AT $ P.M.
F.P. Ganzel
D.W. Bremer
W.G. Kirby •
D.P. Mason, ( late ) , Councilmen
G.L. Rosboro ugh, Mayor
Frank Thompson, Town Attorney
C .R. Frazier, own Supervisor
Adele S . Grage, Town Clerk
The Council first considered the bids on the Saltair
Street Paving Project. These bids had been advertised
for as evidenced by certificate of publication which is
attached to these minutes and made a part thereof.
Bids as opened were as follows :
B.B. McCormick & Sons, Inc. $6,058.95
Asphalt Paving, Inc. 7,045.50
Duval Engineering & Conts.Co, 5, 156.00
There was a discussion and upon motion of Mr. Bremer,
seconded by Mr. Kirby the bids were referred to the
Public Works Committee for tabulation aid study, and
report back at the earliest possible date .
Reading of minutes were waived for the time being.
The Finance & Taxation Committee hope to have a report
on the Tax Assessor by the next meeting. Mr. Register
hss advised th at he does not wi sh to serve this year,
Mr. Ganzel advised that Mr. Acosta will write of a suggested
plan for the pavi ng of the Hotel Reservation Rd . and
Ocean Boulevard thru to 16th St.
A check received from the Beach Motel for their 194$ taxes
without the penalty interest was referred to the Council.
Mr. Thompson advised that the Council is without authority
to waive this penalty interest, and the Town Clerk was
instructed to write them that we cannot accept the check
as payment in full for the 1948 taxes, but can only apply
against t re it account until penalty ibterest is received
at rich time receipt for payment in full can be issued.
Also , lett er from Bea ch liotel relative to their license
charge was read, and the Clerk was instructed to write them again
the report of the Town Marshall and Town Supervisor as
to the units & cottages.
Upon moti on of lir. Bremer, seconded by hr. . Kirby the Treasurer 's
Report was read with following balances; as of August 1, 1949:
General Fund $6,437.65
Seawall Fund 1,773 .72
Waterworks Fund . . . . 2,469.16
Special Seawall Emergency 117.42
Upon motion of Mr. Kirby, seconded by Mr. Bremer the following
Resolution was adopted:
Whereas Warrant #9493 was issued for incorrect amount abd
Warrant # 949$ has been issued for the correct amount,
Warrant #9493 be, and the same is hereby declared void.
The resignation of Mr. Brooke G. White, Jr. as Town, Treas-
urer was read, and upon recommendation of Mr. Mason, Chair-
man of the Finance & Taxation Committee , no action was taken
until a later meeting at which time the committee will have
a recommendation for a successor.
Upon motion of Mr. Kirby, seconded by Mr. Bremer the following
bills were approved for payment:
General Waterworks
All State Pipe Co. $513 .02
Arnold Pgg. & Label Co. $ 34.95 -
Quinn R. Barton Co. 15.90 -
n n ff n 13 .20 -
P.D. Carmichael' s 3 .00 4.$1
H. & W.B. Drew Co 10135 -
Cities Supply Co. c - 19.96
Robt . W. Elton 4.73 -
The Florida Times Unicn ( Saltair ad) 54.00 -
J & W Motor Co. 48.54 -
City off' Jacksonville ( electricity-pump) . - 34 .50
ttt ft Tr TT tT - 2.50
City of Jacksonville Beach (radio) . . . 30.00 -
" ft tT _ " ( Pris,meals) . . 11.00 -
Jax. Beach Truck Lines, Inc .85 -
Jax. Journal (SA Call for bids) 12.00 -
Joe 's Plbg. & Ap. Co. . 1.37
1 Fred Lawrence ( 1-tie back) 150.00( Pd) -
Mabry' s Texeco Sta. (tires & Tubes) . . 33 .26 -
Mason-Smith Co. 28.12 1.90
Mennen's Service Sta. 6.40 -
Neptune teach Vol. Fire Dept . 180.00 -
\ Southern Bell Pel. & Tel. Co. (off ice) . . 9.18 -
\/) n: tt, it TY n n lth Unit) 5.26 -
Sun Oil Co. 119.24 -
Texas Company $0.34 -
R.E. Wilkerson & Co. (Office sup( Hea. } 8.95 -
859.27 57$.06
Mr. Thompson advised that thequestionon Bond election was
being worked out with the Bond attorneys who are going to
specify how they want the ballot to read, and will send
this information to us so that we can hold the election at
the earliest possible date.
Mr. Ganzel advised that he did not realize the amount of
work that the Attorney hadtto do, and he wanted to take this
opportunity to thank him for the fine co-operation he has
given to the Council and the splendid way he has handled the
Town's business , as he has done much over and above the
regular work, and it is appreciated. There was unanimous
expression of thanks from the Council.
The Tax Collector advised that there had been some good re-
sponse tonthe letters sent out over Mr. Thompson's sig-
nature on delinquent taxes, but there are still quite a
number unpaid . - The Council instructed that a list of
outstanding delinquents as formally specified, be turned
over to the Finance & Taxation Committee for study and
The Town Clerk was directed to write Judge Ogilvie that the
Council does not have authority to waive the penalty interest
on the taxes due on the W. 53 ft . of Lots 7 & 8, Block 43 ,
Atlantic Beach listed as bela,nging to the Estate of Claude Smith.
The matter of water delinquents was discussed and the Town
Clerk advised that a list was being prepared to turn over to
the Town Supervis cr .
The Town Supervisor 's monthly report was read, discussed and
August 8th, 1949-Page#3
Mr. Ganzel advised that Mr. Frazier was undertaking the
fixing up of the Plaza with the Council 's approval. Upon
motion of Mr. Bremer, seconded by Mr. Mason approval was
given for Mr. Fra zier to go ahead with the beautification
• of the Pla za.
Mr. Ganzel reperted that additional clay was needed for the
ball park, and the Council by unanimous consent agreed to
getting the additional clay, needed. He also advised that
the bleacher seats weuld be insta,led in the next week or
ten days. Mr. Kirby is donating the necessary wire for a
back stop.
A letter from the Florida League of Municipalities was
read acknoirledgeing and thanking the Council for the
Upon motion of Mr. Kirby the meeting adjourned from day
to day.
• F.P. Ganzel, President
Attest :
'dele S. Grafi , Town Cly
County of Duval
Personally appeared before me, a Notary Public for the State of Florida
At Large, K. C. Scherrer who deposes and says that he is
L.iLL FOR rilva Advertising tanager of The Jacksonville Journal,
Sealed bids will be received by the a daily newspaper printed in the English language and of general circulation,
Town Council of the Town of At-
lantic Beach, Florida, at the Town
Hall of said Town until 5 o'clock,
P. M.. on the 8th day of August, published in the City of Jacksonville, in said County and State; and that the
1949, for the furnishing of all labor,
materials and equipment required attached order, notice, publication and/or advertisement of
by said Town for the opening, grad-
ing, paving and improving of all
those parts or portions of those Call for Bids
certain streets of said Town °as
shown on plat of Salt Air, Section
1, recorded in Plat Book 10, page
400 (8) of the current public records of
Duval County, Florida, and on plat
of said Salt Air, Section 2, recorded , once
in Plat Book 10 page 15 of said was published in said newspaper
records, viz:
Park Avenue (now known as
David Avenue) from Salt Air for a period of Dna__time_ c am &,
Boulevard Northwesterly to Bel-
vedere Street, Belvedere Street �g and ending July 20,x_ 1119
Northeasterly from said Park Beginning July .---
Avenue (David Avenue) to Sea
Spray Avenue, Sea Spray Avenue
southeasterly from Belvedere said publication being made on the following dates:
Street to Salt Air Boulevard, 7/20/49*
all of which shall be constructed
and improved in accordance with
the plans and specifications at-
tached to and made a part of said
Ordinance Number 125 now on file
-with the Town Clerk at the Town
Hall of said Town and pursuant to
and in accordance with the provi- And deponent further says that The Jacksonville Journal has been continuously pub-
. .. . .. _. . _..__i __ _...._-..] _.1...... __..:1 ...-..♦4..� ..� 4L� -.....�
• F.P. Ganzel, President
Attest :
(;,./ , '
dele S. Grafi , own Cly
County of Duval
Personally appeared before me, a Notary Public for the State of Florida
At Large, H. C. Soherrer who deposes and says that he is
cu. FOR IUDs Advertising kanager of The Jacksonville Journal,
Sealed bids will be received by the a daily newspaper printed in the English language and of general circulation,
Town Council of the Town of At-
lantic Beach, Florida, at the Town
Hall of said Town until 5 o'clock,
P. M., on the 8th day of August, published in the City of Jacksonville, in said County and State; and that the
1949, for the furnishing of all labor,
materials and equipment required attached order, notice, publication and/or advertisement of
by said Town for the opening, grad-
ing, paving and improving of all!
those parts or portions of those) Call for Bids
certain streets of said Town •ds
shown on plat of Salt Air, Section
1, recorded in Plat Book 10, page
(8) of the current public records of
Duval County, Florida, and on plat
of said Salt Air, Section 2, recorded
in Plat Book 10 page 15 of said was published in said newspaper iwly once
records, viz:
Park Avenue (now known as
David Avenue) from Salt Air for a period of 931e.__time caussoutistodir,
Boulevard Northwesterly to Bel-
vedere Street, Belvedere Street 2 July 1
Northeasterly from said Park Beginning July Q --�.9 and ending uY 20a- 1949
Avenue (David Avenue) to Sea
Spray Avenue, Sea Spray Avenue
southeasterly from Belvedere said publication being made on the following dates:
Street to Salt Air Boulevard, 7/20/49.
all of which shall be constructed
and improved in accordance with
the plans and specifications at-
tached to and made a part of said
Ordinance Number 125 now on file
with the Town Clerk at the Town
Hall of said Town and pursuant to
and in accordance with the provi- And deponent further says that The Jacksonville Journal has been continuously pub-
sions of said Ordinance Number lished as a daily newspaper, and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post-
125' office at the City of Jacksonville, Duval County, Florida, each for a period of more than
Each bid shall supplied submitted in one year next precedingthe date of the first publication of the above described order,
duplicate on form by the
Town Supervisor of said Town. The notice, publication and/or advertisement.
• successful bidder will be paid sole-
ly from funds designated in said
ofOr payment nance set according the planroSubscribed and sworn to before me this
posed form of contract, a copy of
which is now on file with the Town.
Clerk of said Town and open for 20 da I'''`, A
inspection of all persons interested. 3' Of__su
The Town of Atlantic Beach
hereby reserves the right to waive
any informality in any bid and to
reject any and all bids. -"
BY ORDER OF THE TOWN otary Public,
COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF State of Florida at Large.
(Adv. 10140)
My Commission
M Expires L Lo
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IAV ••:,miss1anMYwc August, of N
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