08-01-49 v MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TOWM COUNCIL HELD AT THE TOWN HALL ON MONDAY, AUGUST 1ST, 1949 AT $ P.M. Present: F.P. Ganzel D.P. Mason D.W. Bremer W.G. Kirby Hugh Rawls , Councilmen : and G.L. Rosborough , Mayor Frank Thompson, Tom Attorney C.R. Frazier , Town Supervisor Adele S. Grage, Town Clerk The meeting was called to order by the President, Mr. Ganzel. Mr. Ganzel advised that arrangements have been made for the Beach Bank to loan the Town $2614.04 for 12 months, which covers covers the interest as well as the balance due on the Adams Model #51 Motor Grader, $250. cash payment being made to Gibbs & Co. on same . This will save the Town $135.96 interest if handled this way inst ead of as originally planned. There was a dis cu ssi on aid upon motion of Mr. Kirby, seconded by Mr. Mason approval was given of the cash payrrent of $250. and the Bank Loan in the amount og $2614 .04 in 12 monthly payments and the following Resolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOO CF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY , FLORIDA, THAT We, the Town Council of the Town of Atlantic Beach, Florida do hereby appoint F.P. Ganzel and Adele S . Grage, respectively the President of the Town Council and the Town Clerk of the said Town, our joint attorneys for us and in our name, and steal , to jointly and in their official capactties draw, sign and endorse promissory note in the amount of $2614.04 for twelve months for purchase of one Model 51 Adams Motor Grader (used ) . Giving and granting to our said attorneys full power and authority to do aid perform all and every act and thing whatsoever requisite necessary or. proper to be done in and about the premises, as fully to all intents and purposes, as we acting in an aggragate official capacity, might or could do; hereby ratifying and confirming all that our said attorneys shall fti lly do, or cause to be done by virtue hereof. There was a discussion of thepaving of Ocean Blvd. from 7th St. to 16th St. Mr. Ganzel advised that the County had approved and put- in their budget $13,333 .33 towards the paving of this road. He also advised that Mr. Gerry Adams is ge eti ng the papers ready for the easment on that side of the road, and will have ready in a few days . 'Hhe chair appthinted Mr. Rosborough and Mr. Bremer to contact the owners on the west side of the road between 7th and, 10th Sts. for easments . The matter was discussed at length . Mr. George Bull presented plans for the repair work to the street end and bulkhead at 11th St. which Mr. Manget,Sr. proposes to do to his son's property and the adjoining ,street- end. Upon motion of Mr. Kirby, seconded by Mr. Bremer the plan as s mbmitted was approved. Mr. Frazier re com:aended that permissi on be given for the Town to furnish turnbuckles, etc:. for this job, which had be en given to us my the government for seawall repairs. There was a discussion, and upon motion of Mr. Rawls , sec- onded by Mr. Bremer this permission was given. The matter of Tax Roll and Tax Assessor was discussed, and Mr. Mason advised that he wau ld have a report at the next meeting. The resignation of Mr. Hugh Rawls as Councilman was read and upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Bremer it was decided not to accept unticould meet together in executive session and discuss . It was decided tp go into executive session iiamediately following this meeting. Upon moti on of Mr. Kirby the meeting adjourned from day to day. F.P. Ganzel, President Attest : /S- ' e - . Grage, own MINUTES CF THE E2ECUTI VE SESSION OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TOWN COUNCIL HELD AT THE TOWN HALL ON MONDAY, AUGUST 1ST, 194.9 AT 9:45 P.M. This meeting held for the pmrpose of considering Mr. Rawl's r esignati on as Councilman . Mr. Mason advised that he has heard from nimbers io€% citizens of the good work they think this Council is doing and especially how congenially they work to-tether. He said he would like to see Mr. Rawls continue on with the Council. Mr. Rawls advised that he is going to file application for the Town Supervisor's job, and that he must resign in order to do that. Mr. Ganzel thanked Mr. Rawls especially for the work he did before the County Commissioners and Budget Committee in getting the money for the paving of Ocean Blvd. put in the budget. After further discussion, upon motion of Mr. Kirby, seconded by Mr. Bremer the resignation of' Mr. !awls was accepted witti regrets . Mr. Ganzel appointed a committee of. Mr. Mason, Chairman, Mr. Kirby- and Mr. Bremer to consider and make recommendation on a successor to Mr. Rawls. Upon motion of Mr. Mason the meeting adjourned from day to day . Ganze , 'resident Attest : . • / / o Gem- 4,_,`,r' e ' - * •e e S. Grage , awn 'e . August 2nd thru August 7th, 1949 - no quorum