01-13-42 v MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TOWN COUNCIL HELD IT THE TOWN HALL AT 8 P. M. JANUARY 13, 1942. The Clerk called the roll and the following members answer- ed present : Fred C . Allen F. L. Chiasson H. G. Isaacs, S. S. Jacobs Mayor, G. L. Hosborough. The minutes of the Regular monthly meeting of 'december 9 were apnroved. Upon motion of Mr. " lien , seconded by "r. Chiasson, the Treasurer' s Report was aoproved and ordered filed. Upon motion of Mr. Allen, seconded by "r . Chiasson, the following bills Nere annroved end ordered paid : Shearman Concrete Pipe Company 9.00 J. L. Russell (Repair to fan Pelt) 1 .00 C. C. Howell , Jr. 135.70 H. and V. B. Lrew Company 16 .1C Arnold Printing and Label Comnsny 16. 45 Dickinson' s Hardware 15.50 Mason Lumber and Supply Company 56.12 Southern Bell Telephone Company 23.74 R. H. Wilkerson and Company 1 .55 Seaboard Oil Company (December) 47.15 The Texas Company ( October and November) 65.04 Joe Robbins 4 .75 Pasco' s Garage ( Sent 1 to Jan 1 ) 25.74 Consolidated Automotive Supply Company 10.27 Clayton' s Radio Service 2.65 Town of Neptune (Four fires) 100.00 City of Jacksonville 71.70 Zaun Equipment Co. ( "onthly payment .greed upon) 100.00 706.95 Much discussion was had with reference to a Council "Member 411, to succeed J. C. Outler resigned. It was the opinion of 7. L. Chiasson that if possible , some man who is not now connected with the Official Family of the Town be appointed to fill this unexpired term. The name of J. A. Crenford had been previous- ly mentioned for this a-nointment end while Mr. Chisasson made it v-r'r plain that he had no personal objection to this appointment, yet he felt that the representation should be a little more general . Mr. Allen placed the name of James A . Cranford to fill the vacancy left by Mr . T. C. Outler and unon a vote , fir. Cranford wes unanimously elected. Upon motion of :`r. Jacobs, seconded by ".r. Chiasson , the following Resolution was unanimously a^^roved : BE IT RESOLVED by the mayor and Town Council of the Town of Atlantic Beach that the mortgage for 1`1000. now..held by the Gulf Life Insurance Company be extended one "Peer from date due . This mortgage to bear interest at the rate of six ner cent Per annum. 100 moon motion of Mr. Jacobs , seconded by Yr . Chiasson, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, through error i<arrants Issued by the Town upon the Treasurer of the Town have been erroneously Prepared and signed, and ',1'77-77:: EAS, the President of the Town Council end the Town Clerk have authorized the •printing of new warrants correcting this error, the error being the manner in which the President of the Town Council end the ^'own Clerk signed the warrants, to wit : the ,Varrants having. heretofore been signed by the -- President of the Town Council and countersigned by the Town Clerk when the charter provides that the warrants be signed by the Town Clerk and countersigned by the President of the Town Council , NO'S TR='FEFOPE BE IT RESOLVED that the mayor end Town Council do hereby ratify and confirm all acts of' the ^resident of the Town Council end the Town Clerk in issuing warrants in the manner indicated above and that all warrants -so issued are hereby fully and completely validated. BE IT FUPTH7,R RESOLVED that the Mayor end Town Council ratify and confirm the action of the President of the Town Council and the Town Clark in having new • errants printed to conform to the provisions of the Charter. The Town Clerk was d'rected to communicate with the Town Attorney in reference to the Oltroggre case and determine the date when nayment should be made of the judgment against the Town, advising the Town Attorney that sufficient time r should be given the Town to make this nayment , inasmuch •as the present budget does not provide for any such nayment. Upon motion of Mr. Jacobs, seconded by "r . Chiesson, the sum of . 500. was set aside to nay upon bi 1 l s against the Town for the construction of the farhege Incinerator. This • 500 is to be paid out as follows: To pay the entire bill of the • Shearman Concrete Pipe Company and prorate the balance between ','ason Lumber and Supply Company, Florida '.'`achine and - Foundry Company and Farquhar Machinery Comoar_y. Mr. Jacobs called attention to the condition of Salt- air Boulevard caused by the washing away of shoulders. Saltair Boulevard being a County Road , ' it - was decided that Council Members would et some opportune time advise the County Bngineer of the condition of this Road, ; n case he does not know about it. The question of the water rnorks end fire fighting equipment came in for considerable discussion. The Council indicated that there were favorable to some joint arrangement between Atlantic and 'leptune Beach whereby a new- engine - • would be purchased for use in both Towns , if such a plan can be worked out. In reference to the water situation, es usual - this matter was discussed end at the -resent time nothing could be found that would justify any action on the part of the Town, except that the Mayor submitted a communication from the State - Board of Health call ing upon the Town for a survey of the water system. The letter from the State Board of Health was turned over to the City Supervisor and by unanimous consent the City Supervisor was instructed to lay before the State Board of Health all the facts with reference to this water system and to make citation to the deficiency in the system end to call upon the State Board of Health, if 1.th- in their power, to make a survey of the water situation and particularly demand of -7. H. Adams the installation of a chlorination Plant in connection with this water !forks. There being no further business for consideration, the meeting was adjourned. L,947 ide .t 1:.t. 1 ant c Beach Town Council ttte //f � / n�^ir C er'�