08-06-46 v . MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETINF OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TOWN COUNCIL HELD AT TI-1 TOTN HALL, TUESDAY, AUGUST 6th, 1946, 8 P.m. ._ PRESENT : . James A. Cranford, President . . E. L. Chiasson Beale Travis E; L. Jones - Don Goodling, Councilmen - and . G. L. Rosborough, I•`ayor Frank Thompson, Attorney ' C . R. Frazier, Town Supervisor Adele S . Grage , Town Clerk - The meeting was called to order b✓r the President , James A. Cranford. Upon r:.otion of E. L. Jones , seconded by Beale Travis the minutes of the meeting of July 2nd were approved as read. M ,Mr. Travis advised he has been out of the city and has ono report on visit of Fire Underwriters. Upon motion of Don Goodling, seconded by E. L. Chiasson, An Ordinance Governing Hours for Sale of Liquors was passed on third and final- reading. Fine of $100.00 to be inserted in Ordinance upon motion of E. L. Jones , seconded by E. L. Chiasson. Mr. Frazier reported that the steps had been repaired and straightened as much as possible with the high sand and as soon as sand washes away will endeavor to straighten steps more. The Councilmen were requested to return their copies - of the Richheimer Drainage Report to be turned over to the Incoming Council. Upon motion of E. L. Chiasson, seconded by E. L. Jones the Treasurer's Report was approved. This report showed balances as follows : General Fund 2 ,873.52, Seawall 8,736.99. Upon motion of Beale Travis, seconded by Don Goodling the following bills were approved for payment: City of Jacksonville Beach (radio) $ 30.00 Mason-Smith Co 37.85 The Texas Co. (Police $42.75 , Garbage $14.52 ) 52.27 The Shell Oil Co. (Police X59.08, Garbage $31.62 ) 90.70 Consolidated Automotive Co. (Police R&R) .40 Quinn R. Barton Co. ( Garbage R&R) 13.21 Beach Printing Co 8.6o L. N. Clark's Flowerland (Flowers for hrs . Jones ) 10.00 Harley DeLoach Agency 5 .00 Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co. (Street Signs )17.70 Beach Recappers - 3 10.50 4 Zaun Equipment Co 39.27 R. E. Wilkerson & Co 3.83 The Cameron & Barkley Co 89.95 Florida Pipe & Supply Co 21.11 Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co 9.16 Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co 3.54 . Lee & Cates Glass Co • 8.50 The Texas Co. (Surface Material) 66.10 . ) T. P. Janes Service Station 1.21 Lighthouse Service Station 2.00 Neptune Beach Garage 111.20 Jacksonville Beach Truck Line , Inc 1.82 $633.92 • • As to the dedication of Hotel Reservation Road Mr. Thompson is to confer with Mr. Holt , Lawyer handling the Dedication for the Adams , and will have papers ready for the adjourned meeting of Council on Monday night August 12th, 1946 at $ .P.i_. The following were unanimously selected as Election Officials for the General Election to be held on Tuesday, August 13th, 1946: Col. R. E. Carmody, Clerk Margaret Macon, Inspector Mrs. Leon Van Zile , Inspector Mr. Frazier advised that he needed pipe , and other parts to make an extention to the water line from Saltair well but had been unable to secure sane. The Council approved purchase of the necessary pipe when found and Mr. Jones is going to try and get the needed pipe for us . Mr. Frazier' s Report as Town Supervisor for the r.onth of July was presented and filed. A letter from Mr. D. T. Ray, Division Engineer of the Bureau of Community Facilities , Federal Works Agency was presented and copy of same made a part of these minutes. The , Town's plans for a Sewerage System were drawn up in 1940, interrupted by the war, and resumed again in February of this year. In March, necessary engineering papers were referred to the above agency for assistance in Engineering, costs. The Town super- visor prepared an answer to Mr. Ray's letter, setting forth the economic picture of the Town, and upon motion of E. L. Chiasson, seconded by Beale Travis Mr. Frazier's letter was approved by Council •and a copy of same made a part of thses minutes. Copies of letters attached hereto. Upon motion of E. L. Jones the Council adjourned to meet again on Monday,. August 12th, at $ P.m. �a es A. G . ord,/ President Attest 52f ,/Adele S. Grage / Town Clerk • R. Frazif wn Supervisor 1-77 .11 '4 _ - r ke tta 8/6/ Application No. Fla. $-P-157 Sewer Facilities July 25 , 1946 Atlantic Beach, Florida Mr. C. R. Frazier Town Supervisor Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Mr. Frazier: • In your letter of July 20, 1946, you requested information as to the status of the above planning app- lication. • The application appears to '>e in order as far as engineering matters are concerned, however, some questions have arisen as to the ability of the Town to initiate construction of these ir:provements within the next four yenrs. Based upon the 1940 population, the per capita cost is approximately ` 293. Assu,i-g that an increase to 1,000 persons has taken place , the per capita cost is still 3137, which is extremely high for sewer improvements. The application indicates that one-half of the cost would be carried by revenue bonds and tie other half bj special assessments. In order that we may deter- mine the feasibility of financing these improvements as outlined, it will be appreciated if you will forward to us the following- information: 1. A statement of the Town's current assessed valuation. • 2. A statement of the outstanding indebtedness , showing for each issue the purpose for which the bonds were issued, the amount now outstanding, the interest rate , the maturity dates and the amounts maturing on each date. 3. A statement of the existing borrowing mar- gin, based upon the State limitation, or any limitation contained in the Town's charter. 4. An estimate of the number of connections that will be made to the sewer system upon completion. 5 . A••sttement of the proposed sewer rates . • 6. An estimate of the annual income and expense of the sewer system. 11P 01'i* Mr C . R. Frazier, Town Supervisor -2- • 7. A suggestedmaturity schedule for the .;$6$ , 500 in sewer revenue certificates . $. An estimate of the average assessment that will be required to carry the "6',500 in special assess- ment .bonds that probably will be issued. It will be appreciated if you will forward this information as soon as possible, along with any comments that you r:a r care to make in regard to the pospibility • of the Town's financing a.ndconstructing a sewer program of the scope contained in this application. Sincerely yours , 0. 'T T. Ray Division En,ineer • Milton W. Blanton • Chief, Control Section k , 'e_e` . Atta c 4- 4, 1,6 August 5, 1946 er. 0. T. Ray Division Engineer 114 i!ririetta atreet d.`.r. Atlanta 3, Georgia Re: Application o. Fla. 8-P-157 sewer Facilities +tlaetic Beach, Florida Dear r. Ray: Reference is made to your letter of July 25, 1946. The present population of the nrea proposed to be served by the syste, as set up is 1250 in round figures. You will note that there is an area just north of the Town and outside of the system. In this area there is a total of thirty-two ho .ises now, or about 150 people. Mile we have included linos sufficient to tithe c. re of this ares, if and when they would w-;nt it, or come into the Town, yet it figures in no other way into the economic picture. There is still another area within the Town that will have to be served sooner or later. The yaltair sub- division has forty-eight people living .here sow. None of these figures include tAe population in the outlying section, a scattered area to the west of the uta .n part of the Town. No count has been made, but it is esti- mated th t there ere 300 people living in this section. Jo that the Total approximate population of the Town at present is more than 1500 shot counting the 150 just out- side the Town and iiw:ediately d jace Lt to and close en iueh to the sy :tem to events illy we it. It is my express opinion that Uefore our system is completeu that all of the houses in this North `tl.xntic Beach Section will want tie service because ;,` e, are it above the average in size end value. tlantic Beach is a residential suburb of Jacks. nville, Florida, located 17 Biles from do{.�n town Jacksonville. lire percenta •e of :, :e residents commute to and from ' • ► M r � •. . 4 page 2 Jacks_.nville daily and hereby make their permanent year round home in Atlantic Beach. In the area proposed to be served at this t me there is no cheap residential section, the houses ranging in value from 45000 to *30,000. The adjoining municipalities i.e. , Neptune Beach and Jackson- villeleach have been previously provided with federal assistance, adequate sewora ;e disposal systeas and it becomes increasingly evident that the community of :atlan- tic Beach. must be provided with the proper sewerage system at the earliest possible date. It has been foun.; that septic tanks in this area cost approximately $175 to install and reuire every two or three years an expendi- ture for maintenance of e50 to 4,75. It is, therefore, believe: that a properly designed sewerage disposal system is more economical than separate and individual septic tanks. It milt be well for me to explain the census of 1940. This was before the war and taken in the middle of winter. At that time a great many of the houses includir►ti. the hotels were not occupied in the winter months. The figure covered only those people who lived here the year round. During the war and since the war this condition has chanted so that about 98% of the houses are occupied the year round. ialq of the houses, fine ones, which were luxuro:.is summer homes have been sold to ;Derr:anent residents. Had the census been taken in the middle of summer in 1940 we would have had eleven to twelve hundred instead of 467. Down in your questions, you isk how many connections we can expect to have when the system is completed. I want to 1.ake a statement more in detail at this time regarding that. Uf course, I can only give you the present status as sure. But many things make me pptimistic and prefer to almost doable the number ;yet opposite your question. Chiefly (A) Dhould we have a .-sewer system in sight much more btilding will be done, and (i3) Whenever material and labor are available a great deal ofbuilding will be done ia spite of the fact that we do not have a sewer system. For instance, two substantial property owner men whose intte rrity cannt ae stcio' ed and their ability o do e u d ng cannotbe dduub e tey actually own fee simple the lots on which the bu ldings will go) have plans ready to start forty-four seven to ten thousand dollar homes. (kerndts have already been issued for two of the larder number.) Two lesser lihhts have ten between them a na : .any many individuals have completed plans for homes to be put under way just as :soon as y 4 • ♦ • page 3 materials are available. (49 living units h:•ve been built in t ha Town in the past 12 months. ) Of course, you will understand that we have built our engineering plans on the tot;.ost cost. .fie hope that in many ways, w will be able to reduce tie cost. One thing is incuded , which we hope can be avoided. We have put oar disposal plant the furtherest point in the Town frog.: the built up area. de have another way we hope will still be open to us if and when we build the system and if we are able to avail ourselves of this outlet that alone will save us seven ' thousand dollars. Too, there is an old and abandoned systel ; in a part of the Town. We cannot determine its value until we at :rt the system. We are hoping to salvage some of this system but have shown no credit on this account. In other words, we have uaed a maximum plan on the theory that it is much easier to core down than it is to increase later. Since the submission of the above planning a ,plication considerable thought has been riven to the advisibility of carrying one-half of the cost by revenue bonds and the other one-half by special aasessaents. It is the present thought an plan of myself, as approved by the Town Coancil, that the cost be borne on the ratio of the approximate cost of the sewerage disposal plant (Part II) to the sewerage collection system (Part I). The proportion worked out from the plans and specifi- cations submitted with the above a plication would in- dicate that 201. of the cost would be carried by revenue certificates and 8(}; by special asess;:.eats against the directly benefitted properties ( i.e. , the buildings plots improved or uni.-;proved, :here an im _.edi.ate or potential aaxrer connection is provided. ) Now to answer your questions in their order, as follows: 1. 1945 asae ssaexit roll w .s 4;p'1,3)7,722. (On apptox. 60% actual value basis. ) 2. The Town has no insl,ailiaents, or other type of current expensed ,sore than thirty days old and has a comfortable balance in the geaor_ l account to 4►ore thin run us throuf;h our current fiscal year. We only have one bond issue outstanding, the Coat of A Seawall the entire ocean front. e. page 4 This Seawall cost „-175,000. ,.fter a PWA grant (not built under we had nineteen install- Lents of : 7,000 annually. All installments have been paid to 1949 and there reL:ains only 435,000 drawing 420 interest borne E3A by abutt- ing property and 17A by the Town a whole. We have a surplus in this account now of $8,735.15 =ith only interest i:-.stsl1rents (soma- annual) due 1946, 1947, and 1948. The next interest installment is due October 1, 194o and amounts to X700. The Town has all practically new equipment, trucks, police car, tractor, incinerator, etc. paid for in full. 3. Ido limit beyond assessed valuation or willing- ness of bond buyers to invest, for bond purposes. Limited to e5,000 for general accounts. 4. aee stJ,tement above. Present status 260. If co. .pletud in two years 400. 5. 50 to 75,i of gross water bills. The pystem is metered and in 1945 returned about x,.4,000, with a considerable apparent increase this year. 6. Annual inco: e about $3,000 increasing from year to year. Expenses approximately $2,000. (The Town has a credit for electrical current of 1000 KW hours per month that may be used for sewer purposes. ) 7. (This item will depend on Item 6, i.e. , differ- ence between annual incoi::e and expense of oper- ation re( uired to retire 20% of the cost carried by revenue certificate.:. ) 8. To carry 80 ► of the cost by special assessments against the directly benefittad properties it is planned unci proposal to consider tht_t the actual benefit to each building plot is the same. Since the cost to be retired by special assessments is approximately ;110,000 and since there are 645 building plots t,v- t are directly benefitted, the average or typical rassessr►ent 4 , • M 1111 page 5 per building plot will be $170. (This is very such subject to downward revision. ) It is pro- posed that this assessment be retired in five e 1,1 install: ants bearing interest at the rate of 5 fro the due date of the first install- ment. Owners of building plots will be given the privilege to pay their ,isaes ..ae!Lt in one r ayraent in lieu of Laking inst_.11ment payments. The provision for installment payments is con- sidered necessary to avoid undue hardship being imposed upon those who own several unimproved building plots, thus avoiding the aecessity of such owners to finance thru so.4e outside source the payDA:Int of large assessments if due in a single inst:dlment. Providing adequate sewer ge facilities for the Town of Atlantic Beach has become the Town's first project in import knce, is practically a necessity, and your prompt assistance is vitally needed towards its successful accoi-plish: ent. Please note that the plans and specifications accompan- ing our application provide sewerage service for the present population as well as provision for the system to be extended to provide for future growth in population; it being desired and planned to expand our facilities when necessary with out the cost of redesigning and relaying major parts thereof. ,;e are anxious to proceed .s soon as possible and if there is rnything further ion viny wish to know please call on us. Very truly yours, C. R. Frazier Town supervisor CRF:wg