11-13-50 v •
with Mr. D.P. Mason, and Mr. R.S. Thames present. For lack of a
quorum the meeting adjourned to Tuesday night, November 14th, 1950
at 8 P.M.
Present: D.W. Bremer
D.P. Mason
TW.G. Kirby
R.S. Thames, Councilmen`
Frank Thompson, Town Attorney
J.D. Brotchie, Town Manager
Adele S. Grage, Town Clerk
In the absence of the President, Mr. Adams, thk meeting was called to
order by the Vice-president, Mr. D.W. Bremer.
Minutes of the meeting of October 9th, 1950 were read and upon motion
of Mr. Kirby, seconded by Mr. Mason were approved as -read.
Minutes of the meeting of October 23, 1950 were read, and upon motion of
Mr. Kirby, seconded by Mr. Thames were approved as read.
Mr. Bremer recognized visitors present and called for any business from
the floor. Mrs. Chas. McGehee talked on behalf of the Emergency Fork
being done by the United. Church Women of the Beaches, and would appreciate
it if and when possible, the Council would include this work in their
annual bidget. The Council regrets that at this time the charter does
not permit their using tax money for such purposes, although they are
in full sympathy with the work, and realize its need.
Mr. Brotchie advised that it will cost about $1000. to correct the
condition at Mayport Road and Atlantic Boulevard, and after a discussion
of the matter, he was directed to advise Mrs. Silver that due to the
excessive cost, and since it is State property, the Town cannot spend
the money to do this work. •
Mr. Brotchie reported that he had asked 2 contractors to look at the
seawall at 16th St. They were the Duval Engineering & Contr. Co. and
B.n. McCormick & Sons. He has only heard from the B.B. McCormick Co.
who estimated a cost of $100. per unit for the 10 units, and that
nothing could be done until the tides get lower, which will be in
the spring. Mrs. Tillman Stone was present and she will take the informa-
tion to Mr. Stone, and they with the Carrisons will get to-gether with
the Town and. detefm ine the work to be -done by the time the tides are lower.
Mr. Brotchie reported that a letter had been received from Mr. Glover
Taylor, advising that the State Road Maintenance DepLartment had been
directed to replace the Bailey bridge at Atlantic Boulevard, and had
asked the district engineer for estimated costs for a permanent approach
in this location.
Mr. Bremer advised that he did not have a report on the bus situation,
as had not teen able to meet with Mr. Wiley Moore of the Pus Cdrnpany
when he was in town.
Mr. Brotchie report that the Texas Company had beenrwritten regarding
t1'e service alley, but have not had an answer from them to date.
in amount of $250.
The bill/which was sent the Town by Dr. i?erold Van Schaick on May 29,
1949 and covered back-filling by McCormick & Sens of the Town's land
back of the seawall at 15th St., was again discussed at length. Updn
motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Kirby, it was determined that
since the previous Council had set up the amount of $225. to be spent
at each street-end for storm damage repairs, that $225. be paid to Dr.
Van Schaick as the Town's part on this bill.
The Town Clerk presented a request from Mr.. Kozieracki , Lot 19., Block 6
that they be allowed homestead exemption on 1950 Tax Roll, as it was still
their home, and there had been no change in the personnel of those living
there, but they had just changed the house to his step-son:ts name, Wm.E.
Loadholtz, as they wanted to give the house to the children. They did
not realize that they would have to make new application for homestead
exemption. Mr. Thompson advised that there are certain specified require-
ments that have to be followed in order to secure the homestead, and that
failure to follow these steps precludes allowing same. If the specified
precedure has not been followed, then Council cannot allow.
Upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Kirby approval was given for
payment to the Tax Assess, Mr. Richard Hamilton, $200. fpr the work
done on the 1950 Tax Roll.
A memorandum showing balances in the separate funds was presented and
The following bills were studied and upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded
by Mr. Kirby were approved for payment:
General Waterworks Cig.Tax
Atlantic Blvd. Ice. & Fuel Co. . .. , . $ 5.34 - -
Art Concrete Works - - 25.80
Quinn R. Barton Co. 18.17 - -
Beach Transfer - . 1.61 -
R.C.B.S. Corp 20.00 - -
P.D. Carmichael's Hardware 3.85 - -
Conley United Services 4.35 - -
W.S. Darley & Co. 33.60 - -
The Fisherman's Supply Co 71.40 - -
Florida Equipment Co. 14.84 . _ _
City of Jacksonville Beach (prisomer's meals) . . . 2.00 - -
n n is „ (Radio service) 30.00 - -
Jacksonville Journal (Tax Roll Ad) 32100 - -
Howard's Garage '-9,10 - -
Jacksonville Beach Truck Line, Inc. 3.02 - -
Jacksonville Coca-cola Bottling Co. 13.25 - -
ki & W Motor Co. 1.00 7 -
Jee's Plumbing & Appliance Co - .95 -
City Elec. Dept - 80.50 -
Langston's Seaside Pharmacy 6.76 - -
Mason-Smith Co. 12.94 - -
Mennen & Bullock 13.00 - -
Porter's Service Sta. 63.95 7 -
Raybro Elec. Co 11.95 - -
Sou. Bell Tel. & Tel. Co. . 9.88 -
n If n n n " (Health Center) 5.60 -
Sun Oil Co. 4.39 - -
Dr. D.G. Scott ( Richard Johnson) , 5.00. -
The Texas Co. Gas R&R
Police $36.45 $22.80
Garbage 23.28 -
Streets 34.51 1.75 113.79 -' -
R.S. Thames 91.00 - -
Underwood Corp. 2. 70 - -
R.E. Wilkerson & Co. 5.75 - -
61'-3.63 83.06 25.80
Upon motion of Mr. Kirby seconded,by Mr. Mason approval was given for
increasing insurance policy on each vehicle to ?10Q,000. and $200,000. ,
and that the estimate of the value of the Town Hall equipment be made
and that policy be increased accordingly.
Mr. Russell reported the increase in rodents and pests and following a
discussion, Mr. Kirby moved, seconded by Mr. Mason that the State Board
of Health be contacted regarding extermination assistance. •
Upon motion of Mr. Mason the meeting adjourned from day to day.
„..ge,ig .
Attest: ( Brem )E,,, , '-
. D.W. er, Vice-President
Adele S. Grage, Town Ilierk