03-13-50 v MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TOWN COUNCIL HELD AT THE TOWN HALL ON MONDAY, MARCH 13 , 1950. Present: F. P. Ganzel D. P. Mason W. D. Bremer R. S . Thames W. G. Kirby, Councilmen and G. L. Rosborough, Mayor Frank Thompson, Town Attorney J. D . Fotchie, Town Manager The meeting was called to order by the President , Mr. Ganzel, who called for the reading of the minutes. Upon action of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Bremer, the minutes of the regular meeting of February 13 , 1950 were approved as read. A petition was presented by Miss Anne E. Ingraham to rezone her property, Lot 1, Block 64, from Residence A to Residence 9, which will permit her to have a duplex rather than a single family residence. The petition had the signatures of approval of 60% of the adjoining property owners . There was a discussion and upon motion of Mr. Thames, seconded by Mr. G„nzel, an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Amending Zoning Ordinance No. 50, etc." was passed on first reading. Upon motion of Mr. Thames , seconded by Mr. Ganzel, it was passed on second reading. The Town Clerk was instructed to set the date fora public hearing and to post the required notices. Mr. Ernest Keyser, representing the Safety Council of the entire Beaches, including all municipalities from Ponte Vedra Beach to Mayport, said the Safety Council represented all of the beach communities in order to obtain joint action in recommending changes in ordinances that effect the safety of individuals . Mr. Keyser ste ted that the Safety Council felt that the number of dogs running loose on the streets of the various beach communities was increasing and constituted a definite menace to traffic and the safety of the individual. The Safety Council, Mr. Keyser said , wanted to know if the Town of Atlantic Reach had a dog ordinance . The Mayor informed Mr. Keyser that the town does not have a dog ordinance that the dogs are under county control. The Mayor said he wished to report that the county had picked up three (3 ) dogs in Atlantic Beach since the last Council meeting. The Mayor recommended that we do away with county control and handle the situation ourselves , under the supervision of the Town Marshal. Mr. Mason made a motion that the Mayor' s recommen- dation be referred to the Laws and Rules Committee. The motion was seconded by Mr. Thames. The call votevag as follows: Mason, Thames, Bremer, "aye" ; Ganzel and Kirby "nay . Motion carried. The bids for the repair of the Water Tank were considered and after a discussion Mr. Ganzel made a motion that the bids be turned over to the Public Works Committee for study and tabulation ; and that the committee have an answer ready for a special meeting of the council within ten (10) days . The motion v+: as seconded by Mr . Mason. Motion carried. Mr. Kirby and Mr. Brotchie were requested to notify Mr . Whitmire of the date of the next meeting . A letter was received from the Women' s Auxiliary of the Beaches Negro Chamber of Commerce, Inc. requesting one (1) fire alarm box and three (3 ) street lights for the Atlantic Beach colored • community. The Town Clerk was instructed to acknowledge receipt of the letter. Action was deferred. The Treasurer did not have a report, but a memo of balances was studied. The Town Manager informed the Council that the delinquent water accounts amounted to 0875.21. Upon motion of Mr. Kirby, seconded by Mr. Ganzel, the following bills were approved for payment : General Waterworks Anderson's Garage & Wrecker Ser $36.75 - Arnold Printing & Label Co 47.75 Atlantic fiat' 1 Bank - Insurance . . . 65.18 - Quinn R. Barton Co 2.74 _ Beach Bank 217.83 - J. D . Brotchie - Misc 18.70 - Cameron & Barkley Co - 70.44 Carmichael ' s Hardware 7.77 _ Chao Hardware 1.25 - Electric Department, Jax - 77.78 Florida Equiptpent Co 154.42 - Gibbs Corporation 95.00 - Jax Beach (Prisoners ' meals) 4.00 - " " (Radio ) 30.00 - Joe' s Plumbing & Appliance Co - 2 .30 Mason-Smith Co. - Misc 48.85 3 .96 Mennen & Bullock 30.85 - Dorothy Mozo - (Stamps ) . . . . . . . . 2.00 - Pablo Garage 14.40 - Porter's Service Station 26.99 - Southern Bell Telephone Co. (office) . 9.03 " " " " ( Health Center ' 5.60 - Standard Oil Co. (Grader) 24.26 - Sherman Concrete Pipe Co . . . . . . . . 45.50 _ The Texas Co . - Misc i . 228.67 - Wearn Woodwork Company 105.71 - Woodmanse Manufacturing Co. . . . . . . 10.98 - Beach Transfer 1.73 _ R. E. Wilkerson 6. 55 - $1, 242 . 51 0154 .4$ Mr. Mason suggested that the Town Manager patronize the beach merchants as much as posr:ible. Harcourt Bull asked the approval of the Council for a pro osed, @lass .ono ( 1) , commere&:al airfield to be located on the site of the old Atlantic Beach Golf Course . Discussion followed. Upon motion of Mr. Bremer , seconded by Mr. Mason, the following Resolution was adopted: WHEREAS , the Mayor and Town Council of the Town of Atlantic Beach , Florida , have been duly informed that Harcourt Bull , Jr. of Atlantic Beach, Florida, proposes to construct and operate on lands described, as part cf Government Lots 1 and 5, Sec.17, T2S, R29E, in said Town, a licensed commercial airport; and WHEREAS, the proposed construction and operation is located in an "Unrestricted" district in accordance with the Town ' s Zoning Ordinance, Ordinance No. 50 as amended, said proposed construction and operation being not in conflict with said Zoning Ordinance or other ordinances of the Town; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND TOVN CCUNCEL of the Town of Atlantic Beach, that the aforesaid construction and operation in the Town e f Atlantic Beach and the licensing thereof by the State of Florida is hereby approved. Harcourt Bull asked the town to send statements for the unpaid Saltair Street Paving AsF essments together with letters stating that if t hs assessments were not paid within thirty (30) days, 410 they would be certified to the Town Attorney for collection. Mr. Kirby put the request in the form of a motion and it was seconded by Mr. Mason. The motion carried. The bids for the street paving were considered and upon motion of Mr. Ganzel, seconded by Mr. Mason, Mr. Brotchie was instructed to confer with Mr. Thames and report back at the call meeting within the next few days . The i,`ayor and the Town Attorney reopened the discussion in regard to rezoning Lot 1, Block 64, pointing out that the rezoning of a single lot, making its classification different from the rest of the block, jeopardized the whole Zoning Ordinance. During the discussion Mr. Ganzel pointed out the fact that the adjoining property to Block 64 was a Business A zone, and that it would be logical to rezone the whole block from Residence A to Residence B rather than just one lot. Upon motion of Mr. Thames , seconded by Mr. Ganzel , an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Amending Zoning Ordinance No. 50 resoning Block 64 from Residence A to Residence B, etc." was passed on first reading . Upon motion of Mr. Thames, seconded by Mr. G"nzel, it was passed on second reading. Upon motion of Mr. Meson, seconded by Mr . Kirby, the following Resolution was adopted; "Whereas warrants No.10182 and No.10239 were issued for incorrect amounts, and warrants No .10205 and No .10242 have been issued for the correct amounts, NOW THEREFORE T IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND TGTN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF ATLANTIC BELCH, FLORIDA, THAT warrants No.10182 and No .10239 are hereby declared void. Mr. Bremer told the Council the Jacksonville Beach Community Center badly needed a piano , and since the membership of the various civic organizations using the Community Center included Atlantic Beach citizens he felt that the Town would like to make a donation toward the purchase of a new piano . After a short discussion Mr. Bremer made a motion that the Town of Atlantic Beach contribute .50.00 toward the purchase of a new piano for the Jacksonville Beach Community Center. The motion was seconded by Mr . Ganzel . The call vote was ; Bremer and Ganzel, "aye" ; Mason, rha:nes , Kirby, "nay" . The motion did not carry. A letter from Mrs . Charles Anderson requesting an occupational license for her Day Nursery was considered. During the discussion it was brought out that no one had ever been charged a license fee foroperating a nursery school. Mr. Mason made a motion that Mrs. Anderson be permitted to operate without a license. The motion was seconded by Mr. Kirby. Motion carried. Mr. Brotchie told the council he felt that the building offered by Mr. Brownette for the Little Theater would involve too much expense . It was t abled for the time being. George Bull protested the annual water bills on the new un- occupied Bull-Terry houses. Mr. Bull asked the Council not to bill the property for water on a yearly basis until the houses are sold or occupied. During the discussion it was brought out that it would not be f easible to cut the water off. Mr. Bremer made a motion that Mr. Bull pay the water bills on the property up to January 1, 1950 and that when the houses are sold or occupied a 32 .00 "Inspection fee" in lieu of the regular 32 .00 cut-on fee be charged in addition to the yearly charge. The motion was seconded by Mr. Ganzel. Motion carried . The Town Attorney told the Council we should know exactly where we stand before too much is said about the Seawall Bond retirement deficiency and the Town' s Share Seawall Assessments , and recommended that an audit be made as soon as possible to determine how the deficit occured, and when the 17% was paid out by ad valorem as • authorized in original Bond Issue. After a discussion Mr. G"nzel made a motion that the finance committee get busy with the Town Attorney on his recommendation. Mr. Kirby seconded the motion. Motion carried. Upon motion of Mr. Kirby, seconded by Mr. Bremer, the meeting adjourned from day to day. F. P. Ganzel, 'resi ent Att est: . , _ Dorothy '1 rorze 'Acting own Clerk •