01-10-49 v MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TMWN COUNCIL HELD AT THE TOWN HALL ON MONDAY , JANUARY 10TH, 1949 AT 8 P.M. Present : F.P. Ganzel D.P . Mason W.G. Kirby Hugh Rawls D.W. Bremer , Councilmen and G.L. Rosborough, Mayor Frank Thompson, Town Attorney C .R. Frazier , Town Supervisor Adele S. Grage ,Town Clerk The meeting was called to order by the president , Mr. Ganzel who called for reading of minutes. Minutes of the regular meeting of December 20th, 1948 were read and upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Rawls , they were approved. The Treasurer's report was read and upon motion of Mr. Bremer, seconded by Mr. Mason it was approved. Balances were as follows : General Fund 12-31-48 `57, 247.31 Seawall Fund " " " 3,949.88 Special SW Emergency 12-31-48 . . 1,877.01 Waterworks Fund 12-31-48 122 .69 Upon motion of i,r. Bremer, seconded by Mr. Kirby the Town Clerk was authorized to pay the $2000. note due Dr. A.F. Caraway, same to be conveyed with a letter of appreciation.. Upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Rawls authorizat icon wasiven for the payment of Smith-Gillespie, Engineers' bill for $500 . covering Engineering charges, Ordinance #123 covering change in collection date for garbage fees was read, and upon motion of Mr. Rawls, seconded by Mr. Mason, it was passed on this 3rd and final reading. Letters were presented from Claude Gaynon, G.W. Anderson, and W.E. Callahan , Jr. protesting the assessments against their respective properties in the town. The Town Clerk was instructed to advise them that cannot change the 1948 assessment , but their letter is being placed on file for use by the Tax Assess- sor in making the 1949 roll . A letter was read from the Texas Company re : their 192.8 assess- ment. It was discussed and upon motion of :' r. Rawls, seconded by Mr. Kirby, the clerk wqs instructed to write them that cannot change the 1948 assessment , but are referring to the Tax Assessor for his information in making the 1949 roll . Upon motion of Mr. Rawls, seconded by Mr. Kirby authorization was given to pay Mrs. Grage 1/4 month's salary in lieu of blanace of her vacation, as due to the amount of work in office , she will not be able to take time off. Proposals on trucks and car were next considered from Riverside Chevrolet Co. Burwell Motor C o. Quinn R. Barton Co. Hal Lynch Co. Duval Motor Co. After considerable discussion these proposals were referred to Mr. Rawls and his committee for consideration and to report re- commendations e- commendations to the Council on Wednesday, Jan. 12th at 7 : 30 P.M. The Citizen's Electric Committee represented by Mr. LeRoy Johnson presented a letter received from Mr. McCall of the City of Jacksonville Electric Dept . relative to installation costs on four lights. According to the franchise it seems we should be entitled to more than 4 lights, as well as the current and rnaintenaaee , and upon motion of Mr. Rawls, seconded by Bremer the Mayor was requested to write the City of Jacksonville Electric Dept . re this matter. Mr. Carrison presented a proposal from his Company, the Clyde C. Pierce Corp. relative to acting as fiscal agents for the Town in connection with the issuance of bonds for financing the construction of the new water system. There was a discussion of this , and upon motion of Mr. Rawls, seconded by Mr. Brener it was referred to the Finance and Taxation Committee to-gether with the Town Attorney for study and recommendation at the meeting Wednesday night , January 12th. Mr. George Bull brought up the matter of drainage , the reversion clause in the right-of-way deed, and also the offer of the R.C .B.S . Corp. on the waterworks plant site . Mr. Ganzel advised that the iaitizens' Waterworks Committee were meeting on Friday night and would have a report after that meeting. It was decided that the Citizens' drainage Committee and the Public Works Committee would meet after the meeting on Wednesday night, Jan . 12th . A letter. was presented from Hr. Fred E. Williams , Jr. of Atlantic National Bank advising that the Seawall Bonds which they hold could be retired for $1064.06 each bond , up to January 15th. After a discussion and upon motion of Mr. Bremer, seconded by Mr. Kirby it was decided to take ugp 3 bonds , and the following Resolution was adeoptedt BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF ATLANTIC BEACH , DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA That , the surplus funds in the Seawall Account be used for the purpose of retiring Bonds now held by the Atlantic Na- tional Bank of Jacksonville , and That , the President or Vthce-President of the Town Council and the Town Clerk be and they are hereby empowered in the name of the Mayor and Town Council of the Town of Atlantic Beach , Duval County, Florida, to do all things to carry out the purposes of this Resolution. Permission was requested by Dr. Frank Harvey to replat Lot 36 (except E. 50 ft . ) and the unplated strip lying west of Lot 36 in Block 6, Sub-division A, Atlantic Beach. This new lot would contain 7504 sq. feet and would have a front- age on Sherry Drive of 167 feet . There was a discussion of this request , and a study made of the proposed replat which was furnished to Council, andupon motion of Mr. Rawls, seconded by Mr. Mason the following Resolution was adopted: WHEREAS , the proposed new replat would contain 7504 sq. feet , and the reversed frontage would provide 167 feet frontage, both of which are within the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance , N(XJ THEREFORE BE IT RESOJVED BY THE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY , FLORIDA, That , if and when the replat is submitted to the Town Council, the said Town Council agrees to approve same for recording. Mr. Thompson suggested that the Council adopt a Resolution asking the Duval Delegation to the Legislature to introduce and seek the passage of an act to amend the act which declares the Beach a public highway, and to give the ocean front proper- ties the right to build bulkheads , groins , etf. to protect their property against the ocean. There was a discussion and it was suggested that Mr. Thompson consult with the delegation with the view of getting such an act passed. Upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by IMIr. Kirby the Attorney was requested to draft a Resolution to cover, and that he also be delegated to draft the necessary legislation. The Laws and Rules committee are to work with Mr. Thompson on the Charter changes to be recommended to this legislature . The Town Supervisor' s monthly report was discussed and filed. There was a discussion on the bulldozer, and Mr. Bremer was requested to present a bill for expenses from his uncle , to cover gas , oil and other items used by the Town while operating the dozer, the use of which was greatly appreciated by the Town. Upon motion of Mr. Rawls, seconded by I•r. Bremer the Town Supervisor was authorized to secure and put the shell on the Hotel Reservation Road. Mr. Outler :;advised that the crane ,which is on their land , has the boon raised and he would suggest that it be lowered. Mr. Frazier advised that the operator assured him that he had the boon "dogged" up, but that he would look into the matter again immediately . Upon motion of Mr. Bremer, seconded by Nr. Rawls the follwoing bills were approved for payment : City of Jacksonville Beach (radio) $ 30.00 The Atlantic National Bank (Ins. Note ) 65 .74 Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. 1Co. (Office) 5.4$ " fr It ►r " (Health Center) . 4.75 Mennen' s Service Sta. Streets 5 .50 Garbage 12.00 17.50 Sun Oil Co. Police $26.3$ Garbage 42.02 6$.40 R.E. Wilkerson & Co. (Office Supplies ) 34.769 Mason-Smith Co. J&W Motor Co. 247.21 Knauer' s Hardware Co. (Heater-Town Hall) . . . 131 .44 Payne-Garrison-Younger & Co 5 .00 Town of Neptune Beach, Fla. (Fire-Richmond 's ) . 60.00 Standard Oil Co. Town Hall $6.67 Streets 14.71 21.3$ P.D. Carmichael's Hdwe. Signs 4.92 Town Hall 1.50 Steeets 6.63 Garbage 1.75 14.$0 Sun Oil Co. Police $33.50 Garbage 34.35 Streets 12.55 $0.40 B.B. McCormick & Sons (Asphalt ) . . . . 66.00 H. & W.B. Drew Co. (Warrants ) 25.95 Surplus Goods Co. 32.95 Quinn R. Barton Co. 1.13 921.68 Mr. Frazier reported that the new Garbage Schedule was now in effect and he would have a report later on results obtained . Upon motion of Mr. Rawls , the meeting adjourned from day to day. I Attest : .P . Ganzel, P esident Adele S . Grage , Town rk