04-11-49 v MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TOWN COUNCIL HELD AT THE TOT!N HALL ON MONDAY , APRIL 11 , 1949 AT $ P.M. Present : F.P . Ganzel D.P . Ma s o n W.G. Kirby D.W. Bremer, Councilmen and G.L. Rosborough, Mayor Frank Thompson, Town Attorney C .R. Frazier, Town Supervisor Adele S. Grage , Town Clerk The meeting was called to order by the President , MM:r. Ganzel who called for reading of minutes. The minutes of the regular meeting of March 14, 1949 were read and upon motion of Er. Mason, seconded by I.r. Kirby they w ere approved. Minutes of the adjourned meeting of March 22 , 1949 were read and upon motion of Mr. Kirby, seconded by Lr. Eason they were approved as read. Minutes of the adjourned meeting of March 31, 1949 were read, and upon motion of Mr. I•iason, seconded by Mr . Kirby they were approved as read. There was a discussion of a sidewalk from: Last Coast Drive to the New postoffice on Atlantic Blvd. Mrs. Blondheim, Postmaster was present and advised that she would like to help in any way she could towards getting this sidewalk as they expect to be in the new building by Flay 1st , and she would request that the Council hurry their decision in the matter. Upon motion of hr. Mason, seconded by Lr. Kirky , it was referred to the Public Works Comnittee to-gether with Mr. Frazier' s report as to length , costs , etc . The committee to report back at the next meeting their recommendations. The bills were next considered, and upon motion of Mr. Bremer seconded by Mr. Mason, the following bills were approved for payment : City of Jacksonville Beach, (Radio ) 30.00 Atlantic National Bank(Ins . note ) 65 74 The Texas Co. Police X12 .22 Garbage 5 .30 Waterworks 2.65* Streets 2.5$ 22.75 W.K. Converse (rep. 15th St : ramp ) 37 50 Alweather Tire Co 1 50 City of Jacksonville (Pump current ) 21 16* Cheatham & Ricketts Co. (rep. to pump) 112 02* Cities Supply Cm. (meter yoke ) 9 12* Town of Neptune Beach (1-fire ) 60 •00 Standard Oil Co. (finel oil-Office) 7 67 J & W. Motor Co. (rep. to police car tank) . . . . 4. 50 Mason Smith Co. Waterworks 217.52* Streets • 4.00 Garbage 10.70 St .Ends & ) 13.22 45 .44 Ramps ) Cameron & Barkley Co. (W.W. Fittings ) - 9$ 74* R. E. Wilkerson & Co. (office supplies ) 9 70 ' 41, B.B. McCormick & Sons , W.W. Pump 39.00* Ramp 14. 50 53 50 Mennen' s Service Sta. (rep. to mixer) . . . . . . 3 .00 P.D. Carmichael' s Hdwe . 13 . 52 Southern Bell Tel.&Tel. -Co. (Town Hall) 5 11 It ►t tt tt tt tt (Health Center ) . . . 5 .26 City of Jacksonville ( Inst . 4 st . lights ) 466 00 *to be paid from Waterworks Fund 1072.23 Mr. Rosboro rh recommended that Mr . Russell ,go on duty at night, and that Mr. Frazier handle any calls or police work in the daytime, and that w^ out n an extra motorcycle officer on sf T• Saturday �.ftel nJl"1�; '� �, ,a Oliday,,. 1C1:% matter was discussed at length, and upon motion of Mr . Mason, seconded bynMr. Bremer the matter was referred to the Police & Publthc Safety Committee to moot with the Mayor and bring definite recommendations to the next meeting. Upon motion of Ir. Bremer seconded by Ar. Mason, it was decided to rope off the beech from south side of 15th St. Ramp to Aherr. Street beginning May 16th to Juno 1st on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays between the hours of 10 A.M. and 6 P.M. The hours after June 1st will be decided later. Mr. Herrington requested -mat steps be put at 3rd St. A letter was road from Mr . Hoshorn requosting steps at 12th St. There was a discussion of steps end the matter was referred to Mr. Bremer ana Mr . Kirby who are to report at the next mooting thoir rocom- mondations as to steps needed. Mr . Wilcox' s letter to Council was road and the mutter of requir- ing private property owners to repair their walls was discussed. Mr . ' ilaox would like to repair his wall and fill his yard, but it would be useless until the adjoining property is fixed. Mr. Thompson advised that there aro many varied points being brought up in the present Seawul4 Amergency suits , and that he would advise that the Council await the court's ruling on these points before they lako any action in this matter. The Town Clerk was instructed to so advise Mr . Nilcox. A letter was read from Mr . Gordon Mitch accepting the audit assignment for 1948-49. Lotter from Mr . Sollce, County . hginoor was road. Mr . Sollee advised that the County was willing to contribute $750. as part of construction repairs to Ocean Boulevard from 10th St. to 16th St. As regards the lowering of the largo pipe under MaYport Ru. , advised that it would not be feasible unless the Town Lowered the ditch on the downstream side of Mayport Rd. for at least 3 or 4 foot. It had been understood that the County would do the work on repairs to the Ocean Boulevard strip, if the Town would prepare the base. Thu matter was tabled for the time being. Mr , Thompson advised that the proposed legislative bills have boon sent to Mr. Luckie at Tallahassee, and that Mr . Luckie will introduce. / iN�ew Contract with Smith-Gcllerpiu was referred to Mr . Thompson V to study and report back his recommendations. A request from Mr . Harcourt Bull that the Town furnish water to thair building was discussed. They now have Neptune water, and Neptune 's yearly rental begins on Juno 1st. It was brought out that now lines would have to be run in order to furbish suffi- cient pressure, and upon motion of Mr . Kirby, seconded by Mr . Bremer it was decided that the mutter be taken up with the Isnginoers to see if fit in with the flow plan. ?•:-.r . Ganzol advised that he wo1h1d doe the _ngineers about it . A report was presented from Mr. Lawrence , Chairman of the Citizen's Struet Committee. Mr. Harcourt Bull advised that he did not con-cur with this report. A report from Mr . Haarjo covering : a,st Coast Drive grades at 9th St. ,as also presented, and upon motion of Mr. Mason, socondoc by Mr. Bremer both of these reports wcrarroferred to the Public Norks Committee. Only one bid was received on building the garage at the Incin- erator site. This bid was received from Mr . F. J. Schefflor • in the amount of $ . Upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr . Bremer it was referred to the Public Norks Committ-ee for their recommendation at the next mooting. Mr . Frazier was asked to prepare comparative t igures since there was only one bid. Mr. Frazier 's monthly report was considered, discussed and filed. The item zed. 6 month financial report was favorably veceiyred and studiad,aad we should seriously consider construe- d/ tive improvements. The matter of Lot Cleaning was gone into , and Mr. Frazier was asked to prepare a list of lots to be cleaned and have ready for the next meeting. Upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr . Bremer the Mayor was requested to direct a letter tp the proper source to get our area sprayed with DDT. There was a discussion of the Sattair Street paving, and Mr. Thompson advised that he is working on the Ordinance and will have ready in a few days. Mr. Thompson requested full descrip- tion of the street with a summary of the entire scope of the whole project. There was a discussion of the condemnation of the awing property, Lot 19 , Block 7. The Town Clerk advised that the necessary notice had been given and the time had expired, but there was no action taken et this time. It was brought out that the Town could tear down the structure, bit the cost could not be placed as a lien against the place , but if not paid would have to be collected by suit. Upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr . Bremer approval was given for X100. to be given to Mr . Russell tor police uniforms. Upon motion of Mr . Bremer, seconded by Mr. Mason, the follow- ing Resolution was adopted: 6VHAt EAS, the house on Lot 13, Block 16 Donner 's sub-division owned by LeRoy Jackson was not; completed until after January 1, 1S'47, and WHAP AAS, LeRoy Jackson hos furnished proof that Homestead dxemption was signed for and allowed by Duval County for the year 1948, NO? THdREFORE BE IT Rr:SOLVLD BY THE MAYOR AND TONN uOUNCIL OF THE TOirN OF ATLANTIC BLACHDUVAL aOU TY, FLORIDA, that The Improvement be striken from the 1947 Tax Roll on this Lot 13, Block 16 , Sbnnur 's subdivision, and that Homestead Exemption be allowed on this pr:ooerty on the 1948 Tax Roll to correct errors now existing on these ^olls. A letter was read from Mr. Chalmers D. Horne relative to his assessments on the 1948 Tax Roll. This letter is to be tiled for . information of the Assessor in making the 1949 Roll. Upon motion of Mr . Meson the meeting adjourned from day to day. 47-yeL F. P. Ganzel , P psIdont Attest: ad.e,&,, Adelo S. Grego, Town C,rk