AT $ P.M.
Present :
F.P. Ganzel
D.P. Mason
D.W. Bremer
Hugh Rawls
W.G. Kirby, Councilmen
G.L. Rosborough, Mayor
Frank Thompson, Town Attorney
C.R. Frazier , Town Supervisor
Adele S. Grage, Town Clerk
The meeting was called to order by the President , Mr.
Ganzel, who recognized visitors present.
A representative from the Beach-Harley Davidson Co. was
present and asked if decision had been reached on the
purchase of a motorcycle for the Police Dept. Mr. Rawls
advised that he had not received any bids from the other
companies as requested. There was a discussion and upon
motion of Mr. Rawls , seconded by Mr. Mason the bid as
presented by the Beach Harley-Davidson Co. in total
amount of $560. was accepted covering the purchase of
the 1946 model motorcycle.
Mrs.Q..MSmith told the Council of the boxing program
she and her husband are carrying out with the young boys
here at the Beach. The Council appreciates these efforts
and advised that thaiy are working towards recreational
activities for teen-agers at tke playground being prepared
at the Atlantic -Neptune School.
A &cahtion was presented by Mr. Norman Minchew and Mr.
G.H. Wilkerson and signed by Jacksonville Beach Board of
Realtors and other real estate brokers requesting that
the Council, petition the Governor of the State of Florida
to de-control rentals in the Beach area. It was requested
that a Public Hearing be held on the subject, and upon
motion of Mr. Kirby, seconded by Mr. Bremer July 11th, 1949
at $mP.M. was set as date for Public Hearing on subject of
Rent De-Control, and the Town Clerk was instructed to adver-
tise same .
Mr. Rosborough brought out the question of what the Navy's
attitude might be and it's effect upon the proposed ex-
pansion at Mayport base. Upon motion of. Mr. Kirby seconded
by Mr. Bremer the Town Clerk was instructed to advise the
Naval authorities of this public hearing on rent de-control.
Mr. Glover Weiss spoke to the Council relative to the picnicking
on the beach, also requested that the beach be roped off at
Ahern St. instead of First St. , and entered a complaint on the
condition of the garbage at the Copper Kettle. These matters
were discussed at length , and it was brought out that "no
picnicking signs"are in the process of being made and will be
put up as soon as received. The rope will be moved to Ahern
St. , and upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Rawls
Mr. Frazier was instructed to carry out the garbage ordinance
to the letter.
Mr. Fred Lawrence presented plans for work to be done on the
seawall between 14th and 15th Sts. and advised that he would
put in a tie-back at 14th St. and one on the side wall at
15th St. ( south wall) at the same time for $350. After
• discussion EL the price was reduced to $299. and upon
motion of Mr. Rawls , seconded by Mr. Bremer Mt. Lawrence
was authorized to put in these two tie-backs for $299.
Mr. Lawrence also advised that he would be glad to jet down
a piling at 15th St. and Ahern St. to tie the wire to for
roping the beach.
It was brought out that there were some bad places in
First and Second Sts . that need repair, and Mr. Frazier was
asked to see about ,getting them fixed.
An Ordinance covering wearing of masks was received from
Miami Beatch and was read. There was a discussion and
upon moti on of Mr. Rawls , seconded by Mr. Kirby an ordinance
following the lines of the Miami Beach Ordinance prohibit-
ing wearing of masks was passed on 1st and 2nd reading.
Mrs. Rawls requested permission for the Junior Woman' s
Club to hold a parade and put up a banner across Atlantic
Boulevard in connection with the Follies. Upon motion
of Mr. Bremer , seconded by Mr. Kirby this permission was
given .
A message from Mrs. McGlannon relative to the fogging
was read, and since there is some chance that the Navy
may help with fogging, it was decided to table the matter
until the next meeting. It was brought thut in the discussion
that it would take at least 2 foggings a month to keep the
mosquito urid er'control, and Council was not sure that we
could afford that much for this program, and perhaps by the
next meeting we can find out what the Navy will do .
The matter of police jurisdiction was discussed, and the
Mayor advised that he was wi lling to look after if it is
the Council 's wish . The Attorney -was asked and advised
that under the charter the police department comes under
the mayor , and Council said that in view of this there
was no action ne cessary on their part . Mr. Rosborough
advised that he would like a meeting with- the Public
Safety Committee . It was brought out in the discussion
that Mr. Clark is Mr. Russell's assistant and therefore
comes under the mayor. Upon- motion of Mr.Kirby, seconded
by Mr. Rawls $100. was appropriated for uniforms for the
deputy marshall.
The Ordinance # 125 covering paving of certain Saltair
Streets was pre seated for 3rd and final reading. Following
the reading by the Town Clerk and upon motion of Mr.. laremeir
seconded by Mr. Mason this Ordinance was passed on 3rd and
final reading with "90 days" to be inserted in- Section 5,
line 3 on page 5.
Upon motion of Mr. Bremer, seconded by Mr. Mason• the following
Resolution was adopted c over i.ngthe paving of these certain
stre ets , and the Town Clerk wqs instructed to publish this
Resolution a s provided therein:
Upon motion of Mr. Kirby, seconded by Mr. Brenner
the Engineering proposal on the Saltair Streets
was turned over to the Attorney to draw up the
proper papers.
A letter from Mr. Glover Weiss relative to the
penalty interest charge on his 14th Seawall Installment
was read and referred to the Town Attorney for his
opinion. He advised that under the law we are not re-
qui red to send statements, but as a courtesy do so,
aid that the Council has no paver to refund or change
any interest that accrues thereon. The Town Clerk
will acknoledge the lett er,aga in giving Mr. Weiss
this information.
Upon motion of Mr. Kirby the meeting adjourned.
g;- -
F.P. Ganzel, President
Attest :
Adele S. Grage , own Clfrk
rlesoluti:)n of the Town Council of Atlantic Beach,
r`lorida providing for the openin ;, gradieg, paving
and improvement of a portion of certain streets
of eeici Town end providin4; for the payment of the
entire costs of said improvement by the levying
and iaposine of special assessments against and
upon all lots and lands ad joinin ; and contie,uees or
bounding and abutting upon s L id improvement.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town of
Atlantic Beech, Florida :
Section 1. It is hereby ascertai' ed, deteruined c+nd de-
clared that the public health, safety, order, convenience, com-
fort, end eeneral welfare of the Town of htinnt.i.c Beach in
Duval County , Florida , require that the portion of those cer-
tain s trec:ts of e,. id'. Town hereinafter described end designated
be opened, eraded , paved and improved in accordance with the
plans and specifications adopted r.r.c ..enrc Jcd and attached to
an by reference made a part of Ordinance Number )a-6' passed
end adopted b. the Town Council r nd approved by the Mayor of
saic Town on hone 27, 1949; and said improvement is hereby
ordered to be made.
Section 2. It is hereby ordered that all the parts or
portion; of those cErtcin struts of sr: id Town of Atlantic beech,
as shown on plat, of Solt Air, Seeger 1 , recorded in Plat Book
of ; 5, of the current public rcco ds of Duval Cc nty,
Florida , and on plat of said E . I.t Air, Section 2 , recol coed
Flat Book / 0 pste /sr- of said records, viz:
Park ! venue (now known as David
Avenue) from Salt Air Boulevard
Northwe.terly to Belv€de.'e Street,
Belvedere Street Northeasterly fro
said i er& Avenue (David Avenue ) Lo - , --r
Sea Spray J.venue, Sea Spray Avenue
S:;uthea;te: l J fro., Belvedere street
to Salt Air Boulevard,
be opened , graded , paved and improved in accordance eith said
plans and sDecif icetions.
ection 3. The total estii atec cost (inc l.udi ; ail enei-
neereae and inspection costs ) of constructi ng s aid i::.prove,,ent
and completine the said work conteleplated hereuncxer is the sum
of ,560.00. The total cost of eeid improvement elrll he fi-
nanced, paid end defrayed b the imposition and collection of
special essessments to be levied and assessed against sand 'upon
all loLs end lands act joining; and contiguous or bounding And
a.buttint upon such improvement specially benefited by r eson
of the construction of said leeprovement.
Section 4. It is hereb ascertained , determined and de-
clered that all Lote and lands ed jaininn and contiguous or
bounding end abuttir:;;; upon s..id above described parts or portions
of said severe' streets will b e specially benefited b the im-
provement herein provided for in excess of the estirneted amount
of the special assessment to be distributed and prorated among
the avid leve_ el lcn.s and lands to tc :.2sessed ; to pay and de-
fray s is cost of s::id i,,provea:ent special assessments , shall
be imposed, levied and aeeessed against, rind upon sll such lots
and lands edjoinine end c . nti ;uous or beend'ine and abutting
ueor; said ieprovement to be specially benefited by reason of
the censtx action of said improvement , in tin amount ed Ich shall
in no event exceed the specia?_ b enefit nccruine to the property
assesseu , c,he unitor basis for dis 4r•ibutint, the special
asseseeent Go he so ieposed , levied red assessed shall be
according to the front foots c of such property !proeertyfrontint or
ab..ttinc upon gelimprovement in the roeortion test the particular
lot or parcel of land to be assessed bears t.e the tote l front
footeee of allsuch property front.ir., or abutting upon sr id
improvement..ent. The e;time.ted amount of cost per front foot as
special assessment to be levied and assessed eeainst and upon
such lots or parcels of land fronts ,, or butt1ng upon said ira-
proveeent is tee sue. of 33.78 per f root. foot .
Section 5. That plans and specifications for the eetim< ted
cost of the proposed it..rrovement are oe f ie with the Town Clerk
to of the public
of sid Town and are open /the inspection/at the Town Hall
of sici Town.
Section 6, The Town Clerk as soon as practical hereafter
shall cake a special assessment roll and in the preparation of
such roll such costs seelle determined and prorated among all
the lots and lands aforesaid specially benefited by said im-
provement according to the method and upon the basis prescribed
in Section 4 hereof.
Section 7. said several special aseersments against the said
several lots and lands shall become due and payable to the Town
thirty days following the adoption and final approval of said
special assessments roll and shall bear inte, est at the rate of
eight percent per annum thereafter until paid.
Section 8. The Town Clerk is hereby directed to cause ttlet
Resolution to be published once a week for a. period of two 'milks
in a newspaper of general circulation published in Duval County,
Passed and adopted by the Town Council and referred t o
and approved by the 2ayor this 27th day of June, 1949.
Attested 7 'v
-- Town Clirk dr-
Approved June 27, 194c-,1 :