AT $ P.M.
Present :
F.P. Ganzel
W.G. Kirby
D.W. Bremer, Councilmen
and -
Frank Thompson, Town Attorney
J.D. _ Brotchie, Town Manager
Adele S . Grage, 'awn Clerk
G.L. Rosboroug , Mayor
There was a discussion of the lights needed at the colored
playground, and Mr. Brotchie was directed to have crew cut
trees for poles, and Mr. LeRyy Johnson will work with him
and get the lights up as soon as possible.
There was a discussion of the paving of the Ocean Blvd.
strip from 7th St. to County line, and the Town Clerk was mak' ,/`
directed to write a letter to the Asphalt Paving Co. advising
them that the County Commission has notified us that the
paving has been let to them, and that we are more than anxious
that this project get underway, and that we be advised just
when the work will start.
In view of the fact that neither Mr. Russell nor Mrs. Grage
have had a vacation, and the regular time for taking same
is past, and it is not now possible for either to take their
vacation due to the work, it was authorized upon motion
of Mr. Bremer, seconded by Mr. Kirby that they be given their
pay in lieu of the vacation.
There was a discussion of Seawall deficit, and the matter was
again referred to Mr. Thompson for study. In the discussion it
was brought to the attention of the Council for the first time
that penalties on Town 's Share of Seasall are deposited in the
General Fund. Upon motion of Mr. Bremer, seconded by Mr. Kirby
all penalties on Seawall funds collected for Bond Service whether
for Seawall Construction Assessments or Town 's share Seawall
sre to be deposited in the Seawall Account.
There was a discussion of the referendum election and Upon
motion of Mr. Bremer, seconded by Mr. Kirby an Ordinance entitled
"An Ordinance calling a referendum election for the Ratification
and approval by the Qualified Electors of the Town of Atlantic
Beach, Florida of Chapter 25676, Laws of Florida, Special Acts
of 1949, Entitled 'An Act to amend Section 1 of Chapter 13907, Laws
of Florida, Special Acts of 1929, the Same being 'An Act to fix,. the
Territorial Limits of the Town of Atlantic Beach, To provide for
Its Government, and Prescribe Its Jurisdiction and Powers' . By Enlarg-
ing the Territorial Limtts of said Town to include Part of Atlantic
Boulevard North of a line Sixteen feet north of the centerline of
said Tit Atlantic Boulevard, and Providing for a Referendum".
was passed on first reading by title only. Upon motion of Mr.
Kirby seconded by Mr. Bremer it was passed on second reading.
This refers to ratifying of Chapter 25676 No. 6$0, House Bill
No. 933 Legislative Acts of 1949. The other acts requiring
referendum were referred to Mr. Thompson.
Upon motion of Mr. Kirby, seconded by Mr. Bremer approval was
given for the payment of Bill from Clyde Pierce Co. in amount
of $750. from Waterworks Fund , transfer from General Fund if
• Upon motion of Mr. Kirby, seconded by Mr. Bremer approval was
given for payment of Smith-Gillespie balance due on contradt
when Smith-Gillespie fulfills contract by furnishing required
copies of plans and specifications . This payment to be made
from General Fund.
Upon motion of Mr. Kirby, seconded by Mr. Bremer the
Town Clerk was authorized to transfer a loan from the
General Fund to the Walierworks fund to make up any
difference needed to make payment to Mr. Adams of
0730. in line with contract for purchase.
There was a discussion of delinquent taxes, and Mr.
Kirby moved, with second by Mr. Ganzel, that all delin-
quent taxes be certified to the attorney for collection,
as soon as sson es possible for the clerk to so do.
The call vote was Kirby and Ganzel "aye" , Bremer "nay".
Mr. Bremer advised that he did not feel that it should be
done at this time, but later.
Mr. Brotchie advised that he is putting up barricades at
the unprotected street-ends. There also was some discus-
sion on paving of East Coast Drive.
Upon motion of Mr. Kirby the meeting adjourned.
.?. Ganzel, 'resident
Attest :
cLegae__ •
Adele S . Grage, Town Cl k