05-19-43 v MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEE''ING OF THE ATLANTIC BnACH TONN COUNCIL HELD l-'T THE TONN HALL AT 8:OO p.m. , May 19, 1943. Present: IP H. G. Isaacs Beale Travis James A. Cranford The meeting was celled pursuant to the follo:7ing notice: "Mr. G. L. Posborough , Mayor Mr. E. L. Chiesson Mr. Beale Travis Mr. S. S. Jacobs Mr. James Cranford Mr. C. C . Howell , Jr. , Town Attorney Mr. C . P. Frs7ier, Town Clerk "Gcntlemen : You and each of you ere hereby notified that there will be a special meeting of the t.tlentic Beach Town Council et the Town Pell at 8:00 p.m. , May 19th, 1943. S Please take due notice thereof end govern your- selves accordingly. The following matters will be considered: 1 . The issuance by the Building inspector of e build- ing permit to B. B. McCormick end Sons to build a two-story , two-family apartment on Lot 3 , Block 25 , ttlentic 3each. mo hear and consider ell com- plaints egr Inst s'_ id building that may be presented et that time and finally to advise with and in- struct the Building inspector as to whether or not the building permit shall be delivered to the owner- builder. 2. Consider for passage Ordinance No. 66, regarding the erection of fire escapes on certain buildings. 3. To consider, any routine business matters that may come beVierie the Town Council et this time. Sincerely, 11, HGI : nx H. G. Isaacs , President Atlantic Beech Town Council" The discussion was entered into relative to the proposed de- livery by the Building inspector of a permit to B. B. McCormick ?f Sons to erect a two-family apartment oh Lot 3 , Block 25. The Building inspector having received permission from more then 50% of the property owners within 150 feet but having certain ob- jections held up the permit pending further investigation. The President of the Council explained that 011 the proceedings in this instance would only be in the form of informal discussion. That all the pr ovis' ons of law have been complied with and that the object' ons had been raised subsequent to the receipt of the permission from eight out of the twelve property olners affected. That subsequent to his permission, dated April 28th, col . Nm. E. Murray joined by his wile signed a cancellation on May 11th , 1943 , thus leaving seven out of the twelve as having given their ner- d, missions. At this time Dr. K. K. !leering and wife end Col . 7m. E. Murray and wife entered. They filed the following letter: "TO THE TONN COUNCIL OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA" Al -2- "Ne hereby raise object-' on to the erection of e two family h ,use on Beech Avenue , between 3rd and 4th Streets (Block 25 , lot 3) . This Is a restricted area recuiring the written permission of 50% of the property owners with- in 8 radius of 150 feet of the structure concerned . It is our belief that many of the property owners concerned acted without sufficient knowledge of where the proposed structure was to be pieced end that they were not told seecificelly on what street it was to be constructed. It is our belief that property whose use will be primarily commercial will eventually detract from the value of other property in the vicinity. Finally, there are many other lots in Atlantic Beech which lend themselves to the purpose for which the builders are constructing such a building; namely, the housing of defense workers. Such lots are eveileble in unrestricted. parts of the city where they would not be objectionable . We , therefore , request the Town Council of Atlantic BeEch that they do not issue a building permit for the con- struction of such a two-family house on Block 25 , Lot 3." Pespectfu.11y submitted, Signed: Merlon /. Taylor K. K. Waering , Dr. Mrs. K. K. 'Teering Vim. E. Murray Anna E. Murray Also , they filed a separate letter signed by Mrs . Taylor , which letter is undated. Mrs. ylor signed permission under date of April 28th. Mrs. :Veering presented the chief argument against the building of this apartment end considerable discussion was had. The Council took no action but unanimously agreeded that the Building Inspector should hold up the permit until the newt regular meeting of the Town Council . No other matters were brought up for consideration and the meeting adjourned. Preside Atlantic 7o ch Town Council lAtt C°einl00r' ioe erk