02-02-43 v ?MINUTES OF THE REGUJAP, MONTHLY MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TOWN COUNCIL HELD AT THE TOEN HALL AT 7:30 P.M. FEBRUARY 2, 1943. Present: H.G. Isaacs E.L. Chiasson Jemes A. Cranford Beale Travis Mayor G.L. Rasboreugh The meeting ,wes celled to order by the Presi- dent. The Clerk read the minutes of December 1 , 1942, which were approved as reed. The Clerk reed the minutes of the meeting of January 5th, 1943, which were approved es read. Yr. Tickers submitted his usuel m?nt'hly finenciel report , which upon motion of Cranford, seconded by Mr. Travis , 'was. approved and ord 'red filed. Upon motion of Mr. Cranford, seconded by Mr. Chiasson, the following bilia were approved and ordered paid: Atlantic ° at 'l Bank ( Ins. ) 43.71 Southern Bell Tel . '- Tel. Co.(Fiealth Unit)3.39 City of Jacksonville Beach ( Radio) 30.00 Clifford Payne & Garrison Co. 43.09 Radio Hospital 6.50 Gulf Life Insurance Co. 15 .00 Southern Bell T. & T. Co. 4. 82 Florida Hardware Co. 3.47 Duval Motor Co. 11.C'5 Perdue Office Furniture Co. 49.30 C .C . Howell , Jr. 6.25 C .C . Howell , Jr. 238.99 Duval Engr. Const. Co. 423.03 • Upon motion of Mr. Cranford, seconded. by Mr. Chiasson, the Clerk was ordered to pay 50% of the out- standing bill of C .C . Howell , Jr. , Town Attorney, in the Adams Seawall suit, total to be paid 238.99. The City Supervisor made a report relative to the progress being made in reference to roads in the back area. The President brought up the question of the op- eration by or under the sponsorship of the Chamber of Commerce, os a small streamlined train through the Beaches. It was explained that D.F. Dingle is the orrner of such a train which had been operated as en attraction on the Beech and that if all plans could be worked nut whereby this train could be run on a regular schedule from one end of the Beaches area to the other that such an arrangement would tend to relieve the transbortation problem. By unanimous agreement the Council went on record as approving this arrangement and that when and if the plan goes through and. upon sufficient evidence of compliance with safety measures , bonds, insurance , etc. , that the Council would authorize a 410 letter permission, subject to cancellation upon thirty days notice. The subject of a Planning Board was thoroughly discussed. Upon motion of "_'r. Travis , seconded by 'Lr. Cranford, the creation of a Planning Board for the Town of atlantic Beach was unanimously authorized with "r. F.L. Chiasson, Chairman of Public "Corks of the Council , as Chairman with authority to appoint one other member of the Council , a representative from the interests of each of Dull , Adams and Horne , the Presidents of the two Garden Circles and two other property holders, making a membership of nine with the Town Clerk and City Supervisor serving as ex-officio Board Secretary. The President reported that an effort is being made to have the Beaches area declared a defense area for the_ purpose of securing some new houses to take care of the needs of service men and defense workers. The City Supervisor reported on the completion of a survey in Atlantic Beach for this purpose . The "ayor r_ ised the ;uestion of proposed changes in the charter of Atlantic Peach and suggested that , any legislative action would have to be submitted to the Duval County Delegation at an early date in order that consideration may be given by the Legis- lature. By unanimous consent the mown Clerk was directed to communicate with the moron Attorney in reference to this matter and prepare the necessary amendments to the Charter: changing the form of Town Council so that the Mayor would become the President of the Council ; changing the manner of making dis- bursements by eliminating warrants and substituting checks, and such other changes that may be deemed advisable at this time. There being no further business for consideration the meeting adjourned. 0)4' Presiden Atlantic Beach `"own Council ^ttestt: 7If Town erk