$ P .M.
James A. Cranford
Beale Travis
Don Goodling, Councilmen
G:.L.. .RosborougI , Mayor
Frank Thompson, Attprney
C .R. Frazier, Town Supervisor
Adele S. Grage , Town Clerk
The meeting was called to order by the President ,
James A. Cranford.
The minutes of the last regular meeting of April
2nd, and the special meeting of April 23rd, 1946 were read
and approved.
The Ordinance on "Pitcher Pumps" was passed for tishlird
a 3d final reading until some future date , as the other type
pump is not available at present.
Mr. Frazier advised that the sewerage connection line
with Neptune Beach was almost completed. He and lir. Thompson
are to confer as to fees , rentals , when and where to tie-in
by users , so that Ordinance can be passed on third and final
Dedication of the Hotel Reservation Rd. is still in
the processed of being arranged. Mr. Rosborough was asked to
check and see if the County funds are still available for use in
paving this road.
Mr. Goodling reported that it would cost between $1000.
and $1250. to build a tennis court in the park, and the matter
was tabled.
Mr. Rosborough advised that there had been nothing
further done as to the .Ferry service from Kayport to Ft.
George Island.
In the absence of Er. Jones , Mr. Frazier reported
to Council on the matter of Drainage. Robert M. Angas, Civil
Engineer from Jacksonville came down and went over the drain-
age question with Mr. Frazier, and later submitted figures to
cover, however they were not along the lines which the Town wished
to do at this-. time. Upon motion of E.L. Chiasson, seconded by
Don Goodling Mr. Richheimer's proposal on Sherman Creek plan
as outlined in his letter of April 9th, 1946 under Subject A,
paragraph 1 was accepted. Mr. Frazier was instructed to advise
Mr. Richheimer.
Mr. Rosborough is to talk further with Mr. Register about
serving as Appraisor for the Town;just what work the $500.fee covers .
The matter of Daylight Saving Time was tabled.
Upon motion of E.L. Chiasson, seconded by Beale Travis
the Treasurer's Report was apptotred. This report showed balances
as follows : General Fund $$,470.56, Seawall X4,144.54.
Upon motion of Beale Travis , seconded by Don Goodling the
following Bills were approved for payment :
Mrs. O.P . Likins ( Garage ) $ 5 .00
City of Jacksonville Beach (Radio ) 30.00
Southern Bell T. & T. Co. (Health Unit ) . . 3.54
tr rr rr rr tr rr (Office ) March 1;4.57
April 6.19 10.76
Leonard W. Thomas (Recording deed) 1.45
Shell Oil Co. Police $44. 15
Garbage 25 .64 69.79 (March)
The Texas Co. Police $52.16
Garbage 37.30 ; . . . . . $9.46 (April )
Town of Neptune Beach (Fire ) 25 .00
Graham & Jones (paper cups ) . . . . 1.50
Bill 's Garage 19.44
Jax. Beach Track Line 2 .81
Graybar Elec . Co 20.40
P.D. Carmichael 2$.14
Jacksonville Typewriter Co 24.35
Proctor-Prather Hdwe . Co 5 .$5
Town of Neptune Beach 35.90
R.E. Wilkerson Co. 11.50
T.P. Janes Servs Sta .50
Magneto Battery & El. Ccb 1.20
Fla. Times Union (ad ) 3.60
Mason Lbr. & Sup. Co 38.24
The matter of a waterworks to serve the Donner's
Colored sub-division was discussed at length. Mr. Frazier
advised that he had talked to the Engineer from the State
Board of Health and there are some very definite regulations
and laws on establishing and operating a waterworks . Nothing
further hv:s been heard from Mr. Mann relative to his wish to
furnish water to this section.
Upon motion of E.L. Chiasson, seconded by Don Goodling
an Oadinance "Abatking Nuisance of Weeds , Grass, etc " was
passed on first reading. Upon motion of E.L. Chiasson,
seconded by Beale Travis it was passed on second reading.
Upon motion of E.L Chiasson, seconded by Don Goodling
the Sanitary Ordinance was passed on third and final
reading. $25. is amount of fine to be inserted in Section 5.
Upon motion of Beale Travis , seconded by E.L. Chiasson
the employment of Wm. E. Woodside as Deputy Marshall beginning -
May 15th at $200. per month was approved. His services will
be until Sept . 15th, 1946.
Upon motion of Beale Travis , seconded by E.L. Chiasson
roping of the beach for this season will begin on May 15th
and will be at following hours : weekdays 2 P.M. to 7 P.M. ,
Sundays and Holidays 10 A.M. to 7 P.M.
Upon motion pf Don Goodling seconded by Beale Travis
the Council approved the acceptance of Mr. Durden's bid of
$1250. for block survey , placing permanent markers and tying
in with previous survey and extending to west side of Sherry
Drive. Mr. Frazier was instructed to advise Ivir. Durden, work
to be started as soon as possible.
It was reported to the Council that Neptune Beach Volunteer
Fire Department is purchasing" a new fire engine from the Shipyard.
Mr. Travis was asked to take up with the Underwriters as to whether
this new equipment will affect our fire rates.
Communication was read from Firs Tome
J nks , thanking the
Council for the Resolution on Mr. Jenk's death.
Mr. Frazier's report for the month of April was read and
A letter was read from the Volunteer Life Saving Corps of
the American Red Cross thanking the Council for their contribution
and advising of the establishing of a new station between
Atlantic Blvd. runway and the Hotel pier.
A Resolution was read from the Board of County Commission-
ers advising that they had abandoned the Plaza to the Town.
They also advised by letter that they had overlooked the second
part of our Resolution and would take action on it at a later
The matter of securing a Life Saver for week-days during
the summer months was discussed and Mr. Rosborough was asked
to look into the matter and report back to the Council.
The meeting was adjourned until Tuesday, May 14th, 1946
at $ P.M.
4., : • e , . Cranf. Pref dent
Attest :
Adele S . Grage , Town / lerk