12-01-42 v MINUTES OF THE 7EGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TONN COUNCIL HELD AT THE TONN HALL AT 7:30 P. M. Dec. 1 , 1942 Present: H. G. Isaacs E. L. Chiesson James A . Cranford Beale Travis The Mayor and Town Attorney The President , Mr. Isaacs called the meeting to order. The Clerk read the minutes of the regular monthly meet- ing of Nov. 10, 1942 , which !!ere apnroved as read. Mr. Vickers , the Town Treasurer submitted his usual monthly financial report , which upon motion of Mr. Cranford , second-:d by Mr. Travis , was approved and ordered filed . Upon motion of Mr. Cranford , seconded by Mr. Travis , the following bills were approved and ordered /Aid The Texas Company 30.16 ::hell Oil Comna ny 45 .10 Florida Hardware Company 3. 80 Consolidated Automotive Co. 9.46 F . R. Rosborough & Bro. , Inc. 10.00 Atlantic Nat' l Bank ( Ins . ) 43.71 Mitchell & Donshoo (Carl Altrogge ) 547.92 City Cf Jacksonville Beach (Radio) 30.00 Upon motion of i:r. Cranford , seconded by Mr. Travis , the following bills , same being the balances due on the in- cinderator account , were ordered Haid. These bills include all interest due to date and represents all outstanding in- debtedness against the incinerator account. Mason Lumber & Supply Company 560.23 R & F 1 .95 Inc . 558.28 Fla . Machine & Foundry Co. 223.15 Farauaher Machine Co. 368.00 By unanimous consent the Clerk was ordered to nay in full the note at the 'Beach 13Rnk , due Dec. 15 , 1942 , for $1 ,000. Upon motion of Mr. Cranford, seconded by Mr. Travis, the Clerk was ordered to ,ay one -half of the outstanding attorney ' s fee due Mr. C. C. Howell , Tr. , $953.98 (476. 99) in the Adams Seawall suit. In addition the Clerk was ordered to osy Mr. Howell the sum of $61 . 42, which is the amount of expense incurred in this suit , total $538. 41 . The matter of retention of the old U. S. O. Building at Jacksonville Beech , which is being used as en Nmergency Hospital was raised. The President explained the action al- ready taken by the U. S. 0. and the City of Jacksonville Beech and it appearing from this that should the help of Atlantic Beach be needed further in the matter , advice will be received , the matter was passed. The Clerk read a letter froTTI John A. Tischer, express- ing his appreciation for the manner in which the Town ' s affirs are run , nhich letter ,W-S file.! for information. • The Clerk was authorized to investigate the price of some additional chairs for the Town Hall . Mr. Travis raised the Question of the efficiency of the Police Radio. After discussion the Marshal was directed to take the necessary time to have the radio thoroughly gone over. Mr. Rosborough raised the question of condition of various roads in the Town, particularly the connecting link between Atlantic Boulevard and Seminole Beach Road, which roads have been damaged by army vehicles and which road is a county road, largely used by Army and Navy traffic. The City Supervisor was directed to make an investigation and determine whether or not some work can be done on this road, either by the County or the Army. Maj . Harcourt Bull a. former City Councilman and now connected with the Army Air Corps was a visitor. There being no further business for consideration the meeting adjourned. J2-4Le - Press t Atlantic 'beech Town Council Attest j To • �l