The meeting was called to order by the President , with the
following present:
Beale Travis , President
Norman A. Minchew
W.D. Merritt
' Harcourt Bull , Jr.
W.E . Williams , Jr. , Councilmen
G.L. Rosborough, Mayor
Frank Thompson, Attorney
C.R. Frazier, Town Supervisor
Adele 3. Grage , Town Clerk
The minutes of the regular meeting of August 6th, 1946
were read and upon motion of Harcourt Bull , Jr. were ap-
proved as read.
Minutes of the adjourned meeting of August 12th, 1946 were
read and upon motion of Harcourt Bull , Jr. were approved
as read.
I1Iihutes of the Special Meeting held at 9:30 P .M. on August
13th, 1946 and upon motion of W.D. Merritt were approved.
Minutes of the Special meeting Meeting of August 20th,
1946 were read. Mr. Bull suggested that the letter from
the County Engineer relative to the Hotel Reservation
Road be made a part of the minutes , and with this addition
the minutes were approved as read.
Upon motion of Will D. Merritt seconded by Norman A. Minchew
the Treasurer's report was approved subject to Treasurer's
signature .
On motion of Mr. Minchew, seconded by Mr. Merritt an additional
33.00 was authorized for each of the three election officials .
Mr. Minchew advised that he had talked to Mr. Jarboe on the
matter of Neptune Volunteer Fire Dept . Mr. Jarboe would like
. for the Town to give a promisory note for say $2500. payable
in about 4 or 5 years , however Mrl Minchew does not agree with
411 this idea. There was much discussion on the matter. In the
discussion it was brought out that nothing yet had been done
by the S.E.A.U. as to making,the inspection visit and giving
new rates . The Council gave thei#s approval of a solicitation
by the voluntary Fire Dept . to get voluntary contributions
from the citizens of the Town . There were various ideas sug-
gested and IvMr. Minchew is to confer further with Mr. Jarboe
and make recommendation to the Council.
With reference to the Hotel Reservation Road, the Public Works
Comnittee recommended that a surveyer be employed to make a
topographical map of the Hotel Reservation Road showing the
physOcal aspects of the road and the map be large enough that
the proposed 50 foot highway can be super-imposed over it show-
ing just where the road will go . This map could then be used
to show the property owners as to just what is needed, then if
any should refuse their part the necessary steps could be taken
to secure by legal means. Mr. minchew moved the acceptance
of this recorniiendation, seconded by Mr. Bull and it was carried.
Upon motion of Mr. Minchew, seconded by Mr. Bull this survey was
' referred to the Public Works C` mmittee with the suggestion that
the County be contacted and perhaps they would make the map for us.
Mr. Rosborough reported that he had visited at a meeting
of the County Commissioners but received no encouragement
from them as to work on the Hotel Reservation Road or Atlantic
Boulevard. In the discussion that followied the question of
the County's being able to deed back to the Town any street
or road in the Town was broughtout, and Mr. Thompson gave
the opinion that in line with information in the Charter
it would take an act of Legislature for the County to deed
any street or road to the Town/
The Public Works Committee reported that they met with Mr.
Joe Williamson of Russel and Axe i and that he had suggested
that we take no further action on sewerage at this meeting
as Mr. U.T . Ray of the Federal Works Agency will be in Florida
in about 10 days. He thinks it will be a good plan for Mr.
Frazier and as many of the Town Officials as possible to see
Mr. Ray, preferably here , but if not possible then in- Daytona
to go over the sewerage matter with him. Upon motion of Mr.
Bull , seconded by Mr. Minchew, Mr. Frazier was authorized to
send a letter to Mr. Ray asking for an audience, preferably
at Atlantic Beach , But anywhere it would be convenient, with
Mr. Ray.
The Public Works Committee recommended that Mr. Richheimer's
report on Sherman Creek Drainage Project be_ returned to him
for correction of items to be included under " Plain Iimrediate
Work" , and that exclude from this report all references as to
the ultimate allocations of cost to various political bodies .
Also, that the report be broken down as to factional work
actually to be done. A motion to approve this recommendation
was made by I'tr. Bull , seconded by Mr. Merritt and passed.
Mr. Travis talked to Mr. Gerry Adams about the Waterworks , and
Mr. Adams is willing to receive a proposition from the Town.
Mr. Bull recommended for hig committee that we re-open negotia-
tions with the Adam' s interests for purchase of the waterworks
system outside the Hotel Reservation grounds and that Mr. Fra-
zier confer with lir. Adams . The Public Works Committee will
give Mr. Frazier a list setting forinformation, etc . wanted
by them. The Council unanimously approved this recommendation.
Mr. Rosborough is to go with lir]. Frazier for the conference with
- Mr. Adams.
The Finance and Taxation Committee presented the temporary
budget for 1946-47 which was gone over item by item . It was
discussed- at length but no action taken.
Upon motion of Mr. Minchew, seconded by Mr. Bull , Mr. Omer
G. Curtis was retained as auditor and the Finance and Taxa-
tion committee were to notify iiir1 Curtis and make arrangements
for cost and time of audit .
The Mayor presented Insurance policies . It was the concensus
of the opinion that the 5 year policy on the Town Hall buildings
and furnishings should- be returned and financed, and that the
one year policies be paid in November.
Mr. Bull recommended and moved that the Finance and Taxation
Committee look. into increasing garbage collection fees and
bring back a recommendation to the next regular meeting. This
motion seconded and carried.
The Mayor gave past history of the Utility Tax and advised that
he had a conference with the Auditing Depqrtment of City of
Jacksonville , and Mr. Pace advised that they would be glad to
- collect the 10% tax for us. There was some discussion of this
matter and Mr. Bull recommended that it be referred to Finance
and Taxation committee to bring report to next regular meeting.
The Committee is to confer with Mr. Thompson. 410
Upon motion of Mr. Bull, seconded by Mr. minchew, the following
resolution was passed :
That the Town Clerk, Adele S. Grage , be authorized to with-
draw from the Florida National Bank of Jacksonville .the balance
of $13.66, and to deposit same in the present General Fund
Account .
Uptn motion of Mr. Bull, secended by Mr. Merritt the Clerk was
instructed to issue a certificate of convenience and n4cessity
to the Beach Transfer tiro. owned and operated by Monroe Griffin
and Walter "Sonny" Compton, in line with their application.
This certificate and permit were to be issued upon presentation
of their insurance policies for our inspection.
Upon motion of I'Irl Minchew, seconded by Mr. Bull the following
Resolution was passed relative to condemnation of building on
Percy Baker's Lot 3 Block 29:
WHEREAS The building on the back portion of Lot 3 , Block 29
in the Town of Atlantic Beach is unsightly, and in such con-
dition that it is a menace tb the health, safety and welfare
of the cimmunity,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of the
Town of Atlantic Beach, Florida, that it is the findings
of the said Council that the said structure is dangerous
and detrimental to the health, convenience and safety of
the citizens , and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the said Town Council hereby
directs that the Town Clerk of the said Town of Atlantic
Beach notify the lawful owner, in writing, that the same
must be removed within 45 days from the date of said no-
tice in writing.
Upon motion of Mr. Merritt , seconded by Mr. Minchew the
following Resolution was passed voiding Warrant #6839 as
same was made for incorrect amount and a correct warrant was
#6839 be voided as same was made in incorrect amount
and correct warrant was issued.
The Council gave their approval for Mr. Bull to get figures
of estimated costs of concrete and other types of paving
materials ; the figures to be used in planning the street
paving program for the Town.
Mr. Bull suggested that something be done towards hastening
the installation of the street lights on Saltair Blvd. Upon
motion of Mr. Bull, seconded by Mr. Minchew a Resolution
to be sent to Mr. George Pierce , Electric Light Dept. Jackson-
ville , was passed as follows :
WHEREAS, The Mayor and Town Councul of the Town of Atlantic
Beach, Florida at the Regular Meeting of January 8th, 1946
directed the Town Supervisor to order from the City of
Jacksonville the installation of two street lights on
Saltair Boulevard, and the Town Supervisor acted accordingly
and placed the order on January 9th, 1946, and
WHEREAS , the said lightd have not been installed,
That attention again be called to this matter for the pur-
pose of securing a statement from the Honorable Geprge
Pierce , Utilities Commissioner of the City of Jacksonville ,
giving the said Mayor and Town Council more definite in-
formation on what may be expected in this respect .
Mr. Rosborough advised that Mr. Register would accept the
office of Tax Assessor and the Town Clerk was instructed
to write him.
Mr. Bull suggested that the Finance and Taxation Committee
see what can be donetowards a trade on oue Seawall Bonds,
due to the accumulation pf funds in our Seawall Account.
The next due date on Seawall Bonds is October 1, 1949.
The meeting was adjourned from day to day pending receipt
of Tax Roll from Mr. Register .
Beale Travis , President
Adele S . Grage
Town Clerk