11-27-46 v MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TOWN GQUNCIL HELD AT THE TOWN HALL ON WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27TH, P.M. 410 Present : Beale Travis , President Will D. Merritt N.A. Minchew W.E. .Williams, Jr. Harcourt Bull, Jr. , Councilmen and Frank Thompson, Town Attorney C.R. Frazier, Town Supervisor and acting Town Clerk The question of allowing a Little Theatre Building on Lots 33 and 35 , Block 5 , facing the Elementary School on Sherry Drive , was thoroughly discussed. Mr. Bull moved the passage of an Ordinance to Amend the Zoning Ordinance by adding to Section A 6, Article four, so as to allow a Little Theatre in the location named. Mr. Merritt seconded the motion and the Ordinance was passed on First Reading. Upon motion of Mr. Bull, seconded by Mr. Merritt the Ordinance was passed on second reading. The Vote was : Williams, Merritt , Travis , and Bull "yes", and Minchew "No" on both votes. The purchase of a regular trash and garbage body with hydraulic lift , and the bid submitted by Gaynon Iron Works was discussed. On motion of Mr. Williams , seconded by Mr. Bull, the Town Supervisor was directed to place an order with the Gaynon Iron Works for one body in accordance with the bid submitted, the total cost to be $875. Mr. Travis reported on a meeting of various Town Officials of the Beaches relative to the erection of a building to house the Life Savings Corps of the American Red Cross, which meeting was attended by the President , the Mayor and the Chairman of the Finance and Taxation Committee. After • a full discussion of the matter, it was indicated that the Council would be willing to contribute some sum not to ed- ceed $1500. , it being the concensus of opinion that one thousand dollars would be more nearly in line with the amount to beaid byAtlantic Beach. However, on motion of Mr. Williams the mater wasrreferred to the Finance and Taxation Committee to be reported back at the next Regular Meeting. An Appraisal made by Mr. J. Alvin Register of the Adams Interests in the Waterworks outside the Hotel Reservation was presented and this ;,atter was thoroughly discussed and studied from every angle. Upon motion of Mr. Bull, seconded by lir. Minchew the following offer was unanimously approved for submission to Mr. Adams: • s " There being -no further business the meeting adjourned. Beale Travis, President • Attest : dAf , g/A,„,) Cf :-'Fra iei' ! cting Tbwri C -rk Mr. G r y ;:..r s. December 5, 1946 5. In the event of renewal of said lease, for any period beyond the original ten (10) yeprs, the town, in addition to the furnishing of rater as aforesaid, without chrge, to pay rental at the rate of Five hundred ($500.00) Dollars annually. 6 . The town to maintain the le zed facilities and e.w=zip- ment in good and souni condition and to sur the same upon the termination of the .ie. se or any Au Las good conuiticn as when reoeived ordinry .nd tare lni acts of God, ' t :e elements excepted. Our Council meets again on Moncay -pct, and I = d appre- , ci to your eongi.dii ien-Ahd "reply befo possible for you to do so . AmmoolOr Your:{t very truly, Be , Travis, President ' . rtw Council. r E 2 --r ,�_ , Atlantic Beach, Floriccc-. 10 December 5, :1946 Mr. Gerry Adams Ateentic Beach, Florida Dear Mr. Adams : The Atl= ntic Beach Town Council has authorized me to Submit to you the following olfor of purchase by • e of the exist- ing wateo system; . 1. The present oeners to convey the town t t p. rt of the exieting distribution system inelu ' ng pipe in c above gr aund, met rs and :peter uoxes, and oti a ,ear .tus ert- ining . to or used in connection with the exist ng distrib' on system welch lies outside of and is - • ;, • = .ed 0 ei, e - the hovel resery tion together with a" such r is _ present owners have in the streets of the town for th.• laying and maintenance of water lines or a water • , . tribution = stem. 2. The present •caner: to eeaee t+ he town all the facil- ities anu e .;uipment • lo 'Y ,gid on th• otel reservation neces- sary for proper suep: y - .d • - b • of eater within the torn, including well, tower : ank, --.. .s, pump house, engines for oiler. tion of pumps, st e t • : tank, chlorination apparatus, stand- by equipment, water " ns - . ing the mains or distribution sys- tem laying outside• the re - v Lin, and all special water 41 ° wor<cs t els (but :•iiluding • .. on tools) now used in connection with s feciliti- : gena . ipment togeth r ith richt of ingress and egr+ to ane : • facilities anu eeuipment, and the right to ntain ele• c lines for power for such faciliti :s, such lease t• - - eerio., of ten (10) years with the option in the tow o renew the same from year to year for a period of not exceedi ten (10) years. 3. Foall of the above the town to pay Seventy-live Hun- dred 07500 40) Dollars, payable One thousand (41000.00) Dollars Janu -.ry 1, 1947, One thousand 01000.00) Dollars on the let day of each Janu ry thereaf t.;r until fully paid, tots; .ther with in- ter :Et at the rate of four (4 ) .percent per annum on the amount of said sum remaining from time to time unpaid . 4. The town to furnish, it,hc:ut ch rge, all water reason- ably necess ry fr u. e in the hot.;1, and for domestic use on the hotel reservation, but excluw ins; wat. r for pool.