03-10-42 v • MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TON COUNCIL, HELD AT THE TO YN HALL 'T 8 P.M: M' PCH 10, 1942. The clerk called the roll and the following members answered present: H. G. Isaacs, E. L. Chiasson S. g. Jacobs James P . 7ranford Mayor, G. L. Rosborough Tovn Attorney, C. C. Howell ,Jr. The President c' lled the meeting to order and the Clerk read the minutes of the regular monthly meeting of February 10, 1942, which upon motion of Mr. F. L. Chiasson, seconded by Mr. Jacobs, were approved as read. The Clerk read the minutes of the Special meeting of February 19, 1942, which upon motion of Mr. Chiasson , seconded by Mr. Jacobs were a'proved as read. Mr. Cranford, the Town Treasurer submitted his usual monthly financial reports , -Mich, upon motion of Mr. Chiasson, seconded by Mr. Jacobs, were approved and ordered filed. Upon motion of Mr. Cranford , seconded by Mr. Chiasson, the following bills were approved and ordered paid when funds are available : Southern Bell Telephone Co. 8. 77 Atlantic National Bank ( Insurance) 41.53 The Texas Company 5 .94 N. A . Reifsnyder 1 .75 Shell Oil Company 27.30 J. H. Oetjen 15.00 F. A . Burke , signs 3.50 R. E. Wilkerson and Co. 2.45 Dickinson' s F. rdware 1 . 40 Mason Lumber and Supply Company 6.50 Duval Motor Company 3.50 Joe Robbins 14.76 C . C. Howell , Jr. 79.33 Florida Times Union 11.06 Zaun Equipment Company (bal ) 100.00 J. L. Russell ( Siren) 10.00 33 3--- 9 Upon motion of Mr. Chiasson, seconded by Mr. Jacobs, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: That the President of the Town Council and the Town Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to borrow the sum of $1500.00 from a Bank in Duval County for a period of ninety days and that such authority be granted in accordance with zresolution adopted September 9, 1941 . The account of R. E. Sugg was discussed, and it was the unanimous opinion that Mr. Sugg should be required to pay up all taxes and assessments, giving him time to make such settlement as may be made under a new loan agreement he now has with the First Federal Savings and Loan Co. The Town Attorney returned the Ordinance entitled "AN 41/6 ORDINANCE PROVIDING 'OR BLPCKOUTS AND OTHER MEIN S OF PROTECTION AGAINST ATTACKS UPON THIS MUNICIPALITY BY ENEMIES OF THE UNITED STATES AND THEIR AGENTS; PROVIDING THE POWER, DUTIES AND OBLIGATIONS OF MUNICIPAL OFFICERS, AGENTS AND EMPLOYEES DURING BLACKOUTS AND OTHER PRO T.CTIONAT'Y MEASURES: MAKING ALL AIR RAID NAREENS AND OTHER AGENTS AND APPOINTEES OF THE STATE DEFENSE COUNCIL EX-OFFICIO MUNICIPAL OFFICERS AND AGENTS; 'RESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE; PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS OF CERTAIN ORDERS, RULES AND REGULATIONS ADOPTED OR APPROVED BY THE FLORIDA STATE DEFENSE COUNTIL, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY: " with his approval. This ordinance was placed upon third and final reeding. The clerk read it. Thereupon Mr. Jacobs moved that this ordinance be passed on third end final reading; the motion was seconded by Mr. Cranford and the ordinance was unanimously passed on third and final reading. Considerable discussion was had in reference to rememdies for the water works situation nerticulorly in reference to its dependability in case of an emergency. The Clerk read a letter from Joe 'Yilliamson, Jr. , renresentative of Russell and _Axon , Town' s Engineer' s for e waterworks. The Clerk was directed to write 'f . Williamson and ask that he come to " tlantic Peach on an actual expense bases for the purpose of determining the action necess- ry for the immediate future end to prepare an application to the 1. P. B. for a priority ra'-ing for such material as is now needed for en emergency tie-in. The City Supervisor explained in reference to arrange- ments for hauling shell for both the Plaza extension and Sherry ?'rive from 4th to Plaza; that by trading use of truck and working with the Prm and County considerable road repair is being done . The Town Attorney explained in reference to both Sewell account and ldvalorem taxes by T. H. Pdams: He asked that the Clerk be authorized and directed to prepare a certification of 1941 taxes for necessary action immediately upon delinquent date , Ipril 1 , 1942. Upon motion of Mr. Jacobs, seconded by Mr. Cranford, the Clerk was so directed. Mr. Howell explained that he had had a talk with A. W. Knight, Special Master in the suit against M. /dams for Seawall Account and that Mr. Knight had stated that he would submit the findings within the next two or three weeks. There haing no further business for consideration the meeting was adjourned. 401( eS'idenk , JZAP-'1" Atlantic Peach Town Council 4100,-- ktt-s • �i/w T. - erkjoge 4