02-11-41 v MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MONTHLY METING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TOWN COUNCIL HELD AT THE TOWN HALL AT 8 P. M. FEBRUARY 11 , 411/ 1941 . The Clerk called the roll and the following members answered present: E. L. Chiasson J. C. Cutler Harcourt Bull Fred Allen The Mayor, Mr. G. L. Rosborough, was also present. The meeting was called to order by E. L. Chiasson, Vice-:'resident. The Clerk read the minutes of the regular monthly meeting of January 14, i941, which upon motion of Mr. Outler, seconded by Mr. Allen, were approved as read. ine regular order of business was suspended in 410 order teat martin G. Williams, President and Mr. Couzens, Secretary of the Jacksonville beach Chamber of Commerce could oe neard. both made brief talks telling of the progress already made and asked the cooperation of tne Town Council. Upon motion of Mr. Cutler, seconded by Mr. bull , the regular monthly report of James Cranford, Town Treasurer, was received, approved and ordered filed. Upon motion of Mr. Cutler, seconded by Mr. Bull , tne following bills were approved and ordered paid: Southern Bell Telepnone Co. 7.20 Town Attorney, C. C. Howell , Jr. 15.00 Dickinson ' s Hardware b.02 Snell Oil Company 23.00 Wilkerson-Martin Company 1.70 H. and W. B. Drew Company 19.59 Gulf Life Insurance Company 15.00 Shell Oil Company 49.00 The Texas Company 5.42 410 Atlantic National Bank kInsurance) 52.6 City of Jacksonville 12.10 mason Lumber and Supply Company 8.76 am. A. Estaver Company 14.50 Volunteer Fire Dept. Neptune 25.00 Dowling and ?attison 6.00 Walter Pasco 1.50 262.41 A discussion was nad in reference to the water- works project and it was decided to call a special meeting at a later date for the purpose of setting advisable legal machinery in action in tnis connection. The bill regulating the installation of liquified gas was referred to tne Laws and Rules Committee. A letter report was received from the Town Attorney advising in reference to the Adams suits and nis progress on corrective legislation to be submitted to the coming term of the State Legislature. Mr. Bull, Chairman of the Laws and Rules Committee, reported nis conference witn the Town Attorney in reference to various proposed Ordinances and other legal matters. Mr. Bull introduced an Ordinance entitled: 411/1 AN ORDINANCE Providing for tne Declaration and Abatement of Nuisance of Certain Houses, Walks, Sidewalks or otner Structures in tne Town of Atlantic Beach, Duval County, Florida and Imposing in this Behalf Certain Penalties, and moved its passage on r'irst reading, Mr. Outler seconded tne motion and tne Ordinance was passed on first reading. Mr. bull moved the passage of tnis Ordinance on Second Reading, gar. Outler seconded the motion, and the Ordinance was passed on second reading. The matter of replacement of steps at street ends was discussed and left to the City Supervisor to work out. Mr. Allen introduced tne following . Resolution, which was seconded by inr. cutler and unanimously passed: WHEREAS, the growth of the Beach Communities, comprising • Atlantic Deacn, Neptune beach, .Jacksonville beach, Ponta Vedra and Mayport, nas been such tnat, as a whole , the Jacksonville Beaches now rigntfully nave a place among .ne first of Florida resorts in every respect, and WHEREAS, such growth calls for more concerted effort on the part of all citizens in tiie Communities to look to and plan for the future for nigger and better things , and WHEREAS, there nas long been a need for more coordinated effort on the part of all five communities , and +MHEREAS, there nas been formed a Chamber of Commerce for tne Jacksonville Beaches, designed to equally serve all the communities and to represent them in all matters looking to tne betterment of economical , recreational , educational and nealtnful conditions under which we live, NO ', THEREFORE, HE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF ATLANTIC BEACH that The said Chamber of Commerce oe , and it. is nereby un- reservedly endorsed by tne said mayor and Town Council , and that tne said mayor and each of the wemoers of tne Council do severally and collectively pledge full support to the said Chamoer 01 Commerce , ,,;na uo ciereoy commend tnis movement to all the citizens of the Town of Atlantic Beach and urge weir full cooperation and support, ;.nd BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of tnis Resolution be furnished tne office of tree said Chamber of Commerce and to the cress. The clerk read a letter from Mrs. H. J . Isaacs of tree peach nealtn Council , ..uicu, ..itn all attached literature , was received as information. The Clerk read a letter i rola one nealtn and welfare Council , i.nenxlu6 council for help on toe Community Christmas tree. The Clerk read a letter addressed to tne council President, signed by r:lizabetn U. Slater, complaining relative • to .,ne vicinity vi i,ar mouse on 'tenth Street. This letter was referred back to Mr. Isaacs for whatever answer he cares to make. The Mayor asked that someone be designated as the Official Representative of the Town to attend monthly Health Unit meetings. It was decided that not one, but as many members of the Council as possible and the Mayor attend the meetings. There being no further business for consideration, the meeting was adjourned. .LIJr President Atlantic Beac Town Council Attest: '444' Town 't rk