AT 7 P.M.
F.P. Ganzel
D.P. Mason
W.G. Kirby
D.W. Bremer
R.S. shames, Councilmen
G.L. Rosborough, Mayor
Frank Thompson, Town Attorney
Adele S. Grage, Town Clerk
Mr. Ganzel called the meeting to order and road a letter
dated October 12th, 1949 from Mr. E. Gerry Adams, wherein
he offered to"grant to the Town the right to continue the
use of the facilities on the Hotel Reservation until such
time as the town is in better condition to build its own
plant, or if you desire to continue such use until such time
as I shall have given the town two years prior notice of
termination of such right of use. For such extended use
I would expect and require that the town maintain the facil-
ities and equipment. including the tank, in the same condi-
tion in which they now are , ordinary wear, tear _and acts of
God excepted, and further thatbthe town pay the nominal rental
of $1 a year , etc."
Next a letter was read from tbe .Mayor ,vinwhich he advises
that he has disapproved the Ordinances covering the Waterworks
Bonds, and the referendum election covering the issuance of
the Bonds, stating his reasons for disapproving which are based
on Mr. Adams 'offer as outlined above.
There was a discussion of the waterworks matter during which
a factional report was presented by Mr. H.G. Carrison of the
Clyde C. Pierce Corp. was read. After further discussion,
and upon motion of Mr. Kirby, seconded by Mr. Thames, the ✓
veto of the Mayor on"Ordinace authorizing and providing for
the issuance of : 150,000 water system Bonds of the Town of
Atlantic Beach, Florida, etc." and " An Ordinance calling and
providing for a special election in thebTown of Atlantic Beach ,
Florida in connection with the issuance of bonds of said Town
for water system purposes" was upheld. The call vote was
Aye: Kirby, Thames, Bremer, and Ganzel.
Nay: Mason
Upon motion of Mr. Bremer seconded by Mr. Thames, the following
Resolution accepting Mr.Bremer,
proposal was adopped,_with the
call vote as follows: Aye, Kirby, Thames, Bremer, Ganzel; Nay,
Mason, :
pg 3 1� I3� i
Upon motion of Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Bremer the following
Resolution accepting the Saltair Street Paving project as
recommended by the Engineers in their letter of October 10, 1949;
was adopted:
WHEREAS , H. J. Harrje and H. A. uurden, engineers fa'
the Town in connection with the Salt Air Street Improvement
Program have certified to the Town C ouncil that the entire
work embraced in the contract between the Town and Duval
Sngtneering & Contracting company has been fully performed
and done in accordance with the terms and provisions of said
contract and the said work entirely completed and that they, as
engineers for the said T own, have fully completed and performed
all engineering and inspection services undertaken by them.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Town Coun-
cil of the Town of Atlantic Beach:
Section 1. That the said work so performed by said Duval
Engineering & kdontracting Company is hereby accepted and
the contract heretofore entered into by it with the said
Town for the construction of said project is hereby found
to have been fully performed and completed, and that said
contractor shall be entitled to layment for said work out
of the Salt Air Improvement F and in accordance with the
provisions of said contract between said contractor and
the Town.
Section 2. That the contract and agreement between H. J.
Harrje and H. A . llurden for engineering and inspection
services in connection with said S alt Air Improvement
Program is hereby found to have been fully performed by
them and they are hereby declared entitled to payment for
said services out of said Salt Air Improvement Fund in
accordance with their said contract with the Town.
Upon motion of Mr. Mason the meeting adjourned from day to
.P. Gan ,el, P "sident
Attest: 4110
ce,ez, 406 _ / #
Adele S. Grage, Town Cleft
10 kl-q• ,
the facilities and equipment , including the tank, in
the same condition in which they now are , ordinary
wear, tear and acts of God excepted and further that
the town pay the nominal r_,ntal of $l a year. The
town would be relieved from the payment of the $250
a year rent reserved in the present agreement from
and after the year 1949 all other provisions of
paragraphs 14, 15 and 16 of the agreement embraced in
said ordinance to continue in effect and apply during
such period as the facilities may be used by the tarn
under the provisions of this 1 etter.
_One further condition also is that all repairs and
maintenance work performed on the tank shall be done
by some person or concern first approved by me. I
make this condition solely because I am familiar with
the practice of tank repair people and believe that
by thus staying in touch with any such work, I can
save the town considerable money.
Yours very truly,"
"/s/ Gerry Adams"
AND, WHEREAS , the Town C ouncil has determined and deems it
for the best interest of said town to accept the said offer for
the use of said facilities upon the terms as therein set forth,
such use to continue till such time as Mr. Adams shall have given
the town two years' prior notice of the termination of sudh use.
NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Mayor and the T own
Council of the Town of Atlantic Beach, Florida :
Section 1. That the said offer of Mr. Adams for the use of
said facilities by the top!n as hereinabove set forth he and the same
is hereby accepted, such use to continue till such time as Mr. Adams
shall have given to the town t wo years ' prior notice of termination
of the rights of such use ;
Section 2. That Adele Grage , the T own Clerk, be and she is
hereby authorized and dL cted to c u.,11_unicate to Mr. Adams the .
aforesaid acceptance of said offer ,by furnishing him with a certi-
fied copy of this resolution.
Passed by the Town Council and approved by the Mayor
this October 24, 1949.