11-12-46 v o �
NOVEMBER 12TH, 1946, $ P.M.
Beale Travis , President
N.A. Minchew
W.D. Merritt '
W.E. Williams, Jr.
Harcourt Bull , Jr. , Councialmen
G.L. Rosborough, Mayor.
Frank Thompson, Attorney
C .R. Frazier, Town Supervisor
Adele 8. Grage, Town Clerk
The meeting was called to order by-the President ,
Beale Travis.
Minutes of the regular meeting of October 14th
were read and upon motion of N.A. Minchew, seconddd
by W.D . Merritt they were approved.
Council sitting as a
Minutes of the special meeting of the/Board of
Equalization were read and on motion of Mr. Bull,
seconded by Mr. Minchew were approved.
The matter of the Neptune Beach Volunteer Fire
Department was discussed. Mr. Minchew advised that
a man was here from the Underwriters and talked to
several, including Mr. Minchew, Mr. Frazier, and
Mr. Russell. It was advised that he would return
later and wants to confer with representatives of the
two beaches . He also plans to make a survey of the
two Towns with a view of possible reduction of fire
rates , according to the amount of equipment in use.
Mr. Minchew is to get a copy of the Neptune Beach-
Fire Ordinance.
Mr. Register has contacted Mr. Adams and will
submit his appraisal of the Water Works in a few
Upon motion of Mr. Bull , seconded by Mr. Merritt
the Ordinance covering Garbage Collection Feee was
deferred to a later date for final action.
A report was received from Mr. Durden to the effect
that there are 61 monument markers from Tenth to 16th
Streets to be reset to tie-in with recent survey. He
quoted a price of $600. for this work. This figure was
considered high, and t he. matter was r4ferred to the Pub-
lic Works Committee for action.
Mr. James Prather appeared before Council with a
request to build a garage on his lots for temporary
residence , which could not be granted. However they
did advise him as to possible building that could be
done. under the. Zoning Ordinance , and he is to submit
his plans to the Town Supervisor. -
Mr. Frazier, Mr. Ball, Mr. Belote and Mr. Bull
have gone over the Drainage area, and the County is
making a survey on same .
The Florida Times Union(Tax Roll Ad) $ 18.00
Duval Motor Co. ( Police R&R ) 4.72
Quinn R. Barton Cp. (Garbage R&R) 45.42
Proctor-Prather Hdwe . Co. (Spray) .39
Belote Hdwe. Co. (forks ) 4.30
McDerment's Drug Store(Light bulbs ) 2.40
City of Jacksonville ( st .lights bulbs ) . . 11.49
Walter Denson & Spn (Installing fire plugs) 357.99
Jax. Bch. Truck Lines (frt .-envelops ) . . . .85
Upon motion of Mr. Bull , seconded by Mr. Merritt the
application of Ike Lewis for Homestead Exemption was
The question of the transfer of a liquor license now
held by Mrs. Alpha Paynter to Mr. Strauss was discussed.
Although no formal request has been received, the matter
has been investigated, and upon motion of NIr. Bull, sec-
onded by Mr. Minchew it was decided that approval would
be given, in line with present information, if request
is made.
Upon motion of Mr. Bull, seconded by Mr. Merritt , installa-
tion of a fire plug on East Coast Drive between 9th and 10th
streets , to be connected with 4" pipe on west side of street ,
was approved.
Mr. Frazier was ihstr*cted to check on the cost of a steel
body or a good wood body for the garbage truck. He is to
find out as to delivery date and how long for installation,
Upon motion of W.D. Merritt the meeting was adjourned from
day to day.
Beale Travis, President .
(iCelle- id.
l`. /
Adele S. Grage
Town Clerk
There is still no answer from the City of Jacksonville
Electfiic Dept as to the Saltair Street Lights. Mr. LeRoy
Johnson, who was present , advised that the wftree which was
being received rasbeing used to get lights to homes . He
will see if he can get a definite reply on the matter.
Mr. Merritt , chairman of the Finance and Taxation
Committee , has talked to Mr. Cranford , but has not been
able to see Mr. Phillips . He did not receive any encour-
agement on redeeming the Seawall Bonds. After discussion
the following Resolution was passed on motion of Mr.
Merritt , seconded by Mr. Bull:
That the Town Clerk be authorized to deposit up to Five
Thousand Dollars ($5000. ) only of the Seawall Fund in each
of the following:
Jacksonville Federal Savings & Loan Association
First Federal Savings & Loan Association
Fidelity Federal Savings & Loan Association
AND THAT this deposit be made in the Investment share Account .
AND That a Reserverp equivalent to the semi-annual interest,
be kept in the Beach Bank, and thereafter when a sum in mul-
tiple of $500. over and above the reserve , accumulates , that
additional deposits be made in one of the- above , up to the
Mr. Bull reported that he had talked to the McCormicks
relative to street paving material costs, etc . There was
considerable discussion and the matter was referred to Mr.
Merritt to assemble specifications on street paving.
Mr. Frazier was eugested to contact Mr. E.P. Owen
relative to membership in the League of Municipalities.
Mr. Bull advised that McCormicks had given him a
tentative price of $325 . to build concrete steps. There
was a great deal of discussion and it was d ecided that
Mr. Frazier and the Public Works Committee would get out
a letter to the Oceanfront property owners to see how
many would be interested in building concrete steps- and
willing to join in with the City in this project.
Mr. Sollee looked over the 7th street ramp and advised
that it is in Very had condition but the County has no money
to make repirs on it , but made suggestions as to the repairs
it needed. The Council authorized Mr. Frazier to put a sub-
stantial barricade at the 7th street ramp .
Upon motion of Mr. Minchew, seconded by Bull the - _
Treasurers report was approved. The balances as of k�trtr
1st were General Fund $130$.18, Seawall Fund $876$.20.
Upon motion of Mr. Minchew, seconded by I4ir. Bull the
611.owing bills were approved for payment :
City of Jacksonville Beach (radio) $30 00
Clifford Payne & Garrison (Insurance ) , . ;. ; . ) . .744.05 .
Sou. Bell T. & T. Co. (Health Center) 5 31
tr tt tt tt It ►t (Town Hall) 5 .28
Mason-Smith Co 15 .72
The Texas Company Police $73.57410
Garbage 42.20 115.77
Ramat axxxxkwaxf cixxiax&
Neptune Beach Garage 33.19
R.E. Wilkerson & Co. (Office supplies ). . . . . 7.40