The Palms" on Sherry Dr. was considered . "The Palms" and the "Saltair Apts ." on Atlantic Blvd. are on the same water meter with different ownerships, and the Baers request that the Saltair Apts. be put on a separate meter . There was a discussion and upon motion of Mr. Bremer, seconded by Mr. Mason, the Town Manager was directed to rectify the problem and • put Saltair Apts. on a separate meter. . There was a discussion of the balances due by the Town on the Seawall Emergency bills, and upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Bremer approval was given for payment of these bills in full,and to repay General Fund as assessments are collected. Mr. Ganzel brought to the attention of the Council the dog sit- uation in the Town. There was considerable discussion as to whether to leave the handling of the dogs- with the County or pass a Town Ordinance to try and control the dog problem. Upon motion of Mr. Bremer, seconded by Mr. Kirby the matter was turned over to the Mayor to handle. Mr. Brotchie reported on streets, and suggested resurfacing East Coast Drive from Atlantic Blvd. to 10th St. , and to do some trial work on Beach Ave. north of 10th St. There was a discussion and upon motion of Mr. Kirby, seconded by Mr. Bremer, the Town Manager was directed to get the necessary bids for resurfacing East Coast Drive from Atlantic Blvd. to 10th St. , same to be paid from budgeted funds; and also to do trial paving on Beach Ave. north of 10th St. Mr. Brotchie advised that he has talked to Mr. Perdue relative to securing enough frontage to widen Beach Ave. , and is to confer with his agent , Mr. C.C. Walker . The Town Clerk was directed to advise Mr. C .P. Wilcox of the above. Mr. Bro6chie reported that progress was slow on 11th St. thru to Mayport Rd. , but is working on it and will see about securing right-of-way. $,s to the Seawall at Ahern Street-end, Mr. Brotchie advised that it will take about $2000. to pull this section of wall back and to tie-back. This figure idcludes all three pieces of property. Mr. Brotchie will contact property pwners south of Ahern St. , in view to getting this work done. There was a discussion on the water tank, and it was advised that R.D. Cole Co. will have a ptice ready by end of the week. The Whitmire Co. have their figures ready but holding to turn in at same time with other bids. Request was made that the Episcopal Church manse on Lot 6, Block 7 be exempted on the 1949 Tax Roll as it was actually in church ownership on January 1, 1949. Upon motion of Mr. Bremer, seconded by Mr. Mason the following Resolution was adopted: "Whereas the Episcopal Church Manse located on Lot 6, Block 7 Atlantic Beach was actually in church ownership on Januari 1, 1949, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND T0YN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF ATLANTIC BEACH , DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, That That Lot 6, Block 7, Atlantic Beach be made "Church Exempt" on the 1949 Tax Roll." Mr. Ganzel recommended that Mr. Brotchie t s salary be put up to $5000. yearly basis. There was a discussion and upon motion of Mr. Kirby, seconded by Mr. Mason, approval was given for Mr. Brotchie to receive $5000. yearly effective February 15th, 1950 . , and that budget funds be transferred accordingly. Upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Ganzel, approval was given for paying Mr. Richard Hamilton .200. as Tax Assessor for 1949. • There was a discussion of the Seawall Bonds retirement deficiency and the Towrj's share Seawall assessments . Mr. Thompson advised that he would give an opinion at the next meeting. Mr. Ray Willis requested tigat the paving on 12th and 13th Sts. be fixed. It was referred to Mr. Brotchie . Upon motion of Mr. Kirby the meeting adjourned from day today . if, F.P. Ganzel, President Attest : - adepz 4 Adele S. Grage, Town / lerk • •