F . L. Chiasson
Beale Travis
E. L. Jones and
Mayor Posboruueh.
Upon mo'=ion of Mr. `Travis , seconded by Mr. Jones, the
minutes of the regular meeting of Ten. 4th /ere approved as
Upon motion of Mr. Travis , seconded by Mr Jones, the
monthly financial report submi ted by the mrcasurer wan ap-
proved and ordered filed.
Upon motion of Yr. Travis , seconded by Mr. Jones , the
following bills were approved and ordered paid :
The Texas Company ft 16 .00
Shull Oil Company 8 .60
The H. & J. B. Drew Co. 12 .60
Do. 1 . 71
Duval Motor Company .46
J .H. Emanuel 2. 75
Do. .00
Beach Printing Co. 17.35
Jacksonville Letter `'hop 5 .00
Consolidated. Automotive Company 3. 97
?'. E. rVilkerson & Company
Florida Hardware Company 7.30
Southern Bell Tel . & Tel. Comoeny - - - - 5.20
Do. 3 .39
Atlantic National Bank (Insurance Note) - 52.20
$142. 78
Upon motion of Mr. Jones , seconded by Mr. `Travis, all
bids on the t^'o International Trucks were rejected and the
City Supervisor was directed to place these trucks on municipal
property for the purpose of salvaging such parts as may be need-
ed in the future .
Upon motion of Mr. Jones , seconded by Mr. Travis , the
C'. ty Supervisor wan instructed to proceed at once with the re-
pair Lnd replacement of seaw°_ll steps at street ends. Vith
some minor changes, the plans, submitted by the City Supervisor
as to denicrn and specification, were approved as to the typo
of step to be rebuilt.
A further discu-,- ' on was had in reference to the Adams '
proposal to sell that por ion of the waterworks system outside
the hotel reserva on to the Town. This matter i' s again
placed in the hands of the `'resident of the Council for fur-
ther conferences with the Adams ' interest.
A letter from the Post-war Planning Board recommended
to the Town Council that the T?ngineer ' s report submitted by
Fussell & Axon dated January , 1941 , be used as the basis for
preparing plans for pont-war construction of a municipal water-
works. Upon motion of Mr. Travis , seconded by Mr. Jones , 'he
City Supervisor was directed to prepare and file en epoiice;-ion
,ith the proper Federal authorities , for a water-works ' pro-
ject in accordance with these pl'_ns .
The Council also went on record as favoring the follow-
ing of rll post-war plans as soon as pop- able and •vi11 t€:ke
such act' on as in necessary as soon as the pl[- nneg Board has
411 submitted its reccmmendet-i on.
In reference to the Planning Board's recommendation that
the moan, . at thin time , purchase additional ground for a site
to be used for water-works , jail , garages and store-rooms , this
was discussed. fleol_ ge Bull , representing the Atlantic Beech
Holding Co. and the P. C . B. S. Cor )oration, nubmi_tted a pro-
ponal to hell a tract of land to the To n , roughly described
an follows :
All that portion of ground lying east of the
present incinerator site and west of the Salt
Air Boulevard extension between 11th and lith
Streets - 300 x 550' . The price quoted an
:1 ,235.00 payable 1/3 cash , the balance to be
paid in 1 and 2 years.
Thin matter was referred to the Public ;Yorks Comm ssion for
investigation and report.
Upon motion of Mr. Travis , seconded by Mr. Jones , the
Town Council approved a plat of Section H lying went of the
.dayport Road submitted by the Title Trust Company of 71orida,
for the purpose of recording in the public records of Duval
The Clerk read a letter fro_rn the City Manager of Jack-
nonville Beach , extending Police radio service to the Towri on
a month to month basis at x'30.00 per month.
Upon motion of Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Travis, the
City Supervisor wan directed to renew this service and the Sum
of $30.00 per month was authorized for payment thereof . Thin
agreement and authorization in haled on the understanding that
this service is rendered to the mon of Atlantic Beach on exact-
ly the sfAme basis as it in offered to other municipalities ncl
law enforcement agencies .
A dincusnion was had in reference to the rant Coast
Drive from 10th to 16th Street. The City Suoervi .or was di -
rected to have reflectors placed at 10th St . on Bast Coast
Drive , where the paving stops. The Mayor was requested to
contact the County Commission in reference to open' ng and
grading Past Coast Drive from lath to 16th Street.
There being no further business for consideration, the
meeting adjourned.
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