08-03-43 v MINUTES OF THE REGULAF MONTHLY MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TOWN COUNCIL HELD AT THE TOWN HALL AT 8 Pali, AUGUST 3 , 1943. 1111 Present : H.G. Isec cs E.L. Chiasson Beale Travis J.A. Cranford S. S. Jacobs end '`e.yor G.L. Rosborough The rceting was called to order by the president and the minutes of the regular monthly meeting of July 6 , 1943 were read and ,pproved. The Treasurer submitted his usual monthly report , which was approved end ordered filed. The Treasurer was directed to forward a checl: to the P.F .C . in the amount of 0 ,000. )0 in an effort to retire seven seawall bonds at this time. 411 Upon motion of ?"r. Cranford, seconded by z"r. Travis , the following bills were aeoroved and ordered paid : Texas Oil Co. $ 13.52 C .C. Howell , Jr. 10.17 Beaches Chamber of Commerce . . . . 25.00 The City Supervisor at ted thEt he had .started as far as possible the repairs and replacements to the Town H'- 11 and to the Town trucks. The question of a purchase of a new car was discussed. Motion wa.s made by Yr. Travis, seconded by ' r. Chiasson, II that the Town make arrangements to purchase a new car , orovided a satisfactory trade-in could be secured for the present car. The motion was defeated by e vote of three to two; ``r. Travis and '"r. Chiasson voting for, and `'r. Cranford, "r. Jacobs , and Mr. Isaacs voting against. rr. Jacons then moved that the Chair a000int a committee to look into the cost of a new car, trade-in value of the present car, in other words, the net cost to the Town, end report his find- ings back. l.-'r. Cranford seconded the motion and it was adopted. Mr. Travis was requested to make the investigation; Cdd 'lath Ga Upon motion of Ir. Cranford, seconded by ''r. Jacobs , ''r. Brooke G. 'White , .Tr. was elected Tax issessor f'or the ensuing year. : Yr. Chiason moved that Yr. Henry Isaacs be renamed `'resident of the Town Council for the ensuing "ear. This motion was ,/ seconded by vr. Travis and passed.111/ �p M Isaacs announced that all Committees would stand the D _ same . 7 '`r. Travis brought u�� the question of a Hond for the prop17( - erty custodian under the arrangement with the 0 .C .D. whereby fire equipment would be furnished the Town. • ' Upon motion of Yr. Travis , seconded by ' r. Chi esson , the following resolution was unanimously adopted : NHEFEAS, the Office of Civillian Defense has agreed to allot fire e^uipment to the Town of Atlantic 11, Beech upon the appointment of a property custodian and upon the execution of a surety bond by the said custodian, NON, THEPE-FORE , BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR k ND TD,IN COUNCIL OF THE TOiN OF ATLANTIC BEACH , FLORIDA, That C .R. Frazier, City Su,oervianr, bend he is hereby designated Property Custodian in accordance with the terms of the agreement :- nd regulations issued by the Office of Civillian Defense for the property custody of such property assigned to the Town of Atlantic Beach by the said Office of Civillian Defense , and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Town of Atlantic Beh w 1 em n fy end secure and hold harm- less the • Corporation, the Surety Bond w,,,,604; holder designat d hereby, against any loss sustained by virtue of the loss of any of the said O .C .D. property under the terms of the said bond end agreement with the said Office of Civillian Defense. The 1,'ayor eaised the -uestion of the Town' s insurance. Upon motion of P,"r. Travis , seconded by 'r. Chiasson, the fol- lowing items of insurance were ordered dropped: All insurance on the remains of the Stake body truck not in use. $50 deductible on the dump truck. All other insurance to stand and the '`ayor to make the necessary arrangements . Upon motion of Yr. Cranford, seconded by Yr. Jacobs , $50 was appropriated and ordered esid on the purchase of a pulmotor by Jacksonville Beach, which pulmotor is to be for the joint use of all of the Beaches and to be paid for jointly by all . The Police Radio was discussed. The City Supervisor advised that he would close out the Hog Business et once . Oil The Dimout regulations ,,,ere discussed. The matter of enforcement was left to the City Supervisor and the Town Varshal. . There being no further business for consideration, the meeting was adjourned. JAL ,/).A4^ President Atlantic Beach Town Council Attest: To Cle