01-08-46 v MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TOWN COUNCIL HELD AT THL] TOWN HALL ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 8TH , 1546 at 'j°P.ivi. PRESENT: James P. Cranford, President E.L. Chiasson Beale Travis T.L. Jones , Councilmen , txmmit 2rxi and G.L. Rosborough, Mayor C.R. Frazier, Town Supervisor Frank Thompson, Attorney Adele S. Gruge, Town Clerk The meeting; was hold after day to day postponement from January 1 , 1946. The president called the meeting to order. The mnutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Mr. Frazier adv'sed that he had not been able to inspect tho Greig house, but would do so as soon as he could arrange it when there was someone home, as they all work and are away from home most of the tie . ' r. Frazier has talked to Mr. Donner about the Waterworks for the colored section. They are trying to Bind someone to to operate a waterworks for that section. The septic tank at the 3irmons place has been ordered re- paired, and Mr. Frazier will check on it. Upon motion of E .L. Chiasson, seconded by H.L. Jones . the Treasurer' s report was approved subject to his signature . The report showed a balance In the feneral Fund of 1;6 ,833.71, Seawall Fund 2,962.06. Upon motion of Beale Travis, seconded by E.L. Jones the following bills wore aporovod for payment: City of Jacksonville Beach $30 .00 Mrs. O . P. Likins ( garage) 5.00 Arnold Printing & Label Co. 26 55 Shell Oil Co . Police 125.33 Garbage 16.60 41 93 Pablo Garage 1 15 E.A. Martin Seed. Co . 8.75 Ocean Beach Reporter 12 00 H. & W.BY Drew Co. (warrants) 19 00 T.P . Janes ( police cur - tires) 28. 49 Proctor & Prather Hdwe. Co. . . . . . 26.05 R.L. Polk & Co. (City Directory) 12.00 Royal Motors Co.(R&R Police Car) 2.00 R.E. Wilkerson ( Office Supplier) . . . . 1.25 W. S. Darlcy & Co. ( police supplies) 37 37 The Texas Co. Police X4.14 Garbage 9.72 13.86 City of Jacksonvilleext'irision circuits) . 203.36 Mason Lbr. & Sup. Co. 17 70 Southern Bell . T.&T. Co. (Town Hall) 4 17 Southern Bell Tel. & T. Co.(Hoalth Center) . 3.54 Neptune Beach Vol. Fire Dept. 25 00 519.17 Upon motion of E.L. Jones, seconded by Beale Travis street lights qcre approved for Saltuir Blvd. in line with estimate received from City of Jacksonville . Mr. Frazier was Instructed to have them put up. Upon motion of E.L. Chiasson, seconded by Beale Travis , an Ordinance entitled " Re-Zoning of Lots 838 thru 854 Inclu- sive , Saltair") was passed on first reading. On motion of E.L. Jones, seconded by F.L. Chiesson the ordinance was I : ssed on second reading. Upon motion of E.L. Jones, seconded by Beale Travis an ordinance entitled "TC CHANGE NAME OF PARK AVE. TO DAVID AVE. and LAKEVIEW ATI . TO STURDIVANT AVE." was passed. Upon motion of E.L. Chiasnon, seconded by Boule Travis it war: pursed on 2nd reading. The now names are in memory of Robt. A . David and Solomon Sturdivant who wore reported killed in action during 'Norld Mar II . A le, to wasrread from the Health Council of the Beaches, and the Council advised that they would continue to pay the basic phone bill. A letter war read from Dr. Frazier expluiniq reasons for leaving the bus schedules an they are. The regular monthly repotnt of Mr. Frazier, Town Super- visor, was read and filed. The matter of cleaning off lots was brought to the at- tention of the Council and Ur. Frazier was asked to submit a list of those lots needing cleaning to the Council at the next meeting. After much discussion of street paving and upon motion of Beale Travis , seconded by 1.L . Jones, the Town Supervisor was authorized to ascertain the type of paving, approximate cost , and the opinion of property owners, and to make a recommendation us to the street to be paved. The Hotel Reservation Road hoc not been dedicated, and Mr. Jones is to see Mr. Adams before the next meeting. Upon motion of E.L. Chiarsor_ , seconded by F.L. Jones tt.e Police Committee was instructed to negotiate for purchase of a new Ford as coon us cc:n get it , and m_�ke beat disposal of present car. The Town Supervisor was recuested to send a Resolution to the County Commissioners as follows: iNHEREAS, a study has boon made of the road and street situation in the Town of f tlrantic Beach, Florida, and it has been found that much improvement is in urgent need , and WHEREJ.S, some of these roads arc under the control of Duval County and arc the rosponsib_lity of said County, and WHEREAS, after this study it has also been found advisable to make some changes in the control of certL.in streets and roads and to urge that those remaining under the control of the County be completed and maintainod in a manner, commensurate with the rate of tax paid, as rcxwr:tly increased, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FESOLV. . BY THE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL OF THF TOWN OF 1 TLANTIC BEACH , FLORIDA; That the Honorable Board of County Commissioners be , and the same lc, hereby petitioned to enter into the following changer in the control of streets and roads in the Town , to wit : 1. Abandon to the Town that pert of the Plaza, lying between East Coast Drive unci the junctionoof County Roads 551 ,561 ,667: and 2. That the Town dedicate to the County ell of Fifteenth Street extending from County Road 667 to the 3cach ( thir:'terrninates • in the Fifteenth St. ramp, paid for by the County and is the outlet to the Beach to points north of the "own ) , and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the County be, and it is hereby, requested to complete and put in a good con- dition the following County Eouds, to become the main through County Road in the Town; to wit , County Road 551 from Third Street intersection to its junction With County Road 667 , and County Rood 667 to its junction with County Road 608, and EE IT FURTHER RESOL'rE'll That the County be , and it is hereby, requested to make necessary repairs and correct the drainage on County Road 561 ( particularly that portion about 700 feet north of the Atlantic Bo _lcvard) , and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVE?' That the County be further requested to open and grade the balance of County Road No. 79, from the Old Atlantic Beach Army Camp to the i:ayport Road ( A good portion of this road has been in use for sometime, having been graded and shelled by the Army) and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT WE Honorable Board of County Commissioners be requested to meet with the officials of the Town of Atlantic Reach at a time and place to be named by the said Board, in order that all mutters in connection with the Ruud and Street system in the Town may be finally settled so that both Town and County impaovements may be expedited. The matter of the 'Waterworks was discussed at great length. Following this discussion, E.L. Jones moved adjournment. dames A. Cranford, rent Attest : i Adele S. Grego Town Clerk