Present: I. G. Isaacs
E. L. Chiasson
J. A. Cranford
S. S. Jacobs
and Mayor G. L. Fosborough.
Themeeting was called to order by the President end the regular
order of business was dispensed with in order to go further into the
matter of the two-family apartment building on Lot 3, Block 25.
Dr. and Mrs. K. K. Vaeri ng , Col . and Mrs. 1. E. Murray end
Mrs. Marion `:Wootton Taylor were present and the president called upon
a spokesman for further reasons why '-his apartment should not be
Dr. K. K. 'V'aering submitted a letter with two additional names
thereon objecting to the building. Considerable argument was had in
reference to the matter and practically the same statements were made
at this time as were submitted on the 19th of "ay with additional
insinuations on the part of K. K. Naering that the proceedings in
this matter had been railroaded and that he doubted that the signa-
tures of the letters of consent heretofore on file were authentic.
The Council as a whole resented this attitude . It was the unani-
mous opinion of all members present that the entire proceedings taken
by the Building Inspector were in accordance with the law in every
respect; that signatures were bonafiding and that no undue advantage
had been taken of anyone in the matter.
The Building Inspector made plain his position in the matter
that the resoonsibility was on his shoulders; that in spite of the
fact that he had received more than 50% of bonafide signatures; that
he had not taken any action because of the fact that there was ap-
parent objection and that in order that sufficient time could be
allowed to permit any reasonable objections to be filed; that he Was
in a position to issue a permit on May 4th; that he did not take
action when the bear necessary 506f had signed and did not officially
advise either Mr. Harcourt Bull or B. B. McCorm'ck and `-ons that a
permit could be issued until seven of the twelve pronerty owners
had filed their consent. Prior to May 11th an additional consent was
received , giving a 751 approval by the effective pronerty owners ;
that on vey 11th the McCormicks began placing material on the lot
when a purported cancellation of his letter of consent was filed by
Col . 7. E. Murray; tht on that same date Dr . and Mrs. K. K. "aering,
who were not among the eight who had signed, made verbal objection
and that in view of this objection he further hesitated to iseue the
permit. The Building Inspector further showe! that his interest in
the matter, not withstanding Dr. Naering 's insinuations , was purely
that of an agent of the Town end solely in the interest of the Town.
It this juncture Mr. Chiasson made the following statement:
That it was his opinion that the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance had
been complied with fully in every respect; that the ?uilding Inspector
acted in accordance with the authority delegated under the Zoning
Ordinance and that the matter now appears to be one in which the Council
has no further authority but that in hid' opinion it is only a question
of whether or not the purported cancellations came in sufficient time
to be valid; that in his opinion the Town Attorney should pass upon
this question and that the !building Inspector should be governed by
the ruling- of the Town Attorney. Mr. Jacobs stated that in his opinion
the statements of Mr. Chiasson covered the situation and that he saw
nothing else to be done about the matter at this time , except to refer
to the Town Attorney to determine the one question as to whether or not
the rights of other persons had intered into the matter betvm.en the
time when more than 50% had signed lettefs of consent and the. T`cCormicks
and Mr. Bull had been advised and June 1 when purported cancellations
beyond the necessary 50% had been received. Mr. Chiasson then moved
that the ' uildi ng Inspector submit to the Town Attorney a brief of all
procee_iings and ask the Town ! ttorney for his decision in the matter.
This motion was seconded by Mr. Jacobs and all members present voted
for its adoption.
The minutes of the regular monthly meeting of May 4th were
ap )roved and read.
The minutes of thc^ special meeting of May 19th were apnroved
and read.
Mr. Vickers , the Town Treasurer, submitted a memorandum report.
It was ap Throved ,gith the understanding that the report would be
supported by the necessary documents to be filed rith the Town
Upon motion of Mr.Jacobs and seconded by :"r. Cranford the
following bills were approved and ordered paid:
R. E. Vilkerson & Company 1 40
Quinn R. Barton Company .20
C. C . Howell , Jr. for opinion on validity
of ordinance 5.00
Consolidated Automotive Compamy , globe
battery 7.22
Southside radio Hospital 5 . 45
The Texas Com w^ny 39. 97
Cohen Brothers (garbage can=) 15.00
Southern 'Bell Tele:ohone 7 .60
' . D. Di ck' nson ' s Hardware 2.00
ohe l l Oil C ompr•ny 29.53
":` +son Lumber Company 11 .09
City of Tacksonville -'each (radio) :;0.00 0.154. 46
The City Supervisor explained that it would be necessary for him
to make substantial increases in the salary and wages of labor in
th- Garbage Department. His action in this respect was approved.
The Council unanimously approved the employment of !'. G. Isaacs ,
Jr. for the summer months to act as office assistant.
There being no further business for considerat on the meeting
7 •g44" --
Prue V
Atlantic Beach Town Council
Attest* i
To Clerk