1945 AT 8 P.M.
The meeting wan called by the President pursuant to
the following notice :
"G.L. Rosborough, Mayor
E.L. Chiasson
Beale Travis
E.L. Jones
Don E . Goodling, Councilmen
r :C . Howell , Jr. , Attorney
Adele S. Gruge , Town Clerk
C .F. Frazier, Town Supervisor
You, and each of you, arc hereby informed that there
will be a special meeting of the Town Council at 8 P.M.
May 15th , 1945, at the Town Hall , to consider the follow-
ing mutters :
1. Finance balance due on newly purchased garbage truck.
2. For passage on final reading an ordinance fixing occu-
pational licenses.
3 . For passage on final reading two ordinances creating
two appraisal boards to determine benefits from pro-
posed street paving projects.
4. Jones-Williams suit .
5 . Franchise to Southern Bell T. & T. Co.
6. Labor situation.
7. Consider Proposed regulation of Commercial fishing
on Beach.
8. Routine matters.
Please take due notice thereof and govern yourselves
Fespectfully ,
James A. Cranford, President
Atlantic Beach Town Cthuncil . "
The following members were present:
J.A. Cranford
E.L. Chiascon
Beale Travis
Don E . Goodling
E.L. Jones, Councilmen
G.L. Rosborough, Mayor
C .C . Howell , Jr. , Attorney
Adele S. Gragc , Town Clerk
C .F . Frazier, Town Supervisor
The minutes of the lust meeting were deferred until i:he
next regular monthly meeting.
Upon recommendation of the Finance Committee the Council
gave unanimous approval for the payment of p632.32 balance due
Quinn R. Barton & Co. on the nevi garbage truck.
II/ Upon motion of E.L. Jones , seconded by E.L. Chiasson pay-
ment of City Attorney' s bill covering collection of Seawall Account
on 'Nilliams suit, was approved .
The Ordinuriec covering Occupational Licenses was
next discussed at length. Each item was considered in
detail . A motion was made by Beale Travis , seconded by
Don E. Goodling that $100 license be charged on billboards .
Called vote was: Travis,yes; Goodling,yes; Chiasson ,no;
Jones,no; Cranford,no; not carried.. Upon notion of E.L.
Chiasson, seconded by E.L. Jones the Council approved a
charge of Ik5.00 for billboards. Called vote on this motion
was: Chiasson , yes; Jones, yes; Cranford,yes; Travis,no;
Goodling , no.
Upon motion of E.L . Chiasson, seconded by E.L. Jones
the Ordinance covering Occupational License fees,Etc . was
passed on third and final reading.
With reference to the Jones-Williams Condemnation suit ,
Mr. Howell, Town Attorney, advised that it was his opinion
that the town had a valid lien , but that the defcinse might
demand a jury trial on the repair charger and that of course
you cannot fortell the results of a jury trial . The Council
requested Mr. Howell to confer with Mr. Jones, and set 1175
as a bottom figure to negotiate on.
A petition was presented to Council from local citizens
request regulation of fishing by seine on the beach. Upon
motion of E.L. Jones , seconded by Beale Travis an Ordinance
regulating Fishing by Seine on the beach wan approved on first
reading. Upon motion of E.L. Chiasson, seconded by Don Goodling
the Ordinance was passed on second reading.
'.Ir. Travis recommended and moved that Mr. Frazier be
authorized to have necessary repairs made to the motor of the
police ear, seconded by D.7. Goodling and carried.
Upon motion of E .L. Chiasson, seconded by Beale Travis
the following bills were approved for payment :
Southern Bell T. & T. Co. (Town.Hul1) . . .$ 8.93
J.W. Johnson ( oyster shell) 45.00
The Texas Co 62 08
Janes Service Station 5 65
Beach Ice & Storage Co 2.50
There was some discussion as to the valuation of propei'ty
on the Tax Roll, as to the hiring of an eppraisor, etc . , but
the matter/ liti nued for additional study and information.
It was the unanimous o inion of the Council that "Alco-
holics Anonymous" be allowed the use of the Town Hall on Fri -
day nights unless the building was needed for some important
meeting, but that the matter would be left to the Town Super-
vbsor to handle as he is responsible for the building arid its
Mr. Frazier was requested to secure three peeple . to act as
Board of Appraisors for the Hotel Reservation Road. The follow-
ing were suggested : Mrs. June Wright , Mr . George Bull , Mr. S. S.
Jacobs, Mr. Earl Thompson and Mr. M.V. Osborne .
Upon motion of E.L. Jones,:Tthermeo'ting adjourned.
Attest :
je A. Cron, o71111111.'• 'fsident.
Town Clerk