28TH, 1949 AT 8 P.M.
Present :
F.P. Ganzel
D.P. Mason
W.C. Kirby
B.S. Thames
D.W. Bremer, Councilmen
R.M. Panton, Town Manager
Adele S. Grage, Town Clerk
The meeting was called to order by the President,Mr.
F.P. Ganzel,
The first order of business was consideration of a Town
Manager to succeed Mr. Panton. Mr. A.J. Little, Jr.
was present and presented his application. He is a
graduate engineer of the Ga. School of Technology, and
is a registered engineer in civil, mechanical and land
survey. He advised that $5000. was the least he would
consider as salary. Mr. Bremer advised that he had
talked with Mr. Little, who on studying the budget feels
that we do not, .need an engineer, but if we do want one,
that he would be interested in the position. Mr. Bremer
believes that the usefullness of an engineer is not as
great as it was at one time, and is in favoe of limited
budget on personnel. Mr. Bremer moved that we consider
someone other than a registered engineer, and go into
the field of laymen, This motion was seconded by Mr. Mason
but did not carry. The call vote was Mason and Bremer "aye" ,
Kirby, Thames, and Ganzel "nay" .
The committee reported on the applicants contacted, and
new applications which have been received were considered.
After considerable discussion on the matter, motion was
made by Mr. Kirby, seconded by Mr. Thames it was decided to
contact Mr. J .D. Brotchie and offer $4200. for 6 months
and at the end of that time will give $ 5000. if conditions
w4rrant . This motion carried by a unanimous vote.
Mr. Rosborough advised that the new bridge will be opened
on December 17th and that Mr. Acosta had requested that the
Town contribute $50. towards the programs; There was a dis-
ctssion and upon motion of Mr. Bremer, seconded by Mr.
Mason, approval was given for our contributing $50. on the
Mr. Bull requested that authorization be given for the Town
Clerk to pay to Duval Engr. & Contr. Co. and Bull-Terry Homes
monies as received on the Saltair Street Paving Assessments.
No monies are to be paid until letters are on file from Duval
Engr. & Contr. Cp. , Haarje & Durden, and Bull-Terry Homes. The
Town Clerk is to contact the Town Attorney and check the
procedure with him.
Mr. Ganzel phoned Mr. Brotchie, who came for an interview.
Mr. Ganzel advised that Council were offering him the position
for $4200. yearly , with understanding that will go to $5000.
in 6 months if conditions warrant. Mr. Brotchie accepted these
terms, and will report on the 1st of December.
• Upon motion of Mr. Thames the meeting adjourned.
Attest: — I 'dry
F. • . anze , 'res dent.
CGCe-PI2' •
Adele 5. Grage, own erk