04-02-46 v MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TONN COUNCIL HELD AT THE TONN HALL, APRIL 2 , 1946 AT 8 P.M. PRESENT: James A. Cranford , E .L. Chiasson Beale Travis E.L. Jones Don Goodling, Councilmen and G.L. Rosborough, Mayor C .R. Frazier, Town Supervisor Adele S. Grego , Town Clerk The meeting was called ..Co order by the President , James A. Cranford. Upon motion of E.L. Jones , seconded by F.L. Jones the minutes of the last meeting were approved as read. The Ordinance covering "Pitcher-type pumps" was passed to a future date for consideration. Mr. Jones advised that he had seen Mr. Gerry Adams r iative to the Hotel Reservation Road dedication, and that Mr. Adams hoped to have something defln_ite worked out on it in the near future . Upon motion of Beale Travis, seconded by E.L. Jones an Ordinance " Repealing Dog Ordinance # 70 was passed on third and final reading. A letter was read from Mr. Boyer of the Neptune Beach Town Council advising that they wished to leave the matter of connecting with the Neptune Sewewage System ebtirely to the discretion of the Atlantic Beach Council as to rates charged and collections, giving Atlantic Beach authority to commence work immediately . Mr. Boyer also appeared in person and ,.srured us of their complete co-operet on in this matter. Duo to Mr. Thompson's absence from the city due to illness in his family, the Ordinance covering this matter was not ready for final consideration. Mr. Frazier was instructed -o go ahead with the work. Thu names of Harcourt Bull , C'-c =rman , Mrs. June Wright , and Norman A. Minchew were presented and accepted as Board of Appraisors for the miscellaneous streets to be paved. With these names inserted in tht Crdinanc setting up a Board of Appraisors for certain streets, it was- passed on third and final reading upon mono-, of E.L.Chias- ton, , seconded by E.L. Jones. Upon motion of P .L. Jones, Seconded by Beale Travis the Ordinance "Amending Ordinance 50 relative to two-family houses in Residence A section" was passed on third and final reading. The matter of a tennis court for the Park was passed to future meeting. Due to Mr. Thompson' s absence the Wood Ordinance and the Sanitary Ordinance wore not ready for final passage. The condition of the septic tank on South 1/2 of Lot 1, Block 11 , belonging to Mrs. Lula C . Williford was referred to the State Board of Health, as the owners have failed to have same repaired , and because we lack condemna- tion authority. A letter was road from Mr. Durden quoting price on making survey and putting permanent corner posts on Blocks. This was eferred to Mr. Frazier to get further information, etc. Upon motion of B.L. Chiasson , seconded b Beale Travis the Treasurer's report was approved. L: ••4' 9 z.4a',h� Upon motion of Beale Travis seconded by E.L.Jones the following bills were approved for payment: Mrs . 0.P. Likins ( garage) $5.00 City of Jacksonville Beach( radio) 30.00 Davis & Co. ( Police- revolver) 45.50 Pablo Garage (Battery-Police) . 14.05 R.E. Wilkerson Co.(Off ice Supplies) . . 12.50 Mason Lumber & Stip. Co. (Mise . ) 69.40 Sherman Concrete Pipe Co. (Culverts) . . 39.75 n n n n n 132.00 Treece , The Florist 2. . 10.00 Russell & Axon, Consulting Engr. . . . 150.00 Shell Oil Co. Police t9.15 • Garbage 6.30 15.45 Jax. Bch. Truck Line( Playground Equip.) 5 .97 n n " " (frt , traffic signs) 2.82 General Playground Equip. Co 66.00 H & W.B. Drew Co 1.50 W.S. Darley & Co. (Traffic signs) . . 22.00 Southern Bell T. & T. Co.(Health Unit) . . 3.54 " " " " " ( Town Hall) . . 2.44 Magneto Battery & El . Co 35.63 663.55 Mr. Chiasson is to contact the Duval Engineer- ing Co. relative to making a complete settlement of this account. Upon motion of E.L. Chiasson, seconded by Don Goodling the following resolution was adopted: WHEREAS God in his wisdom has seen fit to take from our midst a most owrthy and honorable gentleman, the Honorable Tom Jenks, Mayor of Neptune Beach, and WHEREAS the Town Officials of the Town of Atlantic Beach have been deprived of the co-operation and friendly assistance which this Good Neighbor hac always unselfishly and unstintingly given to the Beaches Communities, NOW THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF ATLANTIC BEACH , DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA: That it is hereby made a matter of public record that the said Town join with our neighbors in expressing sincerest regret at the passing of our friend, Tom Jenks, and extending our deepest sympathy to his loved ones in their hour of sorrow, AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That a copy of this resolution be given to Mrs. Jenks, a copy furnished the Town of Neptune Beach, and a copy to the press. Mr. Rosborough reported that the State Highway Commission was making a survey is the Rws$tattii regarding the Ferry from Mayport to Ft. George's Island. Mr. Frazier reported that we have had a letter from Mr. Guennsey on this, and also a copy of a resolution passed by the City of Jacksonville 4.1 Council . The report of the Town Supervisor for March was sent out in advance of the meeting and is filed. Mr. Rosborough reported that they had a very inter- esting meeting of the committee considering the FHA loans in this section. They are collecting specific data to be sub- mitted to FHA representatives at a meeting with them and the Chamber of Commerce on April 9th. Mr. Rosborough reported that the ladies had been phoning him relative to steps at 4th St. Mr. Frazier reported that he was getting steps up as fast as he could , but due to nail shortage he had been unable do very much on steps. Mr. Frey asked about the lights promised for Saltair Boulevard, and was ' advised that the City of Jacksonville has them ordered and will install as soon as received. Drainage came up for discussion and it was decided that the Public Works Committee and Mr. George Bull have a , meeting to formulate definite plans on this subject. Mr. 14ch‘oper and Mr. Reynolds of Reynolds , Smith & Hills Engineers, wore recognized by the Council. The question of a Deputy Marshall for the summer months, and also the roping off of the Beach( that is: time to begin roping off) was referred to the Police and Public Safety Committee for recommendations. The Taxation Committee is to make a study of a Tax Assessor and make recommendations. Mr. Rosborough was asked to contact Mr. Register and advise the committee whether he is available, etc . Upon motion of B.L. Chiasson, seconded by E.L. Jones the following resolution was passed: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA: That Warrant #6346 in the amount of $36.00 made for payment to Homo Utilities Co. be cancelled as Mr. Gerry Adams returned same to the Town since he did not intend for the Town to be :billed for the water. The Town Clerk was instructed to write a letter of appreciation to Mr. Adams. Mr. Rosborough presented a letter which had boon received from the University of Florida relative to a course they are to have June 5th thru 8th on waterworks, drainage , sewerage , etc . It was the co-census of opinion that Mr. Frazier be sent with expenses paid to attend whichever course would be most beneficial to the Town. Upon motion of Don Goodling, the meeting adjourn d. IIIP J:me, A. Cranf. • , President 111 Attest: DO--e- dA-4/42- Adele S. Grage Town Clerk