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08-25-42 v
MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TO VN COUNCIL HELD ON AUGUST 25, 1942 st 8 P. M. AT T-7, TO'7N MPLL. Becmuse of s lack of a quorum on August 11, 1942 when the regular monthly T meeting w..s lawfully scheduled the Clerk adjourned the meeting from dey to dey to rugut 25, 1942 when a quorum was present. The Clerk administered the Oath of Office to Mr. G. L. Posborough, !'Fyor end to the following newly elected members of the Town Council. H; G. Isaacs • E. L. Chissson S. S. Jacobs Beale Travis • Mr. James A. Crs.nford was absent. Upon motion of ':_r. Jacobs, seconded by Mr. Trcvis, Mr. Henry G. Isaacs wPs elected President of the Council for the ensueing year. IIIUpon motion of Mr. Jacobs, seconded by Yr. Trs.vis, Yr. E. L. Chiesson wss elected Vice President for the ensueing year. Upon motion of "r. Chips-on, seconded by Mr. Travis, Mr. C. C. Fr&zier was appointed City Supervisor, Town Clerk, Tex Collector and Building Inspector for R term of two years. Upon motion of "r. Jacobs, seconded b; Mr. Travis, Mr. J. L. Russell was eppninted Town Marshal. Upon motion of Mr. Chissson, seconded by Yr. Jacobs , Mr. Brooke G. White was €appointed Tax Assessor for the ensueing year. Upon motion of Mr. Travis ,-seconded by Mr. Ch1 sson, Mr. Orville Vickers was appointed Trersurer for the ensueing two years. Upon motion of Mr. TrQvi , seconded by Mr. Chiesson, Yr. Don E. Goodling was appointed Municipal Judge for the usuel term of office. Upon motion of a'r. J cobs, seconded by Yr. Chissson, Mr. C. C. Hotell, Jr. was appointed Town Attorney. 04 • Upon motion of Mr. Chissson, seconded by Mr. Travis, the minutes of the regular monthly meeting of July 14, 1942 end the ad- journed meeting thereof were approved. ' Upon motion of Mr. Chi�:sson, seconded by Mr: Travis, the minutes of the Speciel meeting of August 11, 1942 were approved. Mr. Vickers, the Town Treasurer, submitted his usue-1 monthly finencial report, which upon r:otion nf° Mr. Travis, seconded by Mr. Chiasson, were approved :-nd ordered filed. Upon motion of Mr. Travis, seconded by Mr . Chi asson, the following bills were approved end ordered paid. Gulf Life Insurance Company ! 15.00 H. & W.B.Drew Company (City Licenses) 9.21 Consolidated Automotive Co. 12.31 T. P. Janes 11.75 R.E. Wilkerson & Co. 3.10 ' 40_11 \ Mason Lumber Company 1.06 I Beach Printing Comp?ny 3.60 Joseph H9Delsh Company 89.03 Shell Oil Company 74.36 Southern Bell Tele. & Telegraph Co. 5.46 Scotts Be-ch Service (Meals for prisoners) 13.80 Bill 's Garage 1.50 241.08 Upon motion of Mr. Chiaasoon, seconded by Yr. Travis, the Clerk VIPs authorized to s.dvonce the sum of $35.00 to the gsrboge truck driver, to be deducted from his poy st the rate of r10.00 per month. Upon motion of Mr. Chiasson, seconded by Yr. Travis, pend unanimously adopted, the Clerk wes directed to execute on Insurance premium contract to be dated September 14, 1942, payable to the Atlantic Notional Ronk at Jacksonville , Florida, covering various insurance policies, issued by Clifford A. Payne andG rriscn Company ©n cars, trucks , workmen's compensation, buildings, etc. The following Resolution introduced by ?'`r. Travis and seconded by Mr. Chirsson, 'rias unnr_imously adopted. "WHEREAS, the summer house on Lot 6 , Block 27, is unsightly, in very bad repair and is being used by unknown persons in ouch a manner as renders It at menance to the he elth of the community, NOW THEREFORE BF IT RESOLVED by the Town Council that it is the findings of the Town Council of Atlantic Reoch, Florida. thot the sold structure is dangerous or etrii ental to the citizens of the said Town and that it involves an undue risk to the health, morols, convenience and safety of such citizens , and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the slid Town Council hereby directs4110 that the Toon Clerk of the s i_d Town of Atlantic Beach notify the lawful owners, in writing, of the above named property tho'- some must be repaired or removed within forty-five days from the date of said notice in writing. Preliminary Tax Roll was parsed until the next regular monthly meeting in order to permit the Committee of Finance and Taxation to meet with the Tax Assessor and Town Clerk and further go into certain phases of this tax roll . A lengthy discussion was hod in reference to Tar Risk Insurance on the Sea "Tall. The chair requested the Mayor and Counci loran Travis to make *. thorough study of this plotter apt the very earliest possible date and report their findings. The President of the Courci1 named the following committee for the i nsueing year. The t3resi dent of the Town Council ex officio member of each committee. Finance and Texation; James A. Cranford, Chairman, Beale Traavi:o and Henry G. Issscs. li Public ;forks: S. S. Jacobs, James A . Cranford and Henry G. Isaacs. Police and Public Safety: Beale Travis, E. I . Thiessen and Henry G. Issacs. • There being no further business for consideration the meeting was adjourned. President Atlantic Beech Town Council A ttes //0e Tow Cle