AT THE 'TONN HALL AT 8 1'. M. SE0TEMBER 2n , 1943 .
E. L. Chiasson
6. S. Jacobs
J . A. Cranford
Beale Travis
Mayor G. L. Hoshorough
The Vice-president presided. The Council immediately want into
session as an i!quali7ation Board to receive and hear all complaints
regarding the ereliminary Tax Roll for the year 1943. Mr. George
Bull called attention to the assessment on ':is lot 4, block 4, in
which instance the assessment on the house had been increased to 22000.
He explained that improvements put on his house last year were more
in the nature of repairs which had accumulated over a period of years ,
rind after all , the house had not been greatly improved, but put back
into a more normal living condition , and that he thought the increase
was a little more than it should be . upon recommendation of the Tax
Assessor, and motion of Mr. Cranford , seconded by Mr. Travis , the
assessment on the hour=e was reduced from 42000 to 41500.
There being no further complaints , the Council adjourned as a
board of ouali7ation and immediately went into the discussion of
the Budget , taking up each item therein.
The Council then discussed at length the manner in which revenue
would be obtained for the coming fiscal year.
'the auestion of a garbage collection fee in the Town was dis-
cussed , and it was the unanimous opinion of all the members of the
council , not concurred in, however, by the Mayor, that garbage collec-
tion fees should be placed upon all living units , and all stores ,
rooming houses , and hotels in the 'Town , that such system should be
set up to become effective January 1 , 1944. By unanimous consent ,
the Chairman of the Finance Committee was requested to take the mat-
ter up with the Town attorney for the purpose of determining the
manor in which such fee should be set , and the method necessary for
enforcement , Mr. Cranford to report back to the next regular meeting.
In order to be on the safe side , it was decided by unanimous vote
that a millage of 14 for hencral purposes , and 12 mills for Town ' s
share of Seawall Construction should be set for the present tax year.
Upoti motion of mr. Cranford, seconded by mr. Travis , the budget
for the fiscal year 1943-44 which is as follows , was approved and
1943-44 haudget
Administrative 1943-44
Clerk Supervisor 3000.00
Office Assistant 720.00
Printing & Stationary 150.00
Torn Hall Misc . 120.00
Town Hall Rep. & Rep. 600.00
All Insurance 500.00
Attys Salary etc. 600.00
Mortgages, Notes , & Int. 560.00
Fire Protection 250.00
Street Lights 50.00
Audit 300.00
1 6 ,550.0C
Driver 1560.00
Apsistant 1100.00
Extra Labor 1500.00
Gasoline & Oil 350.00
Repairs & Heplacements 400.00
Truck 800.00
Patching Pot 250.00
Culverts, Etc . 100.00
Steps 600.00
- 6-,66O.0O
Salary of Marshal 2400.00 -' 2- 39 I/. °a
Repairs & Replacements 2n0.00
Traffic Signs 50.00
Life Saving 100.00
uasoline & 011 300.00
Jail 50.00
Contingent 1 ,034.75
Grand Total 87 ,944.75
Gross 'taxable Property
Real estate ' 812 ,505.00
Improvements 531 .755.00
$1 ,344,260.00
Less Home Exemption 314,635.00
Net for General Purposes 41-,029,67a-.-60- -
Total Seawall Account 11 mills on
Gross Roll 1 ,966 .39
—For General Purposes 14f mills on
net, after homestead exemption 14, 414.75 -d. / , ` -ker. re.
Delinquent Taxes w 500.00
Penalties 200.00
Fines & Forfutures 500.00
Licences 1300.00
Building Fees 50.00
Saltair Tater 80.00
Franchise Tax 700.00
Miscellaneous 200.00
Bank Balance 000.00
$17 ,944.75
An ordinance entitled "An ORDINANCE to Approve And Adopt The
Tax Assessment Roll For The Year 194:3, And To Determine And Fix The
Rate Of Taxation And Make The Annual Tax Levy Of The Year 1943: " was
then presented.
Upon motion of Mr. Jacobs, seconded by Mr. Travis , this ordin-
ance was passed on first reading.
Upon motion of Mr. Cranford, seconded by Mr. Jacobs , this ordin-
ance was passed on socondreading.
There being no further business for consideration, the meeting
was adjourned to September 27, 1943.
VCt. President
Atlantic Bench Town Council
Attest: ��
porn ler Y